Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 119 Strict guards

Chapter 119 Strict guards
Tian Duoliang looked back at the three mines behind him, many people were at the entrance of the mines, looking at them, smiled sarcastically, and chased after Qingyun.

"Third, the two of them are walking around, will they cause trouble!"

The mouth of the mine stared at Qingyun and the fifth child of the two, then turned around and asked Wang Chaoming next to him.Right now we live in a mine, if Qingyun and the others get into trouble, the fifth child is worried that they will be implicated.

"Don't worry about them. It has nothing to do with us. Take good care of our own people. You think he is young, he doesn't know how to do things, he looks rash and reckless, and those who look at him less will suffer. He has a plan in mind. When will he do it? Don’t forget about Mr. Song if you’re not sure about it.”

Wang Chaoming glanced at the other outsiders in the mine, returned to the straw mat and continued to lie down.I thought Qingyun and the others were so courageous that they dared to walk around.

Wang Chaobei thought about it, yes, it was Mr. Song and the others who had to worry, and it was Mr. Song and the others who should be worried.

There was no movement at all from Mr. Song's side, which shows that the old man knows it well.

It is unknown what other people are thinking.


The two of them walked in the tunnel not long, when they saw the exit not far ahead, Qingyun leaned back, clinging to the wall of the tunnel, sliding forward silently like a cat.

Tian Duoliang naturally followed suit, holding his breath, walking against the wall, trying not to make a sound.

He couldn't compare to Qingyun, every step he took was cautious and nervous.

When he reached the exit, Qingyun listened attentively, then quickly glanced his head and glanced. There were indeed guards outside, then shrank his head and walked back quickly.

Tian Duoliang didn't take a few steps. When he saw Qingyun falling back, before he could ask, he saw Qingyun "shh" with his finger on his mouth, beckoning him to keep quiet, and waving his hand to signal him to back off.

Without saying a word, Tian Duoliang turned around and backed away quietly.

"What's the situation?" Tian Duoliang dared to ask after keeping a distance to ensure that the guards would not hear him.

The two just squatted in the tunnel and did not leave. There were so many people in the mine that it was inconvenient to go back and talk.

"The exit is guarded, so you can't get out. Ordinary mines, how to guard so tightly?" Qingyun frowned, rubbing his chin hand back and forth. peace of mind.

"Who knows, it's my first time to dig mines. Damn it, I've had eight lifetimes of bad luck, and I'm going to be very unlucky this year." Tian Duoliang, who had been holding back his depression all the way, finally let it out.

He taught the man who poached him a lesson for his brother, and as a result he became a wanted criminal and had to run around.

I haven't had a few days to live in peace, but there was a severe drought in the sky, I managed to survive, found a backer, and was arrested to mine again...

Sad, so sad!
Tian Duoliang wiped his face, and said expressionlessly: "During those years in the town, I heard some old people who came back from their wanderings say that the mines don't seem to be so strict! I heard that the wages are quite high, but it's hard work. It's time to eat, sleep, and nothing else."

Tian Duoliang realized something was wrong with the mine after a while.This is the first time he has come to the mine, and he doesn't know where to suspect if there is a problem!

"What problem did you find?" Tian Duoliang looked around, but couldn't see it.

"I don't know, let's go, go back first!" Qingyun turned and left.

She also plans to come late at night to explore the reality of the mine. There are torches everywhere in the mine, which are too bright. People who want to hide don’t know where they are hiding, so fishing in troubled waters is impossible!
There is no need to explore the remaining tunnel, the situation is the same.

The two returned to the mine, and the people in the mine saw the two of them coming back and looked at them, and continued to sleep with their eyes closed.

I haven't eaten for a day, who still has the energy to pay attention to other people's affairs, lie still, and save some energy to resist hunger.

Qingyun lay down, thinking that the old man would urge her to study as before, and he almost fell asleep waiting, but the old man didn't move at all.

Qingyun ignored him, yawned and closed his eyes, and then went to sleep, only when he was asleep would he not feel hungry.

On this day, all the people tightened their belts, listened to the sound of "gurgling", endured hunger until the next morning, when they heard the sound of bronze drums shaking the sky outside, they got up and rushed out.

Qingyun yawned and sat up, opened the slits of his eyes to glance at the people rushing out, twisted until he saw the old man and old man Li had stood up and walked out slowly, Qingyun was stunned for a moment, and immediately followed.

After walking a few steps and looking back to see Tian Duoliang who was still sleeping, he fell back and kicked him, "Daliang, don't sleep, go to the next door to pick up Lanhua and the others."

After shouting, they went to chase Song Wenqian.

Hearing Lanhua's name, Tian Duoliang, who was half awake and half asleep, turned over, and rushed to the next door before fully opening his eyes.

Soon, Tian Duoliang brought the orchid child over, and the child saw Qingyun, ran over and held her hand, "Good morning, brother!"

"Morning, did you sleep well last night?" Qingyun picked up the child and hugged them, and went to the open space in front to gather together.

The child thought for a while, except that he was a little hungry and thirsty, everything else was fine, so he said, "It's pretty good."

Qing Yun smiled and pinched his face, not exposing the child's lies.

Many people gathered in the open space outside.

During the days when I was imprisoned in the cottage, the gong was knocked at the time of meal, so when everyone heard the sound of the gong, they thought it was meal, and rushed out desperately to grab food.

Qing Yun and his group passed by, and there were already many people in the front line, and they were at the back of the line, and they probably didn't have any food when it was their turn.

Qingyun stood outside the line to watch, there were people in front of him, and he couldn't see anything. He glanced at Song Wenqian, then obediently returned to the line, and kicked Tian Duoliang next to him.

At the critical moment, Tian Duoliang lost his wink.

Tian Duoliang is still reminiscing the feeling of holding Lanhua's little hand just now, and being kicked, Tian Duoliang's face sank, and he was about to get angry. gaze.

Qingyun glanced ahead, Tian Duoliang understood in seconds, and rushed to count the people blocking the way in front of him.

"Old man, I'm going to look at Daliang."

Qingyun smiled with a hippie face, stuffed the child to Lanhua, turned around and chased after Tian Duoliang.

Most of the people at Wang Chaoming knew Tian Duoliang, so they made way for him to pass by. Those who didn’t know him turned around and started to curse. They shook Ueda Duoliang’s fierce eyes, and then silently let him go. road.

The two squeezed to the front, didn't see anything to eat, only saw people from the cottage, four or five came, looking over the crowd.The one who came yesterday has a gong in his hand.

Qingyun murmured in his heart, he didn't eat, why did he knock on the gong!
The few people in the cottage naturally saw the situation where the others gave way to Qingyun Tian Duoliang and the others.Heiba ​​immediately recognized that these two people belonged to Mr. Song's side, especially the thin scholar who was closest to Mr. Song.

(End of this chapter)

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