Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 23 Learning from the Three-Character Classic

Chapter 23 Learning from the Three Character Classic
In the face of national disasters, in addition to being an official, there are other preferential policies for businessmen donating officials.

For example, in the past, the descendants of Shang Jia were not allowed to take the scientific examination.

For another example, the tax can be reduced by one tenth on the original basis, and so on.

There are people in the DPRK who do things well!
Someone in the family is an official, and the business is easy to do... In short, there are many benefits.

After the news came out, Dayong's government and opposition were turbulent, and many hidden rich men jumped out to buy officials. It was crowded and the scene was really lively.

Golden opportunity!

Breaking away from the low-level merchants and turning into a new generation of nobles is a great deed for the family to benefit for a hundred years, or even a thousand years.

Those who don't come are fools.

I heard that a seventh-rank official gets 20 taels of silver, and a sixth-rank official gets 50 taels of silver...

The highest official position that can be donated, the fifth grade, and the amount of silver, I don't know, I heard that the price is sky-high, and ordinary merchants can't donate it.

The seventh-rank official position is the best-selling, and the number of places is not limited.However, the merchants who came to donate officials always felt that the number of places was limited.

There are some, but not many, of the sixth-rank officials who come to donate officials.There are basically no donations for the five-rank official position!
Merchants are not fools!You can't go bankrupt and donate to officials, right?
In less than a month, five treasuries were filled, and there was a large amount of silver left out of the treasury.

The princes and courtiers looked at the snow-like Silver Mountain and laughed until their teeth were lost.What is the moral character of the officials who donate to officials?Whether they will exploit the people after taking office is not in their consideration.

"Donor officer?"

The old man's expression was a little terrifyingly calm, and Qingyun's heart was trembling, and there was always a feeling that a catastrophe was imminent.

"Four Books and Five Classics, how much do you know about the Doctrine of the Mean?" The old man pondered for a while and asked Qingyun.

Not a single one!

She didn't learn that when she went to school.

Qingyun thought about it seriously, spread his hands, and said helplessly: "I don't have an impression! I'm not injured in my brain, maybe I can remember it in the future."

The old man seemed to have expected Qingyun to say so, this kid Bacheng is an ignorant and ignorant dude.

"Qingyun~~" The old man looked at her meaningfully, "You are a county magistrate who is illiterate, so you will laugh out loud when you say it?"

"So what?" Qingyun raised her eyebrows, can't she be the county magistrate?
"You want to approve the official documents of the yamen. If you are illiterate and can't write, how can you approve the official documents? Not everyone has a conscience. In case the people below are bribed and deceived with the wrong copy, resulting in unjust, false and wrong cases..."

"This possibility is not ruled out!" Qingyun nodded, thinking that the old man's analysis made sense.There are greedy people everywhere.

It's the same on TV.

I have never heard anyone say that the King of Hell is easy to send, and the little devil is difficult to deal with.

"From today, follow me to learn." The old man glanced at him, "Let's start with the Three Character Classic."

"Isn't it?" Qingyun wailed, with an expression of being struck by lightning, pointed at the tip of his nose and said, "Old man, have you made a mistake, I am so old and still learn the Three Character Classic? It's only when I spread it out, I laugh out loud. !"

Is it okay for a three-year-old child to learn this when he is enlightened?

Her current level is as low as that of a three-year-old child.

The old man looked at her with a half-smile, you know that people will laugh at her?

Qingyun thought about hitting someone in annoyance, and said calmly: "I know the three-character scripture. Don't believe it. I'll recite it to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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