Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 114 All have ideas

Chapter 114 All have ideas
Qingyun's mind was also active, he scanned the forests on both sides, and then the villagers who were being escorted.

The few of them are in a good position, just in the middle of the two villagers, four or five meters in front and four or five meters behind. If they encounter a corner, plan carefully, and maybe they can take the opportunity to escape.

Qingyun's eyes flickered. When he arrested them last time, his hands were tied with ropes. This time, there were fewer people in custody, and the ropes were not tied. The guards were too loose, as if the people in the cottage were not worried about them running away.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Qingyun did not act rashly, and suppressed his thoughts.She doesn't come out, there are more people in the class, let them explore the way.

Tian Duoliang squeezed to Qingyun's side, glanced left and right, bumped her arm, Qingyun turned to look at him, Tian Duoliang leaned over and said, "I think this is a good opportunity."

Then he motioned Qingyun to look at the forests on both sides. Once people entered the forest, it would not be so easy for those villagers to chase them back.

What's more, Qingyun still has guards hidden in the dark, with them covering him, he can definitely escape.

"We are not the only ones who think this way, and many, many people must think so too. Don't worry, let's see first. We are only a few people, and Wang Chaoming and the others are dozens of people. Is he not in a hurry? He must be anxious, but you Did you see him move?"

Looking at Tian Duoliang who was anxious, irritated and impulsive, Qingyun was terribly calm.

"This kind of thing comes sooner rather than later. If someone runs first and disturbs the people in the cottage, the guards behind them will be stricter, and it will not be so easy to come again." Tian Duoliang said.

Qing Yun looked at him with raised eyebrows, and then smiled, "Others can understand what you understand. Looking back, how many people came up with this idea? They are more patient than you."

Tian Duoliang didn't look back, he had already seen it, but he found that there were too many people who wanted to run away, so he thought they should run away first.

"Did you see them?" Qingyun nodded his chin to the escort in front.

Tian Duoliang nodded.

"When we were arrested yesterday, there were 500 people in total, and the number of escorts on the road was about [-]! On average, about [-] or [-] people were escorted by one person."

Qingyun picked up the walking child and hugged him, the child was really good, he walked by himself after leaving the cell, no one needed to hold him.This time Qingyun took the initiative to hug him, but the child was very happy.

Qingyun held the child in one hand, shook his wrist, and said: "So many people are being escorted, our hands are still tied, so we are afraid that we will run away halfway. Look back and forth, how many people are escorted today, how many refugees are there?" How much, this time the hands are not tied, it is not easier to run away."

Aside from Qingyun, Tian Duoliang didn't notice these details. He looked around and saw that the number of people was at least several thousand, which was more than ten times higher.

Such an analysis seems to be problematic.

"You mean, they have problems?"

"It's hard to say, who knows that they are talking empty and sincere, or playing tricks! Anyway, we don't move, and it's not too late to wait for others to move. We can always find opportunities after such a long road."

Qingyun gave him a look that you understand, and let Tian Duoliang taste it by himself.I don't know what happened to Tian Ta Liangpin, so he said oh, and he smiled meaningfully, so he didn't worry.

"They want to kill chickens and respect monkeys! Damn, these people are really poisonous."

Tian Duoliang figured out the result, and his heart felt cold for a while, but fortunately Qingyun could hold back, if he was as impulsive as him, he would have been cold for a long time.

After scanning the jungle on both sides, I don't know how many people are hiding inside, it seems that someone is going to be in bad luck again.

"Not poisonous, why did you come to the cottage, I have never heard of non-toxic and not a husband."

Qingyun ruffian laughed, seeing through Tian Duoliang's thoughts at a glance, he knew that he was thinking too much.

There are people hiding in the mountains and forests on both sides, how many people have to hide?No one hides thousands of people in it, there is a function of fart, people run into the woods and disperse, how to catch them?
Qingyun didn't explain to him, killing the chicken and respecting the monkey is for sure, how to kill, she can't guess, she has to see the first one to run to know.

"If you want to see you, just look at it openly. If you are sneaky, you will know that you are making up your mind." Qingyun couldn't help kicking Tian Duoliang, and the old sneaky look at Linzi, isn't it more suspicious?

She only has two guards, the trump card at the bottom of the box, and she will not use it easily until the last moment.

Tian Duoliang kept looking at the woods, if he was exposed, he would cry without tears.

Tian Duoliang laughed dryly, he just wanted to see if Qingyun's guards were hiding in the forest.

Seeing Tian Duoliang being kicked by his brother, the child covered his mouth and chuckled softly, and couldn't bear Tian Duoliang to stare at him. The child was not afraid of him at all, so he bared his teeth provocatively, and continued to hug Qingyun's neck and squint his eyes.

"You're just too used to him. You still hug him when he's so big. A kid as old as him in our village works all day. Let him get down and walk by himself. I haven't met you before, so it's not a bad walk."

Tian Duoliang encouraged Qingyun not to hold the child, which caused the child to stare, and then looked at Qingyun with red eyes and aggrieved.

Qingyun's scalp was going numb, the child couldn't say anything, he could only kick Tian Duoliang, "It's okay, why did you provoke him?"

The child was happy, snorted, and ignored Tian Duoliang.

Tian Duoliang squinted at the child, and also snorted, well, he has a big backer and can't afford to offend him.

"Where are they taking us?" Tian Duoliang looked around, there were mountains everywhere, and he couldn't guess the intention of the cottage.

"Do you really want us to open up wasteland? There are so many people, how can we do it without tools? You can't plan by hand!"

Hearing Tian Duoliang's idiotic words, Qingyun didn't want to talk to him.Qingyun ignored him, Tian Duoliang kept asking, which made Qingyun upset, and said impatiently: "You ask me who I ask, if you want to know, ask them."

Qingyun pointed at the villagers in front of him, Tian Duoliang rolled his eyes and stopped talking.

"Old man, where is the great lake?" Qingyun looked around, but did not find the great lake mentioned by the old man.

"That's right, old man Song, I didn't see the big lake you mentioned!" If old man Song hadn't said that the village has a lake and food, how could they have come.As a result, neither the lake nor the food was seen, but the person was arrested.

"Isn't that right!" Song Wenqian pointed to the front and said.

Qingyun Tian Duo Liang looked forward, in front of him there were only trees and bushes, where did the lake come from?

Just as Tian Duoliang was about to say a few words to old man Song, the child holding Qingyun suddenly pointed to the front and said, "Brother, big lake, it's a big, big lake with a lot of water."

Then there was the sound of a child swallowing.

A few steps forward, turning the corner, Qingyun and the others saw a big lake in the valley below, it was really big, so big that it couldn't see the edge at a glance.

The water in the lake is very clear, and you can see the fish swimming under the water.

Since the severe drought, several people have seen so much and such clean water.It can be said that the water has disappeared, and everyone is thirsty. When they saw the lake suddenly, their eyes lit up. Few people moved their feet and stared at the lake to swallow their saliva.

 Dongdong came to shout a few times, will the babies make a fuss~~~
(End of this chapter)

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