Chapter 26

Song Wenqian believed in his own vision, Qingyun was not the kind of wolf-hearted person, so he decided to be his staff.Otherwise, you think he is overeating and causing trouble for himself.

"My lord, start today and learn a hundred characters a day. At the beginning of human beings, nature is kind..."

Song Wenqian picked up a wooden stick on the ground, and wrote while talking, and finally wrote the word "person", which was interrupted by Qingyun.

"Don't call me my lord. We are fleeing famine and are in danger all the time. If you call me my lord, you think I won't die fast enough! I haven't taken office yet, so call me Qingyun from now on."

Qingyun wiped the sweat off her head, and when she woke up, all she could hear were the refugees scolding the dog officials, with such viciousness, Qingyun had no doubt that they both wanted to eat the dog officials.

Qing Yun regretted her life very much, she would not take this risk.

Song Wenqian thought of the situation on the way to flee from famine, it was really dangerous.He is not a rigid person, he will be flexible when he should be flexible.

"There's no rush to read, I'll collect the official seal first."

Qingyun touched the bulging thing in her arms, it was so obvious that anyone who was not blind could see it, and those who didn't know thought she was hiding something good and it was very dangerous.

Qingyun looked up and down, but there was nowhere to hide.He inadvertently glanced at the boots on his feet, and his eyes lit up.

When she was a child, she liked to hide pocket money in her shoes.She was wearing long boots, the boots were almost up to her knees, and it was not a problem to hide two things.

He lifted up the robe and looked at it, and gestured with the roll of paper. The length was just right, and he put one boot on one side, so he was not afraid of a little bulging. When the robe was put down to cover it, no one could see it.

The corner of Song Wenqian's mouth twitched fiercely, that was the official seal!Put it in the boots, luckily he thought of it, so he doesn't shy away from it.

Young people really have no taboos!
Qingyun stuffed the roll into his boots with the end tube, got up and took a few steps, and even jumped, it was no big deal, as long as he didn't bend his feet specially, the roll wouldn't fall out.

It suddenly occurred to me that this was paper. In ancient times, there was no waterproof ink. If you sweat a little, this thing will be scrapped!
She took it for granted.

It's all TV that killed people, Qingyun was quite embarrassed, touched his nose as if nothing happened, then took out the box from the cloth bag and put it in, and then stuffed it into his boots.

I can't fit it in, the box is too high!
Put the box in first, and the feet will not be able to wear it.

Qingyun was quite speechless, why is it so difficult to do something!

Song Wenqian watched him toss.

The box containing the official seal is taller than the long box, and it cannot be stuffed in.

Qingyun shook the cloth bag and thought of another way.

Open the cloth bag, put the two boxes next to each other in a row, wrap the cloth around the box, and roll it into a palm-width long belt and put it aside.

Turning his back to the old man, he unbuttoned a button on his neckline and took a look, it was fine, he was wearing clothes inside.No wonder it is so hot, even if the ancients were dying of heat, they would still wear obscene clothes and trousers with long sleeves underneath.

Now it is convenient for her again.

Qingyun took off his robe, tied a cloth bag around his waist, and tied a knot.Whether it is walking and jumping, climbing trees and over walls, it will not fall.

She wears a long robe outside and a belt around her. The belt connects with the cloth bag inside, making her appear to have a strong waist.

Qingyun patted it, and the effect was quite good. He turned his head and asked Song Wenqian, "Old man, how is it? Is this much safer?"

The dagger slipped into the boot.

Song Wenqian lazily replied, "As long as you think it's good!"

It is a good thing that young people are energetic!Seeing him alive and kicking, the old man's mood is much better, and he has hope.

(End of this chapter)

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