Chapter 19 Two Boxes
It is rare to have a safe and comfortable place to sleep without worrying about personal safety. The two of them slept until the afternoon and woke up to hear a rumbling sound in their stomachs.

When she opened her eyes and saw the blue sky, Qingyun was stunned, but she couldn't come back to her senses for a while, and it took a while to remember that she was no longer in modern times, but traveled to ancient times and struggled to survive.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Qingyun had the urge to curse her mother again.

Bad luck!

In ancient times, ordinary people really couldn't get along!
After the old man woke up, he saw Qingyun baring his teeth and swept the snake meat that was more than one meter long beside him.

This bit of meat is not enough for a little bunny to stick between his teeth!
Qingyun got up and twisted his neck, then twisted his waist and stretched out his hands and kicked his legs. After a series of body expansion movements, he felt much better than yesterday, as if the back of his head didn't hurt much.

The old man feels that his teeth are sore again, and the stinky boy has been doing more and more inexplicable things since yesterday.

"You can't be less tossing, eat that much, and save some energy to recharge. In case of any accident, you can run."

"You can't say good things in the early morning." Qingyun looked at him helplessly, "I'll go around to see if I can find water, if I don't drink it, I can't live. I knew that the snake would be killed by thunder, and the blood of the snake should be It's a pity to stay..."

The old man glared at him and looked away, this is also a ruthless man.

"Don't waste that energy. If there is water in the woods, everyone will stay in the temple. In the two days you passed out, many people went into the woods to look for water and food, but there was nothing."

"I'll turn around," Qingyun didn't believe in evil. When he turned to leave, he remembered something, turned his head and told the old man, "You have a good rest and wait for me to come back and bake."

Qingyun circled around, but couldn't find any water or prey. He guessed that some prey was eaten by the snake.

I didn't give up and walked for a while, and saw a dry river, about four or five meters wide and three or four meters deep, and the riverbed dried up to reveal a rocky beach.

Qingyun walked to the middle of the riverbed, turned over the large stones, there was no water below, and when the sand was about an inch deep, he could feel that the sand was wet.

The river has not been without water for long.

Looking upstream along the riverbed, the upstream direction is towards Longqing. If you walk forward, you should be able to find water.

Qingyun added a cracked mouth and wanted to go upstream to see if he could find water.After an estimate, it was almost an hour away from coming out, the old man must be in a hurry, so he had to go back first.

Qing Yun came back empty-handed, and the old man had already anticipated it, "I said earlier that there is no water, if you don't believe it, you have to look for it, this time give up!"

Qingyun pulled out the fire and saw that there were sparks in it, and swept a pile of dry leaves to blow it on the side.

After the fire started, add a handful of dry wood, then drag the snake meat over, peel the skin and cut the meat, and the old man put his hands on a wooden stick.

"I found a dry river in front of me. After eating, let's go upstream. I've seen it. The upstream of the river is to Longqing. Anyway, we plan to go to Longqing. Where do we go? go!"

"Go if you want!" The old man didn't care, the stinky boy didn't think he was a burden, what else did he have to complain about.

After the snake meat was cut, there were about [-] snakes, which were wrapped around the fire, and there were still a dozen or so.

The hands of the two were bloody, and they walked to the edge of the grass and tugged at the grass, wiping it a few times at will.

After the meat was roasted, the old man ate three skewers and left it for Qingyun to eat.He looked away with difficulty from the skewer.

"Eat so little? You were full after eating more than ten sticks last night." Qingyun swallowed the meat in his mouth and frowned at him.

"I ate too much last night, and I'm not hungry now." The old man glared at him dissatisfied, knowing that he had eaten so much and said.

Who is he for?
It's not because the stinky boy can eat more, he saves it.

Qingyun really thought that the old man was not hungry yet, looking at so many skewers, he said: "There are so many left, I can't finish it? What should I do?"

"Can't you finish eating?"

The old man twitched and looked at him with distrust. The snake was almost eaten by him last night, and the rest was not enough for him to stick his teeth between his teeth.

Qingyun said in surprise: "Of course I can't finish it. I'm not a gluttonous eater, I'm a bottomless pit. Eat twenty sticks at most! The rest can't be roasted and taken away as jerky."

The old man licked Hanako, "You ate a ten-meter snake last night."

"Last night doesn't count. I was frightened and hungry, so I could only eat more to suppress the fright. Do you think I have such a big appetite on weekdays?"

Qingyun was annoyed. He patronized and ate it last night, and forgot to eat too much.The ferocity of eating was indeed a bit scary.

The old man thought about it, shook his head and said, "No."

"That's okay. I've been like this since I was a child. When I'm frightened, I have to eat a lot of food. It's nothing. You'll get used to it later." Qingyun said nonsense in a serious manner.

"Didn't you forget the past?"

The old man is not cute at all!Always remember things that shouldn't be remembered.

"Intuition, intuition. You really don't eat it? Then I'll put it away." Qingyun asked him when he was full and picked up the grilled skewers. The old man didn't eat it, so she found something to pack.

"What do you take? You dare to go on the road with jerky in your pocket? The people fleeing the famine are hungry, what can't they do? Eat it!"

The old man grabbed the skewer and took a hard bite, his mouth full of oil.Qingyun saw how delicious he was eating, so he couldn't help but took the root and ate it.

The old man looked at him with a half-smile, isn't he full?What else to eat?
"I'm afraid that you won't eat well by yourself, so I'll accompany you to eat some." Qingyun is very thick-skinned.I picked some leaves and wiped the oil on my hands.

After the rest of the old man finished eating, he ate again, lay down and rested for a while, took out a cloth bag from his arms and threw it to him.

"Yours, give it back to you, keep it."


Qingyun took the cloth bag and turned it over and over to look at it. It was a bit familiar, and after a while, she realized that the cloth bag was hers.

At that time, in order to survive, she took out the cloth bag to coax the gangster out of desperation. The cloth bag contained family heirlooms, so she escaped.

After being chased by snakes, where can I still take care of the cloth bag?Later, she wanted to go back to find it, and then she fainted again, and then forgot about it.

"What is it?"

The original owner kept it close to his body and did not give up until his death. It must be a very precious thing.

With a little excitement, Qingyun opened the cloth bag curiously, and there were two boxes inside.One is about a foot long and one finger wide, and the other is the size of a palm and is square.

Not to mention the contents, these two boxes are very delicate and beautiful, carved with complicated patterns, and there is a faint fragrance if you smell them carefully.

It looks like a tall thing.

Open the palm-sized box, which contains a jade carving.

Qingyun didn't understand jade, so he took it out and saw that this jade was mixed with yellow and white, and the animal carved on it looked like a golden toad. The bottom of the jade on which the golden toad was squatting was engraved with text, which was crooked, not like cursive script or seal script.

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(End of this chapter)

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