Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 20 Appointment Documents

Chapter 20 Appointment Documents
She didn't know much about calligraphy, so she wasn't sure.Can't recognize it anyway.

After researching for a while, Qingyun can be sure that this thing is like a seal, it is estimated that it is the seal of the original owner's family.

After Qingyun read it, he put it in his arms and put the box in a cloth bag.

The box is exquisite and beautiful. It was mentioned in the novels I read before that rich people pay attention to the boxes that hold things. It seems that they are made of precious wood. .

Then the long box was opened, and inside was a rolled up piece of paper, tied with a red string.

Qingyun untied the rope and opened it to look at it, and then his teeth were sore, and it was that kind of crooked seal script again.She deliberately didn't know a word from until the end.

Qingyun took the paper and looked around, Yu Guang glanced at the old man, thought about it, walked over with the paper, handed it to him, and asked with a smile, "Old man, what is written on it?"

"You don't know?" The old man squinted at Qingyun, even more shocked than she was.

Qingyun: "..."

Should she know?
She is still a college student in modern times. Who would have known that in ancient times, she could not read a single big character and became illiterate. Who would she reason with?Isn't she aggrieved?
She talks to the old man about functions and ABCD, does the old man know?
Qingyun raised his eyebrows, "I guess I should have known each other before. After my brain was injured, not only did I forget what happened in the past, but I also forgot what I learned. It's normal. Don't make a fuss."

If there is any problem, push it to the brain injury.With a calm expression, he pointed to the piece of paper and asked, "What did you write?"

The old man looked at Qingyun with a strange look, and took it carefully, feeling quite complicated.

"This is a letter of appointment, do you see it here?" The old man looked at it for a few minutes before pointing to the place where the seal was stamped and said, "This is a jade seal, made by the emperor."

Qingyun's eyes widened, and he took the job document and carefully studied it, of course, to study the emperor's jade seal.

Unexpectedly, in her lifetime, she can still see the emperor's jade seal, which is just a jade seal, which is also a remarkable thing.She can show off for a lifetime.

It could not be seen that someone in the original owner's family was an official, and he was still a high-ranking official.The official is not big, can the emperor use the jade seal?

"How big of an official, do you want the emperor to cover with a jade seal?" Qingyun was curious.

Backed by a big tree, it is good to enjoy the shade!If there are officials in the family, they can hug their thighs when they find family members in the future.

"Qipin county magistrate." The old man ignored him, and after thinking about it, he said again, "How did you get this magistrate? You don't have any common sense. Which appointment doesn't have an appointment document? There is no emperor's stamp, or Officer?"

Qingyun touched her nose embarrassedly, how could she understand the ancient rules, there is no mention of this in the TV novel!
and many more?

The old man just said...

Qingyun stared at the paper in disbelief, pushed the old man down, pointed to his nose and said:
"Old man, you just said that this is my appointment document? You are open enough that even women..." can be officials?
"Not yours or mine?"

The old man was angry, how could he be in the mood to listen to her finish and interrupted impatiently.After ten years of hard study in the cold window, he was replaced once, and fell from heaven to hell.

"There are scum like you, illiterate, but in high positions, not working for the people of the world, forming gangs all day long, excluding dissidents, confusing emperors, ignoring the laws of the court, doing evil things for the wrong, causing the turmoil of the court. , will become what it is now, the complaints are full, the people are not living. The family is not a family, the country is not a country..."

The old man was suddenly cynical, with pain in his eyes, scolding and depraved.

Qingyun who was shot for no reason: "..."

She guessed that something bad might have happened to the old man in the exam that year.For example, being wrongly accused of cheating, or being framed and unable to enter the examination room, etc.

"Old man, are you alright?" When Laozi calmed down a little, Qingyun called him tentatively.

"It's okay, I'm old and talk too much." The old man waved his hand and lay down on the grass, not wanting to speak.

Qingyun took the job document and looked at the past. After studying it carefully, his eyes were blurred, and he didn't recognize a word.

Qingyun no longer has common sense, and also knows that the ancient feudal ideology is very serious, women do not go out of the door, and they advocate that women are virtuous if they are not talented.

It's not Wu Zetian's dynasty, women can be officials?

So the question is, where did the original owner's appointment document come from?
Qingyun thought about it, but there was only one guess. The original owner also had a brother. An accident happened. Because the two looked alike, she was temporarily put on top...

Apart from this reason, Qingyun couldn't think of any other reason!

"Shangguan Qingyun?" The old man called her suddenly looking at her changing face.

"Hey!" Qingyun responded and turned to look at him, "What do you tell me to do?"

I didn't think there was anything wrong with the old man calling her.The original owner and the old man fled for their lives together. After escaping for so long, it is normal to know the other party's name!
She didn't know the old man's name because she was an outsider!There is no memory of the original owner, so he is very passive.

Qingyun sighed, the memory of the original owner, she would never be able to recall it in the future.

"That's your job document, the first line is your name, Shangguan Qingyun. The smaller one is your official seal. If you keep it away, you won't be able to become a county magistrate. Ten years of hard work... "

The old man sighed heavily, thinking about doing so much, decades have passed.

"You said the name of this appointment document... Shangguan Qingyun?" Qingyun couldn't take care of the old man's heavy heart, his eyes widened, and he looked at the piece of paper in disbelief.

Her appointment papers?

Qingyun's hands trembled.

Her surname is Shangguan, and her name is Qingyun.

She didn't know what the original owner's name was. Listening to the old man's meaning, the old man saw her name from the appointment document.

What was the original owner's name?In case it is also called Shangguan Qingyun...

The guess she just thought was no longer valid!

Qingyun was a little panicked!

The main reason is that she has a brother and a younger brother. One day, she will restore her identity as a girl.

In case there is no older brother or younger brother, she disguised herself as a man, studied in a private school since she was a child, took the exams for students and talents, and took the exam all the way to the end, and then she got this appointment letter...

This is bullying!
The crime of deceiving the king will destroy the nine clans.

Qingyun couldn't help but think.

The original owner was born in a wealthy family, and everyone knows it.In order to stabilize her position, the original hostess lied that she was a son, and raised her by disguising herself as a man from a young age, even the original host herself did not know that she was a girl.

There is also a possibility that something big happened to the family, and the original owner had to disguise himself as a man to enter the officialdom...

Thinking hard.

No matter what the reason, the final result is that this pot is Qingyun's back.

She is now riding a tiger.

To go or not to go?Very confused.

Go, there is a dead end ahead, and the big knife hanging over her head will fall at any time and chop her to death.

 Happy babies come to invest, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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