Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 159 Diversion to Guanshan County

Chapter 159 Diversion to Guanshan County

Qingyun pondered for a few seconds, and the relationship between the bandits and the boat was extraordinary.

"Ask them, where did that Master Wu come from, and where is he going? Those who provide information can live, and those who don't report it..."

Qingyun glanced at the surviving refugees, and said blankly: "I think those refugees still need a daughter-in-law, and they are just right."

Tian Duoliang was startled for a moment, and then grinned, Qingyun is really bad boy!
After fleeing for so long, without food or drink, I don't know if I can survive, so I don't care about women.After being bullied by the bandits in the mine for so long, with nowhere to vent, the girl in the building went to the refugee place, didn't it mean that a few cranes went to the pack of wolves?

Bai Yanheng and the others were indifferent when they heard Qingyun's words, but Boss Miao and the others couldn't bear it, it was rare to see such a beautiful woman, but they also knew that they had no place to speak here.

"Alright!" Tian Duoliang went with a smile.

"What are your plans? Stay in the cottage, or go with us?" Qing Yun asked Boss Miao, casting his eyes at the group of black and thin villagers. Be kind to them.

"Go with you, staying here will only lead to death."

The mine was blown up by the county magistrate, and the ship carrying the ore was also robbed by them. If the ore was not received, the owner of the mine would definitely send someone to investigate.

It was discovered that they were all dead, but the people in their cottage survived, saying that they had no problems, ghosts would not believe it.The owner of the mine, they were the first to clean up.

The old people in the village didn't agree to leave their hometown to go outside at first, but there was a drought outside and it was not peaceful, so it was better to stay in the village.

The old man's idea is quite naive, the mine is abandoned, no mine can be dug, and no one will come to snatch their cottage again.

The old man didn't want to leave, and the descendants didn't want to leave the old man behind and run for their lives. They stayed in the cottage, waiting for the people in their cottage, all of whom died.

He broke those truths into pieces for you to hear, and told them the decisions of future generations, and finally agreed to leave.

Qingyun nodded, as expected.

"Arrange your people to board the boat, old man, Mr. Miao, get on the boat and talk about the old days. Crazy wolf and black bear, ask the refugees if they would like to go by boat, organize them to come to the door if they are willing, and leave them alone if they are not willing. Shaojie, you Go ask who can sail?"

Qingyun gave instructions one by one, and everyone performed their own duties and acted separately.

Those who didn't want to leave early, and those who stayed were willing to go by boat with Qingyun and the others.

Of the seven big boats, six were given to the refugees. Miao Boss Chaoming Crazy Wolf Black Bear and the others were in the same boat as Qingyun.

It took a long time for all the refugees to board the boat, but something happened to Qingyun and the others.

Heiba ​​brought not only the people from the cottage, but also the properties of the cottage, as well as the bandits' cattle, donkeys, and carts, and Wang Chaoming and his carts were also brought here.

The refugee side can be said to be crowded with people, and they are crowded, so they can be accommodated.Qingyun and the others were slightly better, and there were several hundred in total. After boarding the boat, it was a bit crowded, and there was no room for cattle to occupy.

Boss Miao and the others persuaded the old people not to take it with them.The old people were reluctant and unwilling to give up, so they quarreled with Qingyun.

Qingyun looked at the cows and donkey carts, and to be honest, she couldn't bear it either.There is still such a long way to go, just relying on two legs, how long does it take.She's okay, kids and old men are not
If you have a car, why not do it?It's all for nothing!
"Take it! Why don't you take it?" Qing Yun made a final decision, "People get on the boat first, and they are all crowded. The cabin, bottom and roof of the boat stand wherever people can stand, and they won't sit for long. There is room on the deck for these few people. Cow."

Qingyun agreed, and others had to hold back their opinions.

The fleet slowly sailed away from the pier, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the valley gradually moving away behind them.After leaving the mine, they felt like they had finally escaped.

Leave a separate place on the deck for Qingyun and the others to discuss matters.

They are all grasshoppers on the same boat, and they should know something.

All parties sent representatives to participate.Qingyun and the three of them, she, Tian Duoliang, Bai Yanheng, and the other parties each sent one, Boss Miao, Wang Chaoming, Crazy Wolf, and Black Bear.

"Did you find out? Where did they come from?" Qingyun asked Tian Duoliang, knowing himself and the enemy to escape.

"I'm recruited. They come from Zhangtai County. They don't know where they are going. The surname Wu only said to take them out for a walk and see the scenery."

"Zhangtai County?"

Qingyun raised her eyebrows. Before she came to the mine, her next destination was Zhangtai County. The road from Zhangtai to Longqing was the shortest, and she passed through Zhangtai to Longqing to her final destination.

Song Wenqian explained to Qingyun the county towns around the Great Lakes.

Several other counties are not considered by Qingyun.Too close to the mine, the owner of the mine first checks from the nearest county.The other counties, although in the boundary of Longqing, are in the opposite direction of Longqing, and the detour is too far.

There were too many of them, all of them were skinny, and they knew they were fleeing famine at first glance, and they were too conspicuous after getting off the boat.

"I can't go to Zhangtai. Boss Miao, you are a local, and you are familiar with the nearby terrain. Where do you think we should live?" Qing Yun thought about it, and he had a bottom line. He didn't go straight to the destination she was looking for, and turned around. And asked about Boss Miao.

The others were either captured or fled from famine, and they were not familiar with the terrain, so they looked at Boss Miao desperately, not to take them to the bandit's lair.

Boss Miao didn't refuse. He drew a map of the surrounding area of ​​the Great Lake on the deck, pointing to two of the county towns.

"Marsh south and marsh north used to be the two counties that attracted the most people from the mine. The county magistrate and the head of the village had an extraordinary relationship. I went there a few times, and the officers and soldiers at the gate of the city knew me. These two counties were not allowed to go.

Honghu County was too close to the mine, and was the first object of investigation by the owner of the mine, so he couldn't go there.If the destination is in Longqing, Yanmen, and Luohe counties, there is no need to go, it is too far away, and it will take a month or two to go back to Longqing.

The rest of Guanshan County, next door to Zhangtai, will take another four or five days of detours.I have never been to Guanshan, it is relatively safe. "

"Then go to Guanshan County. There are also refugees going to Guanshan. We are inconspicuous among the refugees. Do you have any opinions?" Qing Yun also preferred Guanshan County, and then glanced at everyone.

Tian Duoliang and the others shook their heads. They didn't know any nearby counties, they couldn't read the map, and they didn't know the way.Compared with their nonsense and chaotic command, it is clear that Boss Miao is reliable.

What Qingyun said, what did they do.

Crazy Wolf used to be an escort, but he knew those county towns. He thought what Boss Miao said was reasonable, and he had no objection.

(End of this chapter)

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