Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 18 Still a Woman

Chapter 18 Still a Woman
"Bah, all the dejected words. Eat your food! You can't keep your mouth shut even if you eat. How can young people talk so much, my mother-in-law and mother are more nagging than the old man." The old man said angrily.

Qingyun silently squinted the dead old man and wanted to hit someone.He started talking, but blamed her mother-in-law?Is there any reason?

The elderly people are making trouble without reason, Qingyun doesn't care about his bad old man, and continues to eat.

Qingyun eats really fast, one bite left, one right, another bite, and a piece of meat is gone.The ten-meter-long snake disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Little bunnies are so delicious!Better than pigs, no, pigs are not as good as him.

The old man's heart throbbed with pain. Not only was it painful, but he was also worried. What should I do next?
Qingyun ate for most of the night, the sky was bright, and he was finally full.The snake meat was only a little over a meter long.

The old man didn't sleep all night, he just stared at Qingyun to see how much he could eat. The more he looked, the more his heart hurt.

"Are you full? It's still a bit if you're not full." The old man was so distressed, he still pointed to the remaining snake meat and said, "You're right, your health is important, eat more and you'll be better soon."

"I'm full," Qingyun said after he was full, took out a handkerchief from his arms, wiped his mouth and hands slowly, and then went to the bushes.

"What are you going to do? Don't sleep anymore?" Seeing Qingyun heading for the forest, the old man couldn't sit still.

"Cut two bales of straw mats. The ground is too hard and there are so many stones that I can't sleep. You sit still and I'll be back soon."

"Squeamish!" The old man snorted, but he didn't say anything, he lay down and fell asleep.Stay up all night, really sleepy.

After Qingyun entered the bushes, she looked back and saw that the old man was lying in front of the fire and did not follow, she was relieved.

After walking forward for a while, he found a cat behind a big tree, lifted his robe, and took off his trousers to check his body.

She had been talking about this for a day, and finally had a chance.To tell the truth, Qingyun was still a little excited, and he was also nervous in the excitement.

Qingyun closed his eyes and muttered: Heaven protects you!
Then she smiled, she was still a woman.Omg, I scared her to death, she thought she was an adult?
To tell the truth, people and girls eat a little bit like eating cat food.She also eats, taking a vegetable bowl and eating a large bowl, and eating meat every day.People can eat turbulent waves, but she can eat a flat river...

In ancient times, her horse Pingchuan played a big role.There is no need to wear a chest, a robe is a man.

It's not as fake as the TV show. It's a woman who pretends to be a man. The drum is so big in front of her that she can't see it, and she's blind.

The big stone pressing on his chest was resolved, Qingyun was relaxed, humming a little tune and cutting thatch.

Less than half an hour later, Qingyun came back with two bales of thatch.The old man didn't fall asleep. When he saw her coming back, he opened his eyes and closed them again.

Qingyun turned his head and glanced at the old man, opened a bundle of thatch near the fire, and called him:
"Old man, come here to sleep. You said you are old, don't pay attention, and you are not young. The ground is so humid, if you are sick, I don't care if you go away by yourself!"

After finishing speaking, I hugged another bale of thatch, went to the other side of the fire and laid it down. After laying it down, I tried to lie down.

After adding a few big firewood to the fire, Qingyun lay down, put his hands on the pillow, looked at the night sky above his head, sighed silently, and then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The old man with his eyes closed smiled and glanced at Qingyun who was lying down to sleep. He didn't hesitate and came over to lie down.

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(End of this chapter)

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