Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 117 My Site, Don't Cross the Line

Chapter 117 My Site, Don't Cross the Line

"How to divide it? It doesn't matter if we have few people, just listen to you."

When Qingyun said this, he glanced at the women and children in Wang Chaoming's team, and at the other twenty or so people who were about to move, and then he dodged to stop in front of the mine, blocking those who wanted to go in.

Seeing her movements, Tian Duoliang and Wang Dongliang subconsciously blocked the entrances of the other two mines to prevent people from entering.

"What are you doing?" The man asked Qingyun very angrily, "Why are you blocking me? The mine is not yours, so why not let me in? I want to go in and sleep, get out of the way."

"That's right, there are three mines, we go into ours, and you share yours."

"What are you doing, you are not tired after walking for half a day!"

"The leader just said that fighting is not allowed in the mine! What, you guys want to hit people!"

This is so naive!

"What's the rush, let's go in after the division." Qingyun raised his eyebrows and smiled, glanced at the few noisy people, but the others were honest and silent, maybe Qingyun and the others had too many people and they didn't dare to provoke them.

Qingyun said to Wang Chaoming: "Women and children sleep in the middle, and men sleep in the two mines on the left and right. You have half on one side."

The latter sentence was spoken to the twenty or so outsiders.

Wang Chaoming had no objection, Qingyun had a better score than him.


The few people who started the quarrel were dissatisfied, their number was two or three times smaller than Qingyun and the others, and if they were separated, if the other party bullied them, they would have no way to resist.

The men in Wang Chaoming's team stood on Qingyun's side without Wang Chaoming's confession, and glared fiercely at the troublemaker.They knew in their hearts that the little brother was standing out for their mothers, daughters-in-law and daughters-in-law.

"I didn't ask for your opinions. If you don't want to live, you can sleep outside. Lanhua, you go there." Qingyun was so domineering, he stuffed the child to her, and pointed to the mine in the middle to let it in.

The child looked at Lanhua, then at Qingyun, and silently let Lanhua take him away.

The women and children in Wang Chaoming's team first looked at Wang Chaoming, saw him nodding in agreement, and supported each other to go in.

Qingyun entered the mine on the left, Song Wenqian Tian Duoliang and the others followed, Wang Chaoming took some people to the right mine, and Wang Chaodong took the rest with Qingyun and the others.

There were only twenty or so people left in front of the mine. They were dissatisfied, aggrieved, and angry. They couldn't beat the opponent because they had too many people, and they were even more annoyed.

"Damn it, I will kill them sooner or later."

The man had a fierce face, cursed in a low voice, looked left and right at the two mines, then turned around and entered the mine of Wang Chaoming.

As soon as he left, the rest of the people entered the mines they were optimistic about one after another.

The mine was filthy and smelly. Straw mats were thrown on the ground in a mess, covered with a thick layer of dust. The mine was like a pig's nest.

Nothing but straw mats, not even a plank.

As Qingyun walked, he kicked away the straw mat on the ground, and the dust fell profusely, and floated into the mouths of the people who came in behind. Seeing the good deeds done by the people in front, everyone dared not speak out.

There should have been people living in this mine before, and there were tattered clothes under the straw mats. No one cared where the previous people went.

Turning around, Qingyun didn't pay attention to the straw mat here, walked to the innermost, kicked away the things around him, and then circled the ground with his feet and said: "From now on, this is my territory. Idlers are not allowed to cross the line."

The arrogant and dandy nature is fully exposed.

Tian Duoliang, the younger brother, finally passed the test. With a wink, he pointed out a few people in the crowd and called them to come and clean up.

Those who just sat down to rest were unwilling and even complained a few words. Tian Duoliang directly conquered them with his fists, making them cry and beg for mercy.The nature of the rogue and the ruffian has been suppressed, Qingyun doesn't even have any scruples anymore, he's so scruples.

Song Wenqian had known for a long time that this kid Qingyun was rebellious, and even a little disregarded human life, so he was prepared for Tian Duoliang's oppression by his tacit consent, and was not surprised.

Qingyun people's nature is not bad, if they were bad, they wouldn't carry their burden all the way to the present.If it can't be changed, he can't control it. At most, he can look at it from the sidelines, so as not to cause a catastrophe.

Tian Duoliang's actions were measured, and it looked serious, but in fact it was all skin trauma.

After the site was cleaned, Qingyun sat down and greeted Song Wenqian, "Old man, sit down and have a rest. Uncle Li, you also have a rest."

When those people were cleaning, old man Li cleaned with them.

There are only Qingyun and the three of them.Song Wenqian couldn't bear it any longer, so he sat down to rest. Needless to say, Tian Duoliang had already laid down.

"I found a straw mat to cushion Mr. Song. The ground is wet. Mr. Song's body can't bear it, and he is easy to catch cold. If he gets sick in the mine, there is probably no medicine to cure him."

"It's still you who are thoughtful." Qing Yun glanced at Song Wenqian and left Old Man Li alone.

Old man Li picked out the straw mat next to him, patted it for a while, and cleaned the floor, "Mr. Song, sit here and rest."

Among them, only Song Wenqian was weak, and Song Wenqian knew that if he was sick, he would cause trouble for everyone, so he went to sit down without delay.It is indeed much more comfortable than sitting on the ground.

Old man Li kept a sheet for himself. After sleeping on the wet ground for a long time, he couldn't bear it, so he still had to put something on it.Only the four sides of these straw mats are rotten, but the middle is still good and can sleep people.

Wang Chaodong looked at Qingyun, looked at Tian Duoliang, then at his own people, and finally at the people who were beaten.Lao Wu mentioned before that Qingyun and the others were not good at dealing with them, but now he believed it.

Not only is he not a good stubble, but a bully, I don't know why Mr. Song didn't stop him.

Wang Chaodong scratched his head. He couldn't understand the complicated matter. Anyway, the people who were oppressed were not from their village. He pretended not to see it. They also circled a piece of land next to Qingyun and brought people to clean it up.

"Little brother, don't you want these straw mats?"

Wang Chaodong picked up the straw mats on the ground, wiped off the dust and asked Qingyun.

"Take it if you want it." Qing Yun waved her hand, and she was a little particular about it when conditions allowed.I don't know how many people have slept on this straw mat. It's hot now, and it's cool to sleep on the floor.

"Thank you!" Wang Chaodong was not polite, and returned to the team with the straw mats.

Qingyun disliked it, but they didn't. There were not enough straw mats in the mine, and these few mats were not enough for the villagers.The strong man sleeps on the ground, and the old man sleeps on straw mats.

Old man Li rubbed against Qingyun and said, "Master, I'll go out and see if I can find some grass and make up a new one for you."

"Uncle Li, knit one for me too." Tian Duoliang, who was lying down, sat up when he heard that there was a straw mat.

"Brother, don't worry about them, I like to let them sleep on the ground." Song Wenqian said.

 I don’t know fancy styles, so I can only ask for collection and recommendation~~~

(End of this chapter)

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