Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 24: Just Recognize Words

Chapter 24: Just Recognize Words

"In the beginning of human beings, their nature is good, their natures are similar, their habits are far apart, their sons do not teach them, and their fathers are wrong..."

Qingyun opened her mouth and came, and then her back was broken here, what else is behind, she doesn't know!
She knows these few words, and she often listens to her three-year-old nephew to memorize them.The nephew would memorize these sentences. She was used to listening to them, so naturally she only remembered these sentences.

"Old man, am I right?" Qingyun said calmly, unable to see that she would not be behind.

The old man stared at her carefully, shook his head while watching, and said, "You don't have amnesia, you don't remember anything, you still remember the Three Character Classic!"


Qingyun clicked his tongue, the old man is really not cute.

Who is she?
His face was thicker than that of a planet, and he grinned, "I don't remember. You mentioned the Three Character Classic, and these contents popped up in your mind. Maybe you have learned it before."

"In my current situation, there is a layer of fog in my mind, hazy and unreal. I guess that it takes some keywords or key things to stimulate in order to think of something. Hehehe, intuition, intuition tells me that it seems like this ."

I believe your nonsense!
It's true that the little bastard has amnesia, forgetting his knowledge is all bullshit.There are no two or two in the stomach, so I have to face it.

The old man was not used to his temper.

"Then go down."

Qingyun touched his nose and laughed: "I don't remember."

The one who said it righteously.

The old man was not surprised, he grinned at her, then closed his smile and said seriously, "Wrong."

What's wrong?
Qingyun blinked, and immediately understood that the old man said that she had memorized the Three Character Classic wrong.

After sucking his teeth, Hanako thought: I can't trust my nephew.

Wrong, and carry a fart every day!Not only did the elder brother and sister-in-law not correct him, but he also praised his nephew for his memorization.

Kill her.

"What's wrong?" Qingyun asked reluctantly, how smooth she was back!

"What's your family's Three-Character Classic? Xi Xiangyuan does not teach your son? After Xi Xiangyuan, Gou does not teach, but your sex moves... There's a big section missing in the middle."

Qingyun raised her eyebrows, how did she know!She hasn't studied yet.

"Starting today, start learning from the Three Character Classic." The old man settled down with a hammer, "After the Three Character Classic, there are four books and five classics."

"It's enough to read. I'm already a county magistrate. It's useless to learn those things, and I don't need to take the imperial examinations."

Qingyun's scalp is numb, and the Four Books and Five Classics can be very troublesome when he hears it.She, a person who speaks with her fists, suddenly asked her to write...

Qingyun shivered.

When the county magistrate wanted to survive, she didn't climb up, and her status didn't allow her to climb up, so it wasn't that she was tired of living.

The old man snorted coldly, he knew that was the case.The little brat wanted to cheat and play tricks, he had to break him over.

"Then do you know how to read?" the old man asked.

Qingyun shook his head.

"Learning Chinese characters must start with the Three Character Classics. As a parent and official, you must learn the Four Books and Five Classics. Within your jurisdiction, there are private schools, students, and literati. The literati like to hold Poetry Friends Associations, using literature to meet friends and exchange literary talents. You must attend this kind of poetry club, the students ask you to teach, if you can’t memorize even a three-character classic, are you not afraid of being laughed at?”

She is not afraid!
Whoever likes to laugh laughs.

The first-level official crushed people to death, and the next time I see her, I can't be honest and say goodbye!

Qingyun is annoying and irritable, and she really doesn't like reading.Looking at the old man's stubborn eyes, he compromised.

The old man is also good for her!

 Thank you for the reward of Huobaobenbenben, memeda

(End of this chapter)

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