Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 21 People are too stupid to admit

Chapter 21 People are too stupid to admit

If she doesn't go, she has no way to guide her, so she has a black household registration.

Outside, there are refugees fleeing from the famine, and there is a riot of bandits.

The difference is that one died honorably and the other died wronged.

Qingyun pressed the tip of her tongue against the roots of her teeth, she wasted, and she fought hard. When she became the county magistrate, it was a big deal to be a single dog and never get married in her life.

If it is exposed one day, it will also die in the official position.

Glorious old!

Qingyun took out the official seal in his arms, looked at it, and put it back in his arms.The ancient county magistrate is quite a modern county magistrate, and the official position is the boss, so he has to keep it.

Oops, I didn't expect that the ancestral graves of their Shangguan family had smoked, and a county magistrate had come out.

Too bad the old man doesn't know!
The appointment document was handed to the old man, "What is written on it?"

The old man glanced at her with the document, and said suspiciously: "Weird things happen every year, and yours is particularly strange. I've never heard of someone who lost their memory, and even lost their knowledge? Why didn't you forget yourself?"

Qingyun hehe...

"Isn't that a brain injury? Don't worry about what is there or not, the point is this." Qingyun pointed to the appointment document and said.

The old man gave her a glance: "A playboy like you can also be a county magistrate, no wonder the world is so chaotic."

Qingyun: "..."

What happened to her when she became the county magistrate?
"Old man, you're wrong! How can someone like me be a county magistrate? What's wrong with me? I'm a fool and haven't eaten anyone else's food? , is the fault of the emperor above."

What does it have to do with her.

She doesn't carry this pot.

The old man stared at her in shock, thinking that the old man was already shocking enough, but he did not expect to be bolder than him.

Borrowing the courage from the sky, even the emperor dared to say something wrong.

It's stupid and bold!
"My county magistrate is still in the process of taking office. I can't guarantee what will happen in the future. I can only guarantee that during my tenure, I will try my best not to make wrongful convictions."

"I can't see that you still have such determination and sense of responsibility." The old man was quite surprised that he could say such a thing. The first time he looked at Qingyun, his eyes were a little different.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Qingyun laughed.

The old man stopped mocking Qingyun, pointed to the words on the tenure document, and read it again.

Qingyun wanted to learn secretly, but unfortunately his brain was not strong enough.The old man recited one and she remembered one. When the old man finished reciting, she also forgot, except for the first three names.

The old man said it again in vernacular, probably meaning that the sage praised her, she was talented and learned to be rich, she was beautiful, and she was very brave.

Qingyun touched his chin and wondered, was the original owner so powerful?No exaggeration?
People who can be scared to death by fleeing the famine can still be brave?
Only high eight buckets learn to be rich five cars, to be studied!

"Don't remember?" the old man asked, staring at Qingyun thoughtfully, his eyes looked like an idiot.

Qingyun coughed awkwardly, and said uncomfortably, "I'm not hurting my brain, and my memory will inevitably be affected?"

"Okay, don't make excuses, it seems that other people's brains have not been hurt. If you are stupid, admit it! A manly man, open-minded, dare to act."

The old man twitched, unable to listen any longer, and pushed everything into his head.This kid looks clumsy and kind, but is actually cunning.

(End of this chapter)

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