Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 27 The Responsible Song Wenqian

Chapter 27 The Responsible Song Wenqian

After tossing for a long time, Qingyun was hungry again, looking at the old man who was leaning against the big tree lazily, worried, where is the next meal?

"It's done?" Song Wenqian asked.

"Okay." Qingyun patted his waist, isn't this obvious!

"Come here, before the sun goes down, hurry up and learn a few words. Learning knowledge is not done overnight, but over time." Song Wenqian raced against time to teach him to read.

Qingyun is extremely helpless. She has a positive and responsible teacher who never forgets to urge her to study. It is just like those crazy parents in modern times who force their children to study. It's terrible.

Not being interested in talking about it made her a little rebellious and wanted to get tired of studying.

I'm hungry and can't do anything.Turning his head to look at the sunset that covered the top of the mountain, I felt that the sunset was not so beautiful for the first time.

Seeing the high spirits of the old man, Qing Yun didn't find any excuse to reject him.He is so interested!Qingyun couldn't bear to refuse.

"Come on!" Qingyun moved slowly with a tragic expression of generous death.

Song Wenqian did not teach much, and the Three Character Classic only taught ten sentences and thirty characters.

Qingyun was very serious and focused on learning.

The first four sentences are very familiar to Qingyun, and the last six sentences are still catchy after reading several times.

Before dark, he was forced to engrave the shapes of these thirty characters into his mind, and while taking notes, he followed the old man with a stick to write their strokes.

She is now on the same level as her three-year-old nephew. If the old man sees her working so hard, he will wake up with a smile.

Song Wenqian's writing has a sense of beauty and charm. Qingyun looked at the words he wrote again, and it was just like the ghost painting, which was unsightly!
"Don't be impatient, take your time, it was like this at the beginning. It's a lot better than what I just learned." Song Wenqian saw that his patience was running out, and hurriedly comforted him.

Qingyun, hehe, it's better not to be comforted!

The old man may not have been more than five years old back then, how old is she now?The past life plus this life must be 35!

Don't take such a blow!

When the sky was dark, Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief, dropped the stick and clapped his hands and stood up.

"I can't see it when it's dark. I'll continue tomorrow. I'll rest in the woods tonight and drive tomorrow. I'll go around and see if I can find something to eat."

"Be careful, don't go too far, the woods are not safe after dark."

Don't look at the wild beasts in the daytime, the forest after dark, who knows what terrible things are hidden.

That big boa constrictor is an example.


Leaving the old man here alone, Qingyun is not worried.I picked up two bundles of firewood from the surrounding area and started the fire again. The fire was big and bright.

Beasts are afraid of fire, and if there is fire, they will not approach.

Before it was completely dark, Qingyun wandered around.

This time, she was lucky. She wobbled her foot and fell on a small mountain wall. She found a few vines of yellow wax fruit, and there were six or seven yellow wax fruit vines on them. The fruit was about a foot long and as thick as an arm.

After picking off the few yellow wax fruits, Qingyun pulled down the whole vine to look for it, found two more, and picked up his robe and pocketed it back.

"Old man, what do you think I found?" Qingyun showed the old man a treasure.

Song Wenqian glanced at it, he knew it could be eaten, but he didn't know what it was called.

"Where did you find it?"

"There is a small narrow valley at the foot of the mountain over there. It is very narrow and can only accommodate one person. If it hadn't swelled to the foot and fell off, it happened to fall into the narrow valley, and maybe I missed it."

 Do babies feel this way when they are told by their parents to study hard?I don't want to learn, I have to learn...

(End of this chapter)

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