Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 118 The Tunnel Entrance is Guarded

Chapter 118 The Tunnel Entrance is Guarded

Old man Li smiled and said nothing, thinking about how to get some thatch back and weave some straw mats.

"Don't bother, Uncle Li, one thing more is worse than one thing less." They are all here to mine, not to enjoy, and it is not worthwhile to attract others' attention and hatred for a few straw mats.

Those without straw mats all slept on the floor. After a long day of work, no one wanted to talk, so they cleaned out their own space and went to sleep on the floor.

Lanhua and the others are different. They are all women, and they love to be much cleaner. The whole mine was cleaned once, and a big pile of dust came out.

Sort out all the straw mats and count them. If one person is not enough, there are not enough mats for two people. Later, three or four children squeeze one to barely make up enough.

Lanhua and the children are allocated a piece, and they can have a mine, or the teenagers from Lanhua's side. This is the way of love.


Let's talk about the leader who left, turned left and right in the tunnel, and returned to their base.

This is also a mine, but it is much better than Qingyun's mine.

Not to mention the size of the mine, there should be a lot of things inside.Beds, cabinets, tables and chairs, and quilts, and more importantly, doors.

The man glanced left and right and knocked on one of the mines.

Four or five people gathered in the mine, and there was a piece of paper on the table. They were discussing something. When they heard the knock on the door, they paused, put away the paper on the table, and asked cautiously, "Who?"

"Master, it's me."

Hearing his brother's voice, the person inside opened the door, glanced outside, closed the door and bolted it, and asked, "Didn't you go up to fetch someone? Why are you back!"

The visitor came to the table and asked excitedly, "Master, who do you think I met?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, the people in the village were in the village if they were not in the mine, and they couldn't guess who he met so excitedly.

"Heiba, who did you meet?" The person who opened the door glanced at the uncle and asked.

"I saw Mr. Song." Heiba ​​took a few sips from the kettle on the table, his expression was still a little dreamy, and he couldn't believe it, "Mr. Song didn't come alone, he was accompanied by several young people. "

"Who did you say is here?" The man called Uncle stood up in shock, and looked at him in disbelief, "Did you read that right?"

Heiba ​​was not happy, "How could I be wrong, I used to like to follow Mr. Song, even if it turned into ashes, I would recognize it."

"How do you talk? Who turned to ashes! A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory, I think you just haven't beaten enough." Heiba's head was slapped by someone bald.

"I'm just playing Liezi." Heiba ​​smirked.

"Uncle Song is here!" The uncle sat down slowly, and after the shock, great joy swept over.

They were all desperate and planned to fight, but they were dead anyway.Whoever wants to hope is here!

The other people in the room also showed surprise on their faces.

Mr. Song came and they were saved.


Qingyun woke up and found that almost all the people in the mine were awake, sitting in a daze with nothing to do, turning his head to look at Song Wenqian, the old man was still resting with his eyes closed.

Qingyun withdrew his gaze, twisted his body, and slept comfortably this time, then asked Tian Duoliang who was lying on the ground, "What time is it? Has anyone called for dinner?"

She just woke up hungry, and hadn't eaten anything since morning.The hearts of the people in the cottage are too dark, they don't even have a bowl of porridge, and they want people to dig mines, what a fart!
"There's not even a shadow of a ghost." Tian Duoliang turned up, swept the mine around, and then lay down again.

"Go, go outside." Kicking Tian Duoliang's leg, Qingyun got up and walked outside.

As she expected, there was no one outside the mine, and everyone slept in the mine.

Tian Duoliang thought for a while, got up and chased after him and asked, "Where are you going? There are mines everywhere. If you get lost, you won't be able to come back."

Qingyun cast a glance at him, first went to the mine next door to see Lanhua and the child.Lan Hua whispered to the woman next to her, the child was still sleeping, Lan Hua saw her coming, and Qing Yun stopped him from waking him up.

After leaving the mine, Qingyun glanced at the mine on the right, and looked around the mine.

There are three tunnels in total, the tunnel on the left is the one they entered, the tunnel in the middle is the one that the people from the cottage left, and the remaining tunnel should be for digging.

Qingyun's eyes turned back and forth between the middle and the right, and chose the tunnel on the right.

Wang Chaodong, at the entrance of the mine, saw that Qingyun and the others had disappeared, and after thinking about it, he went to the mine of the third child.The fifth child told him that if Qingyun and the others had any unusual behavior, they should report it to the third child.

"Wang Chaodong has gone to Wang Chaoming's place." Tian Duoliang, who was a few steps behind, caught up and told Qing Yun that the two of them knew the reason why Wang Chaodong lived with them.

"We didn't do anything to hide people, so there's nothing to be afraid of. The mine is not ours, and others will stay in it if they want to come out." Qingyun disagreed.

Not long after the two left, Qingyun discovered that the mine was going downwards, which was not obvious, and ordinary people might not be able to find it.After walking for a few more minutes, the two of them came out of the mine. Before they had time to see the surrounding situation clearly, several men with long tasseled guns pointed to their heads and asked, "Who are you? Who told you to come here?"

"Brother, brother, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, we are new here today, we have been in the mine for a whole day, we haven't eaten anything, we are so hungry, so we came out to look for something to eat." Tian Duoliang smiled flatteringly, quite dog-legged flattery.

Qingyun also accompanied the smiling face.

The people in the cottage didn't buy it, and drove them away indifferently, "Get out, this is not the place for you, if you don't leave, I'll kill you."

When it comes to the latter sentence, his expression is particularly fierce.

"Get out now, get out now." Tian Duoliang nodded and bowed to accompany him with a smile, a flash of hostility flashed in his eyes, thinking that if one day, if the two of them fell into his hands, he would make their lives worse than death.

The two slowly retreated back to the mine, and when they entered the mine, they quickly turned around and walked back, when the laughter of those people came from behind.

The two of them turned a deaf ear to the ridicule behind them, and continued to walk back without changing their expressions.

"The guards are so strict. Didn't they go to mine?" Tian Duoliang rubbed his chin in thought, looking back as he walked.

"Who knows!"

Qingyun was also puzzled. It was justifiable that the guards at the exit of the mine were strict, because he was afraid that people would run out and reveal the secret.

It doesn't make sense that every tunnel exit is guarded.

Could it be that this mine has other secrets?
Suppressing the doubts in their hearts, the two returned to the mine, but no one came out.

Qingyun glanced at the entrance of the tunnel that came in, and then at the tunnel in the middle, thought for a few seconds, and walked towards the tunnel in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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