Chapter 22 Donated
"I really don't know how you got the county magistrate's test?" the old man muttered.

"Donate it!" Qingyun accepted it smoothly.

After speaking, the two were stunned, and then from each other's eyes, the two saw it clearly.

Donate Officer!

The old man was not surprised, but he didn't expect this kid to donate it too.

Today, the saint is very old, and he has been ignoring the government for several years.

Since the death of the prince, the Dayong Dynasty has not established a prince again, and the government is jointly governed by the princes.

There is only one dragon chair, who doesn't want to sit on it?Co-governance is just a fig leaf.

Privately colluded with courtiers, formed sects, excluded dissidents, and unscrupulously made the court smoky and turbulent.

There are not only internal worries, but also external troubles.

Dayong's surrounding territorial states, eyeing the tigers, are ready to carve up this big country and expand the territory.

In the past ten years, there have been numerous small battles in the border war, and the two sides have been stalemate at the border, and neither of them will retreat.

The Xiongnu had no land and depended on herding for a living. They did not know how to farm, raise silkworms and weave cloth, or grow tea and make wine.

Porcelain, salt, silk, etc. were all bought from the Dayong Dynasty.

The Dayong Dynasty had fertile land, a land of fish and rice, bi-japonica rice for eating, silk for wearing, and porcelain for tea.

Eat and wear, everything is fine.

The Huns liked Dayong's fat, so they wanted to fight.

Anyway, they have nothing, nothing to lose, can't beat you won't make you feel better, beat better, you have everything.

The soldiers of the Dayong Dynasty guarding the border cannot retreat.Behind them is their homeland, with their parents, wife and children. Once they retire, they will be irreversible.

For those who want money to support soldiers, the treasury is depleting faster every year, and the money that actually reaches the soldiers is very little.

It has been two or three years since the imperial court issued money to soldiers.

In addition to military salaries, the princes and ministers secretly sought various names to pull money from the state treasury into their private treasury.

The emperor built a palace, and he also took money from the treasury to please the beauties. The treasury was empty a few years ago, and there was nothing left.

The war on the border requires the army to fight, and the national treasury has no money and can't get it out.

The soldiers at the border said that they would not bring the army to buy food and send them over. The soldiers starved to death, and no one guarded the border. When the time came, the Huns drove straight into the capital...

Ha ha……

Whether the princes and ministers can keep their money or not, it is hard to say whether they will die at that time.

At that time, there is no life to spend with money!
The imperial court became a pot of porridge, and the ministers were anxious to follow the ants on the hot pot.They tightened their belts and squeezed, feeling distressed like a dead father and mother, and each paid a portion of the money to respond to emergencies.

But not in the long run.

I'm in a hurry, I don't know who proposed to donate officials, which officials are not high, and the remote places that the officials don't want to go to, let those businessmen go.

After discussing with the ministers, the princes thought the idea was very good and unanimously passed it.

There are many wealthy businessmen in the country. Due to the laws of the imperial court, the merchants cannot take the examinations and enter the officials, which makes many businessmen discouraged.

Usually, businessmen are asked to donate money, and the excuse is that one is more than one. If there is no money, there is no money, and it is useless to kill them, because there is no money.

The silver of the white flowers is put into the warehouse to get moldy, and it is not taken out for disaster relief.

Now this idea is good, not only solves everyone's difficulties, but also increases the money for the national treasury, and also allows the merchants to use the money to buy an official to do it.

 Are the angels there?

(End of this chapter)

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