Chapter 160

"I'm going to Guanshan County, what are your plans? If you want to go to other counties, please bring it up, and I can send you there."

Qingyun suddenly remembered that Crazy Wolf Wang Chaoming and the others didn't say where they were going, and they didn't say they would follow her. If they had other plans and were embarrassed to say that they were dragged to Guanshan County by them, wouldn't it be good intentions to do something bad? Embarrassed.

Needless to say, Boss Miao and the others will definitely go with her.

As for the black bear, he did mention hanging out with her.It was a joke, but she didn't take it seriously. If he was a gangster, he might not be able to get used to farming again, and he probably wouldn't go with her.

Compared with Black Bear, Qingyun prefers Mad Wolf and the others, they behave frankly and have a bottom line principle in life.

"Master Qing, if you don't dislike it, our brother will hang out with you." Crazy Wolf didn't think for a long time, his eyes swept over Qingyun, Bai Yanheng and others. Wander around well.

"No hurry, there are still two days to go to Guanshan, everyone think about it carefully, and then we can talk about it." Qing Yun smiled, and glanced at Mad Wolf Wang Chaoming and others from the corner of his eye.

For those six boats, Qingyun sent Tian Duoliang Chaoming and others to go there, and told them about the advantages, disadvantages and dangers, and when they heard that they could go to other counties, they did not go to Guanshan County.The two farthest counties in the south and north of the marsh have the most people going there.

The most important thing is that Qingyun and the others are too vicious. Those refugee miners are afraid of them, so naturally they should stay as far away from her as possible.

Not going to Guanshan County, Qingyun and the others breathed a sigh of relief, drew a road map for them, and said some scene words, most of the refugees thanked them for their life-saving grace and so on.After sailing for half a day, the two parties separated, and the six boats diverted to marsh south and marsh north, while Qingyun and the others diverted to Guanshan County.

"Those girls in the building, where are you hiding?" After solving the refugee issue, Qingyun felt a lot more relaxed, and then remembered how many disasters were still on board, so he asked Tian Duoliang.

Guanshan County is too close to Zhangtai County, so take them there, and there is an oiran among them, the risk of exposure is too great.

Who can guarantee that the men in Guanshan haven't seen the oiran?In case there is a guest of hers, they will be found out as soon as they are checked, and then follow the clues...

"After asking, throw it on the refugee boat. What? What are you looking for a girl for? Want to try something new? Let me tell you, that oiran is really beautiful. I have never seen a more beautiful woman than her when I grow up. It's cheaper for those refugees. .” Tian Duoliang winked, his wretched expression was extremely obscene.

Tian Duoliang concealed some things. The several aunts in the building were worried that they would be silenced afterwards, so they did everything possible to collude with Tian Duoliang and the others.

Not to mention the beautiful people, the voice is delicate, the body is so soft that it seems that there are no bones, leaning on them, people are crisp.

Several people were almost dazzled by the beauty, wishing they could agree to everything.

Tian Duoliang watched coldly, and only at the last moment did he use Qingyun's name.The name of Qingyun Fiend God is particularly useful.

The few people who came with Tian Duoliang are all veterans from the mine, who have seen Qingyun's methods, and when the name of the evil spirit came out, they were all very obedient, and no one dared to delay Qingyun's affairs.

Qingyun rubbed his chin and clicked his tongue, "It's a pity!"

She was relieved not to be on board.

After escaping from the mine and being free, everyone's expressions were finally no longer lifeless, they had hope for the future, their mood improved, and they enjoyed the scenery along the way.

Qingtian wasn't the only kid on board, the kids from Wang Chaoming's team were all there, and after regaining their vigor, they ran over to play with Qingtian, and Qingtian stared at Qingyun eagerly.

"Go, play in the middle or in the cabin, don't get close to the railing of the boat, no one will save you if you fall into the water." Qingyun instructed a few words, and waved to let him go.

A group of children agreed, and then went to hide and seek.

Song Wenqian and Mr. Miao didn't know where to find the wine, and each of them held a wine jar, drinking while reminiscing about the past, it was very happy.

Qingyun didn't mention her identity as the county magistrate. Although Boss Miao was puzzled, he secretly mentioned it to the old man. After thinking about it, the old man asked him to keep this secret.

After thinking about it all night, Crazy Wolf and Black Bear all said they wanted to hang out with Qingyun, Qingyun naturally would not refuse, and accepted it with a smile.

Wang Chaoming didn't reply, but after listening to the little ear report Shen Qingtian said, there was a quarrel over there.

Wang Chaoming is willing to go to Guanshan County with her. He feels that Qingyun and the others are heroes who save people from the fire and water, so feel free to follow her.

The youngest and the others were unwilling, thinking that Qingyun was too dangerous, and human life was no different from grass in their eyes.

No one can convince anyone, so it's just stalemate for the time being.

Qingyun doesn't force her eyes, she welcomes Wang Chaoming and the others if they come, and it doesn't matter if they don't come.

"Master Qing, does the ship go directly to Guanshan Wharf?" The man at the helm sent his assistant over.

"How far is it to Guanshan?" Qing Yun glanced at the mountains on both sides and the green lake and asked.

"There are still more than ten miles." The deputy wiped his sweat and answered tremblingly. He didn't underestimate the boy because of his young age. This is the owner of the explosive mine.

"Don't go to the pier, find a flat lakeside to dock, discuss and make plans." Qingyun said.

Driving into the pier does not mean telling the owner of the mine that they escaped from the mine, it is no different from courting death.

"Master Qing is right, don't go to the pier. This ship belongs to the owner of the mine, and it is the most conspicuous when it enters the pier. There are a lot of fish and dragons on the pier, and there are too many people. We can't hide our whereabouts. We escaped from the mine to avoid the mine. The pursuit of the field. Master Qing means, abandon the boat and flee."

Crazy Wolf is worthy of being an escort. He has traveled a lot and has seen a lot, so he immediately understood what Qingyun meant.

Other people who don't understand will understand after listening to Crazy Wolf's words.

Qingyun glanced at Crazy Wolf appreciatively, "That's what I mean, find a hidden mountain bend to abandon the boat, if the people in the mine can't find the boat, naturally they can't find our people.

After crossing the mountains, it is the boundary of Guanshan. Find the shortest way down the mountain, mix with the refugees, and go to Guanshan County.

In the past few months, there have been too many refugees fleeing. Hundreds of us mixed in and fell into the pond with a drop of water. There would be no waves. The refugees would hide our whereabouts. As long as we mixed in with the refugees, we would be safe. "

There really is no better way than this.

"I know where there is a hidden place. The boat sails to the left. After half an hour, you can see a fork in the road. Most people don't know it if they don't pay attention. Turn the corner and drive into the waterway. It is covered by mountains and forests and cannot be seen from the outside. .” As expected of a native, Boss Miao knows a lot.

The deputy conveyed the news to the captain. As soon as the captain turned the rudder, the ship turned to the left. After half an hour, he really saw a fork in the road, hidden behind the forest.

When the boat drove in, I saw that the waterway had nine turns and eighteen turns.After driving for another hour, the boat docked on a grass field.

First the cattle and sheep got off the boat, and then the people got off the boat.

 Thank you for your stupid reward, huh.

(End of this chapter)

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