Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 113 Out of the Cell

Chapter 113 Out of the Cell

"Hey, look, is there a light over there?"

Qingyun's dream hadn't finished yet, when suddenly someone pointed at the door of the dungeon and shouted, and everyone's eyes were immediately attracted.

Everyone looked over, and sure enough, a light suddenly appeared at the entrance of the dungeon, a faint halo, getting brighter and brighter from far to near.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they lay on the door of the cell and looked out curiously.

Qingyun and the others were startled, then looked at each other, suspicious: Could it be that what happened last night was discovered so quickly?

"Dinner early this morning?" Someone asked the people around him.

Staying in the dark and damp cell all day, people are confused, what they look forward to the most is to have dinner.There are only two conditions for dinner, light and the sound of gongs.When there is light, just wait for the sound of the gong.

The people in the cell waited and waited, but the sound of the gong didn't ring, but instead they vaguely heard the sound of scolding and cursing.

Qingyun and the others breathed a sigh of relief, they didn't come to look for them.

"Why is there no gong sound, nothing will happen, right?"

After waiting left and right, they couldn't hear the sound of the gong, and many people began to panic.

"Little brother, what do you think they are?" Wang Chaoming glanced at the door of the dungeon, and then squeezed to Qing Yun's side. The abnormality of the cell also made their team uneasy.

Qingyun stroked his chin, pondering deeply, everyone looked at him nervously, and then heard her say: "I don't know, what are you anxious about, just take a look and you'll know."

Wang Chaoming: "..."

Tian Duoliang: "..."

Everyone: "..."

I don't know how long you have been thinking about it?They were nervous in vain.Who doesn't know that there will be results after waiting and seeing, it's up to you to say.

Everyone murmured these words in their hearts, they didn't bother to talk to her, and continued to stare at the door of the dungeon.

Soon, everyone saw two teams of villagers from the cottage, holding torches, holding up their strength, and standing at the door of the cell next door.

Everyone was afraid, afraid, worried, no one spoke, just watched.

The door of the cell next door was opened, and the villager who opened the door swung his horsewhip. There was a crisp "snap", as if it hit everyone, and the refugee shivered subconsciously.

"Come out! Come out! Get out of everyone inside."

The villagers yelled again and no one came out, and they became impatient for a moment. They entered the cell with a whip and beat the refugees severely. A miserable scream of pain resounded through the cell.

The refugee in the cell came out while avoiding the whip.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, why bother!If you come out early, it's over, and you can't hide, you have to be whipped to come out, it's not for nothing that you get whipped!

This time, Qingyun didn't cover the child's eyes, letting him look directly at these cruel scenes.On the way of fleeing famine, anything can happen. Dead bodies can be seen everywhere on the road, and the scene of beating people is nothing.

Besides, the children of Shangguan's family are not so delicate.

"It's our turn, everyone take the initiative to avoid being whipped." Qingyun explained to their people.

Tian Duoliang and the others nodded, they were not stupid.

When Wang Chaoming heard what she said, he also explained to Lao Ba, and Lao Ba went to inform their people.

All the refugees in the cell over there came out, the cell was locked, and the villagers drove them out, and then opened another cell to drive them out.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up, it's not about going out to behead, hurry up, something good is waiting for you."

Seeing people who were dragging their feet and not leaving, the villagers used a horsewhip in the past. The person who was whipped screamed, did not dare to resist, and silently endured the pain and continued to move forward.

Hearing that they were not driven to die, the refugees finally walked faster.Only slightly faster of course.

It was Qingyun's turn to be in the cell, and as soon as the cell door was opened, everyone lined up and walked out without the villagers outside urging them.

Villagers waving horsewhips waiting to be whipped: "..."

"Hurry up!" The villager said with a gloomy face, whipping his horsewhip on the wooden post of the prison cell, and locked the door when someone came out.

Seeing what Qingyun and the others did in the cell behind, everyone imitated the example. As soon as the cell door was opened, they slipped out, which caused the villager's horsewhip to fail to play its role.

It was bright outside, and the sun was hanging high in the sky. The dazzling light made everyone close their eyes subconsciously.

But after staying in the cell for a day, everyone felt as if a year had passed, greedily looking at the scenery outside, and breathing the free air.

The scenery outside is not very good, except for the training ground and the stables, but in the eyes of everyone, it is a hundred times more beautiful than the dark prison cell.

Qingyun also took a deep breath, and what she smelled was a strong smell of horse dung, which made her almost vomit, and immediately shut her mouth.

The mighty crowd did not go to the house in front, but bypassed the stable and went to the back mountain through the side door behind the stable.

Qingyun glanced left and right, then glanced back, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the plan from last night was stillborn again - died young.Qingyun was annoyed, if she knew about the transfer today, she would have lit a fire in the kitchen last night, and if she had nothing to eat, neither would those bandits.


"Master, there is movement in the village. Bai Shiyi sent the news. The villagers released the refugees in the dungeon and drove them all to the back mountain. There is a road leading to the mine in the back mountain. Those refugees should go to the mine. field."

In the dark woods, a shadow flashed and reported to somewhere in the sky.

Their people found out the situation of the cottage last night.

When he received the information, everyone was taken aback.No one expected that two mines were found in the cottage, one iron mine and one silver mine.

Mining requires miners, that's why the Shanzhai captured so many refugees and came back to mine for them.

Some of their people stayed here to monitor the movement of the cottage, and some went to the mine to investigate the situation.

"The refugees are all going to the mine, and the young master and the others are also going to the mine. What should we do now?" Bai Shaojie looked at Bai Yanheng.

If Shangguan Qingyun left with them last night, there would not be so many troubles.

Bai Yanheng frowned, feeling a little troubled, and then said, "Send someone to follow and see which mine they go to."

"Yes." A black shadow flashed in the woods, and it became calm again.


Going out from the back door is a road of three or four meters, which winds around halfway up the mountain, and finally disappears into the mountains.

The mighty refugees could not see the end in front and the end in the back. They were driving on the mountain road, and there were bushes and jungles on both sides of the mountain road. From here, you could see the foot of the mountain below and the forest in the distance.

After going up the mountain road, many people's minds became active, and their eyes turned around, looking at the forests on both sides for a while, and at the cottage villagers on both sides who detained them.

The number of cottagers who detained them this time was much smaller than the ones who arrested them last time. There was only one of them about ten meters away, with a big knife on his waist and a horsewhip in his hand, waving it from time to time, urging the refugees to hurry up. Walk.

(End of this chapter)

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