Chapter 13 Escape 2
At least the clothes in the past were still in good condition. Now the robe has been scratched several times, and you can see the dark underwear inside.

Of course, the old man didn't feel well, and he was punished by the boss.Qingyun dragged him to escape, his butt was rubbing the ground, and his butt was burning, not to mention the pain, there were stones, dead branches, and thorns on the ground...

Really dying!
The gangster escaped from Shekou again, only to see that the two bastards who were supposed to be damned actually used him as prey to lure the python and ran away by themselves.

He can't live, and they don't want to live either.

He ran with a "Z", shook off the python chasing behind him, and ran straight towards the two fleeing.

"Old man, are your legs better?"

Qing Yun moved one step at a time, holding the old man in his hand and dragging him forward.When I looked back, I saw the gangster leading the python to run here, and I was scolding my mother in my heart.

"It's much better, I'll go by myself."

The old man didn't dare to let Qingyun drag him, and stood up with Qingyun's hand.He was afraid that this old life was not in Shekou's hands, but in his hands.

Seeing that the distance between the gangster and them was getting shorter and shorter, before the old man was ready, Qingyun grabbed the old man and ran, turned around and said with a smile:

"Brother, discuss something with you, can you not follow us! If you get together, one will not survive. If you run down the mountain, it will definitely not chase you."

She scolded him for being insane in her heart, and if conditions allowed, she would smash his head.

The gangster is in good health. After being chased by the snake for so long, his physical strength is not exhausted. He looks much stronger than Qingyun.

The gangster ignored Qingyun and gave her a malicious smile, but looked at the old man, quickly caught up, and had a tendency to overtake.

Qingyun had been on guard against the gangsters attacking the old man, seeing this, he immediately dragged the old man behind her.Who knew that the gangster played a trick, and his target was not the old man, but her.

"go to hell!"

When she overtook Qingyun, the dagger slashed her arm fiercely, her skin was torn open, and blood immediately poured out.

The thick smell of blood floated in the air.

Qingyun secretly said: "Oops!"

I was careless and was used as bait by the gangsters!
The python chasing behind, smelling the bloody smell in the air, locked his eyes on Qing Yun, and then moved away from Qing Yun, and then transferred to the gangster, locking him.

Before and after but a breath.

The three who escaped were not found.

"Bastard, don't fall into the hands of this young master."

Qingyun let out a low curse, let go of the old man, and gave him a hand.The old man who was caught off guard rolled into the grass next to him.

It happened to be a slope over there, and the old man rolled all the way down without even a pause.Fortunately, there were no rocks and trees blocking the way, otherwise the old man would not end well.

The old man's scolding came from afar: "You bastard..."

"Old man, find a chance to run!"

Qingyun rolled her eyes at her bleeding arm, she couldn't run away, but she didn't want the gangster to escape.He stared fiercely at the gangster ahead and tried his best to chase after him.

If she were to die, she would have to pull him together.

One desperately ran, the other desperately chasing, both of them wanted the other to be the bait.

Qingyun hinted to himself, hurry up, hurry up, run at the speed of lightning, and always feel that the distance between the two seems to be shortening.

The distance between the python and the two of them is also shortening...

Qingyun looked back and saw the python, who was getting closer and closer to her, wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only run away desperately, and by the way, he greeted the gangster's ancestors for the eighteenth generation.

(End of this chapter)

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