Chapter 25
"You have to tell me the ugly things. I'm not what I read. I'm stupid and have poor aptitude. If you can't learn it, you can't be angry!"

Vaccinations must be prepared in advance!

"I see."

The old man was satisfied, and he was excited for a while as a teacher for the first time.Next, you have to prepare well, not to ask for advice to become a champion, but also to become a scholar.

The work that was in the mind finally had room to play.

It was so sudden that nothing was prepared.Now he is still fleeing the famine, so he doesn't need to think about the books of the Four Books and Five Classics, the Three Character Classics alone is enough for him to learn.

The old man silently recited the full text of the Three-Character Classic. It was very good, and he did not forget it.

Once the identity was confirmed, the old man instantly entered the role of Mr., and straightened the invisible robes on his body, and said solemnly:

"Qingyun, don't call me the old man in the future. The old man's surname is Song, the word is Wenqian, and I will be called Mr. in the future."

Qingyun’s teeth are sour, the ancient literati still have a little bit of bad, obviously have a name and a surname, but also a word.

I really don't understand ancient culture!
Looking at the pretentious old man Song, Qingyun twitched his lips, and he entered the role of a teacher?
"Sir, the students are polite."

Qing Yun accepted his grinning face, clasped his fists in a serious manner, and bowed slightly to salute.Etiquette is still learned from TV, I don't know if it's right.

Song Wenqian stroked his sparse beard and nodded secretly, Ruzi can be taught.Although the etiquette is not standard, it will be taught slowly in the future.

Without waiting for the old man to agree, Qingyun straightened her waist, and she couldn't stand the ancient behavior of bending over.

She was unruly since she was a child, and didn't like too many rules to restrain her. The old man in the family was worried that she would go the wrong way, so she would restrain her to practice calligraphy and cultivate herself.

The result of more than ten years of self-cultivation is that she is no longer irritable and impulsive, and can solve problems rationally. At least before she moves her fist, she is on the side of rationality.

To put it bluntly, she still doesn't like restraint.

In ancient times, there were the most rules, and the concept of class was very strict.

But she just traveled to this ghost place, God is really a joke!

"Old man, that's wrong, sir, I'll still call you old man, it seems that we are close. Sir, sir, how estranged! There is no distance, there is a distance." Qingyun thought so.

Song Wenqian is also a person who doesn't like restraint. It can be seen from his usual ease with Qingyun. He can't handle it for three seconds, and he immediately relaxes. He leans back on the tree, how to feel comfortable.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a title, I just teach you to read, not your husband."

Song Wenqian also didn't want to be his husband, because it was not reasonable, he positioned himself as a staff member, Qingyun's subordinate.

"Mr." is just a title for his staff, a kind of honorific title. Qingyun felt that the title of "old man" was close, and Song Wenqian would not reject his kindness.

Only close grandfathers and grandchildren will call their elders old men at will.The stinky boy treats him as a family member, and he will not disappoint his kindness.

"Old man, don't worry, I can't read, and I still have the most basic morality." Qingyun can guarantee this.

The ancients paid attention to the inheritance of teachers, and had the idea of ​​"a teacher for one day, a father for life", which bound the student's status, and the teacher could control the fate of the student.

This is very scary!

Qingyun can respect the teacher and respect the Tao, but he does not need a father to press on her head and control his fate.

Her old man didn't dare to be so domineering, and it was even more impossible for outsiders.

(End of this chapter)

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