Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 112 Smell in a Dream

Chapter 112 Smell in a Dream

After the discussion, the three of them acted separately.

"Those two, leave it to you."

Qing Yun threw the key to Bai Yanheng, turned back and entered the cell.

Bai Yanheng stood outside the dungeon door, and Bai Shaojie went in and brought out the two guards, threw them beside the dungeon door, locked the dungeon door, put the keys back on their waists, and left.

In the small woods not far from the cottage, the wind brushed the leaves, and two people suddenly appeared in the woods.These two people were Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie. As soon as they appeared, a group of people appeared in the darkness, kneeling on the ground.


At this time, Bai Yanheng lost the casualness he had when he was in front of Qingyun, his whole body could not hide his dignified temperament, his eyes were cold and indifferent, and he looked towards the cottage over there expressionlessly.

"Did what I said fall on deaf ears?"

Bai Yanheng's voice was not harsh, it could be considered gentle, but Bai Shaojie's face turned pale, and with a "bang", he knelt on the ground, holding the saber in one hand, and the saber was deeply buried in the ground, staring down at the ground.

"My lord, I haven't forgotten. Shangguan Qingyun's guards said that he was timid and cowardly, and that his personal maidservant and the captain of the guard made decisions about everything. The Shangguan Qingyun I met tonight is like two people described by his guards. "

"He acts as he pleases, his methods are decisive and ruthless, and his selfishness is very serious. The people in the cottage imprisoned him, and he wanted to use the hand of the master to provoke the entire people in the cottage. His heart is vicious. Such a person is not easy to control. Master, you have a noble status , shouldering the important task of revitalizing the Bai family, you can't follow him to take risks. This person is not good, you can find another one. "

"Find another one? Do you think it's easy to find a suitable identity?" Bai Yanheng muttered to himself.

At the beginning, Shangguan Qingyun was chosen because of his identity and his ability to control. The Shangguan Qingyun I saw today is indeed different from what the guards described, not a person who is easy to control.

But apart from Shangguan Qingyun, where else in the world can he stay in the Bai family?

"Don't take this as an example!" Bai Yanheng said, "You have to remember that Shangsu Bai's family no longer exists. I am no longer Bai Yanheng of Shangsu Bai's family. I am just the guard of Shangguan Qingyun, the seventh-rank county magistrate. From now on, we must obey him. Command. He is the master, at least on the surface. Do you understand?"

"Yes! This subordinate obeys!" Bai Shaojie understood, and got up to stand by.

"Bai Yi, today's operation is cancelled. In the future, you should find an opportunity to approach him and find a way to join his team. Shaojie, tell Bai Yi about the plan and send a few people to investigate the cottage."

The original plan was that they brought Bai Yi and the others over under the pretext of saving lives so that Bai Yi and the others could join Shangguan Qingyun's team.Now this plan doesn't work, Shangguan Qingyun wants to stay in the cell.


Bai Yi knew who this 'he' was referring to.

There was silence in the woods again.


Tian Duoliang returned to the cell without waking anyone up, looked around at the people who were sleeping soundly, walked to the corner, and was about to push Song Wenqian to wake him up, but saw Song Wenqian slapped his hand away.

"Where is Qingyun?" Song Wenqian asked, he woke up and found that Qingyun was nowhere to be seen, and he was almost scared to death.Worried about alarming other people, close your eyes and wait.

Tian Duoliang was startled, and patted his chest, "At the back, his guards are here."

Song Wenqian didn't ask how the two of them got out, he squinted his eyes and stopped talking. No one knew what the old man was thinking.

Tian Duoliang waited for a while, but before he asked, Tian Duoliang couldn't hold back and couldn't help but speak out.

"When we came back, we got into a fight with them, thinking they were people from the cottage. The two guards were highly skilled in martial arts, and wanted to take Qingyun away, but Qingyun disagreed, and he said he would save you and go away together."

If old man Song and the child hadn't been there, Qing Yun would have left with his guards long ago.No, to be precise, he won't be caught. "Hey, before no one knows about it, Qingyun brought it back for you guys." Tian Duoliang stuffed the package into his hands, not to mention anything else, the walls have ears, if someone overheard it, they would be dead.

He took out a few steamed buns from the package, and shook Old Man Li awake. Before he could speak, the steamed buns were stuffed into his mouth, and then he went to shake Lanhua to wake him up. Before she could speak, he also stuffed the steamed buns into her mouth.

The father and daughter were stunned, subconsciously chewing what was in their mouths, and after finding out that it was steamed buns, they began to gobble it up without Tian Duoliang's words.

When the child was woken up by Song Wenqian, he was about to call "Brother" when the mouth was blocked by the fragrant and soft steamed buns. The child couldn't remember anything and started to eat hard.

A group of people rustled like thieves, staring at the other people in the cell, listening to the movement with their ears, and when they heard someone moving, they stopped immediately, and continued when the person stopped moving. Eat up.

The old man Li and his daughter found out that Qingyun was not there, Mr. Song didn't ask, neither did they.On the contrary, the child wanted to ask his brother where he was going several times, but Tian Duoliang stuffed steamed buns to block his mouth.

A package of steamed buns was smeared and eaten by several people. After eating, they were worried that there would be evidence of guilt on their mouths. Several people wiped their mouths, worried that they had not been wiped clean, and wiped them with their sleeves.

The piece of cloth was not lost, it was not safe to throw it anywhere, and finally managed to wrap it around the child's waist.

The child was still thinking about his brother, and just about to ask where his brother was, Song Wenqian covered the child's mouth and whispered in his ear, "I don't want to kill your brother, don't ask, you don't know anything, You are sleeping, your brother has been sleeping here, we are all sleeping here, understand?"

Song Wenqian was worried that the child would be small, so he would accidentally speak out with a bald mouth. He would not speak out unless it was related to Qingyun's life or death.

Shangguan Qingtian covered his mouth and nodded, but he didn't say anything.

Just as they were about to fall asleep, they saw a dark figure outside open the cell door and come in, then touched them and sat down.

The child immediately crawled out from Song Wenqian and crawled into Qingyun's arms.Qingyun patted the child who was afraid of being dishonest, and reprimanded him: "What are you doing watching me, why don't you sleep?"

Several people immediately closed their eyes and fell asleep.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Qingyun and his party woke up. The cell was pitch-black, and it was unclear whether it was dawn or not, and their ears were full of chattering voices.

"I had a dream last night, and I smelled the aroma of steamed buns." Wang Chaodong said, "There are so many steamed buns, white and tender, placed in front of me, and each one is as big as a dustpan. I picked one up and took a bite,' Pon' gone."

Wang Chaodong regretfully smashed his mouth.

Qingyun and the others were expressionless, and there was no wave in their hearts. Old man Li, father and daughter felt guilty, and dared not look at anyone.

"I smell it too."

"I also smell the aroma of steamed buns, and buns filled with meat."

Many people in the cell said that they were dreaming, dreaming of steamed buns and buns.

Qingyun smashed it and said: "What is it to dream of steamed buns? I dreamed of chicken, duck, fish, stewed chicken with small mushrooms. The stewed chicken was so rotten. When I picked it up with chopsticks, the chicken and chicken bones were separated... "

The people around were so greedy that they sucked their saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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