Chapter 120 Gathered

"Master, it's just the two of them." Heiba ​​walked to the uncle and said, looking at Qingyun and the others.

Qingyun's ears moved, his eyes were fixed, and he glanced at the speaker and the middle-aged man next to him, and felt that they were talking about her and Tian Duoliang.

Did the incident of wandering around yesterday reach their ears?The news travels fast!
Then seeing the middle-aged man looking over, Qingyun looked straight at him expressionlessly, and the middle-aged man's eyes quickly moved away.

"Is everyone here?" The middle-aged man asked.

No one answered his words.

"If you don't say anything, just pretend that you are all here. Before dinner, let me tell you a few things to pay attention to. It is related to your life. You can listen to it or not."

"First, when work starts, you must not be late. The first day you are late, you will have no food that day, the second time you will be late, you will have no food for five days, the third time you will be late, you will have no food for ten days, and the fourth time... There is no fourth time. Why not, you think for yourself."

People are starving to death, where is the fourth time.

"Second thing, seven people form a team. A team has to dig [-] catties of ore a day. If you don't dig enough, you have to dig for me. If you don't dig enough, you have to dig for me until dawn. If you don't dig enough, you can go to work. , Double the amount the next day, that’s a thousand catties, the same team will get a penalty meal less.”

This punishment is serious. Those who are slow will cause the whole team to have no food, and they will also be rejected by the whole team. The final result is not very good.

"The third thing is that when entering the mine, there is no distinction between men and women, old people and children, only miners. You are all miners, and you have to follow the rules of the mine. Of course, our mine owner is a bodhisattva. Women should be more tolerant, if you can’t dig the mine, tell me, the mine owner has another good place to arrange you. How to form a team, you can figure it out yourself.”

The implication of these words is very obvious, and everyone understands it.The women hid behind the man in fright, trembling.

"The fourth thing is that miners are not allowed to fight or bully others. If the progress of mining is affected, the consequences will be very serious. The last and most important thing is not to hide ore privately. Once found, the entire team will Immediate execution."

These words made many refugees feel turbulent.

Qingyun thought about it, why did the people in the cottage specifically mention that they can't hide ores, and it's useless to hide copper ore and iron ore, unless it's gold mine or silver mine, and the ore can be used immediately after stealing it and refining it.

Thinking of this possibility, Qingyun gasped, then looked at Song Wenqian, seeing the old man's expressionless face, he looked away again.

The middle-aged man glanced at the absenteeism with his head down, and changed the topic, "So, for your own lives, the people in the same team should supervise each other, and always remind the people in your team that your lives are not only in your own It is in the hands of others. Not only can you supervise your own team, but you can also supervise other teams. If you find that other teams have hidden ores, you will be rewarded for reporting."

What the middle-aged man didn't say is that the report must be true to be successful, and if you falsely accuse others, the consequence is to leave the abandoned mine and fall to your death.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, his eyes swept across the crowd, and saw many people's eyes flickering.These words are equivalent to planting an indeterminate bomb around everyone, killing others and harming themselves at the same time.

"Okay, that's all I have to say, now follow our people to have breakfast."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he walked back into the queue, and Hei Ba came out, rang the gong, and then turned and walked towards the tunnel in the middle.

Qingyun Tian Duoliang and the two returned to their own team and followed the main team.The few people in the cottage stayed at the end before leaving.

This time they walked out of the tunnel exit, and no one stopped them from going in.A row of cottagers stood on both sides of the tunnel exit, like soldiers, with big knives in hand, heads held high, staring blankly at everyone who came out.

The exit of the tunnel is a small open space, about seven or eight feet away. There is also a tunnel entrance like this on the opposite side, and there are two tunnel entrances on the left.This small open space is like a turnaround station. People who come out don't stay, they enter the tunnel on the left, and after walking for more than ten minutes, they walk out of the tunnel entrance and there is an open space, a very large open space.

When Qingyun walked out of the tunnel, she was stunned for a moment, because she saw the moonlight shining on the open space. After being shocked, she thought of a certain possibility, and looked up to see that there was nothing above her head, and the stars in the night sky were shining brightly.

Qingyun's eyes flickered, and his eyes swept over the open space, which was estimated to be 30 meters deep.

This open space is like someone has drilled a hole from the top of the mountain. The walls are smooth and cannot be climbed.Seven or eight meters above the ground, there is a tree with a crooked neck. The tree is thick and grows towards the sky.

The entire cave wall, except for this tree, is bare and there is nothing.

A lot of sheds were set up on the edge of the open space. Some of the sheds were full of debris, firewood, stalls and the like, and some dried vegetables were dried on the shelves.

There are a lot of people who find the sky above their heads, they don’t pay attention when they look at it, they only pay attention to what they have for breakfast and whether they are full?
Tian Duoliang pulled Qingyun, pointed to the sky above to show him, winked and said: "You can come down here, your people can sneak in."

"Hurry up, I don't want to eat anymore." Qingyun naturally thought of it, pushed him away and continued to follow the crowd to the left.

There was a shed over there, and people who went in quickly came out again, with bowls and chopsticks in their hands when they came out, and then went to the next shed.

Qingyun and his group followed in and saw wooden bowls and chopsticks piled up on the ground. Qingyun picked up a bowl to look at it in disgust. The light in the shed was not good, so it was hard to see if there was any dust in the bowl. There was dust, and after throwing it away, I picked up the bowl and chopsticks on it and went out.

For breakfast, there are two steamed buns with pickles. The buns are big fists, and the color is not white, but a little black and yellow. I can’t tell what was added to it and steamed, it’s a little hard.

When Qingyun and his party led the wowotou, they were surprised to see Aunt Li, and they were relieved to see that she was fine.

In particular, the old man Lanhua Li was a little agitated, and wanted to ask her a lot, whether she suffered, was bullied, and so on.Both the father and the daughter have their own sense of proportion, knowing that it is not the place to talk, as long as they see each other is safe, nothing else matters, and they quickly restrained their emotions.

Aunt Li was also very happy to see Qingyun and the others, and gave each of them an extra steamed bun while they were not paying attention.

The child was very happy to see Aunt Li, but he was small but clever. Seeing that Sister Lanhua didn't go up to recognize his mother, the three words "Grandma Li" were swallowed back.

Qingyun calmly picked up the bun and stuffed it into her bosom. Others saw her movement, looked around guiltily, and stuffed it into their bosom quietly, and were relieved to see no one noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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