Chapter 12 Escape 1
Qingyun spread his hands indifferently, looked at the top of his head, and smiled strangely.

The gangster's heart jumped, he stared at her vigilantly, and stopped, thinking that the two of them had some conspiracy.

He glanced back and forth at the two of them and saw that there was nothing unusual about the two of them. They both looked at the top of his head and slowly raised their heads.

What I could see was a big mouth with blood, drooling, facing him, a pair of cold fangs, no more than an arm's distance away from him...

A strong stench came over him.


The gangster screamed in fright, his face turned pale immediately, he subconsciously waved his arm to attack the python, the dagger slid across the python's jaw, and a scratch was made.

He cried out in horror: "Don't come, don't come!"

The gangster's resistance stimulated the python, its pupils stood upright in an instant, the snake's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, staring at the gangster, the bloody long tongue sticking out, making a "hissing" sound.

Damn ants, how dare you take something, the king of Zhaben.

The python's head was raised, and it rushed towards the gangster with lightning speed, the saliva from its mouth dripping like running water.

The gangster swung the dagger several times in a row, and the "Qiangqiang" hit the scales, making a golden sound, but the python was not damaged in the slightest.

The gangster's series of actions aroused its fierceness, its erect pupils shrunk into a slit, and the snake tongue spit out, "hissing" attacking the gangster.

The gangster was so frightened that he ran away, like a headless fly, desperate to choose his way.

Where can gangsters outrun the python, the jungle is its home game.No matter which direction he ran, the python would always appear in front of him at the fastest speed, blocking his way.

"Help! Help!"

The gangster shouted for help as he ran, and turned his head to look at the python while running. Seeing that the python was about to chase him, he immediately changed direction.

After the gangster attacked the python, Qingyun and the old man were silent. Hearing the gangster's cry for help, Qingyun rolled his eyes, but he felt funny.

There were only three of them in the woods, and they were still enemies. She wished the gangsters would be eaten by snakes.The broken temple is a little far away from here, and there is no one in the temple, and no one can save him even if he screams.

It really corresponds to the sentence: the law of heaven is clear, the retribution is not happy, it is not that the time is not yet come.

The gangster attracted all the attention of the python, Qingyun suddenly burst out with an explosive force, grabbed the old man and dragged him to run in the opposite direction.

"Run, leave me alone, you won't be able to run far with me, I'm your burden. Wait for the python to swallow the gangster..."

"Shut up, I have a headache just thinking about it! I won't leave you alone. I'm going to die, and I'm going to live."

Qingyun dragged the old man to escape, and it was already very difficult. She was in a hurry and couldn't be discouraged halfway. Once she was discouraged, she couldn't run.

Now I have to suffer from the same nagging from Tang Seng chanting sutras, and my heart is tired.

Qingyun is actually not that great. She is a person who pays attention to clear grievances and revenge.If the old man hadn't come out to save her just now, she would have left the old man and fled for her life.

After a long time, if she doesn't return the favor, she will not be able to pass the test of her conscience.

The old man glanced at Qingyun, sighed, and closed his mouth honestly.

Qingyun was sweating profusely and panting. He seemed to be running fast, but in fact he didn't run very far. There were too many things blocking the way in the woods.

The old man's groomed appearance, after passing through the bushes, is a messy old man again, even worse than the previous image.

 Ask for tickets, ask for collections!
(End of this chapter)

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