Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 185 Missing a housekeeper, do you want to come 2 more asking for a monthly pass

Chapter 185 Missing a housekeeper, do you want to come 2 more asking for a monthly pass
Master Du Bo waited quietly for a while, and when he saw Shaoxia Mo open his mouth, the anticipation in his heart sank, he nodded, turned and walked out.

Qingyun stared at his face, waiting for him to speak, did not expect him to walk out suddenly?

What are you doing?
Qingyun frowned, staring at his back, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and shouted: "Master Du, wait a minute."

Master Du paused for a moment, then turned to look at Qingyun, and asked expressionlessly: "What else can you order, young hero?"

"Come here, let's discuss something with you." Qingyun hooked his fingers flirtatiously, Du Zhubo hesitated for a moment, but still came over.

"The county magistrate of Guanshan County died. From arresting the head to arresting the yamen servants, they were either assigned to the border or disappeared. You survived alone. Nothing happened. The food in the granary was gone, and the money was gone. The refugees who broke through the county He also ran away, guess what the next county magistrate will think when he sees you?" Qing Yun said casually.

What else can I do?
He is the best scapegoat for the new official taking office.

"What does the young man want to say?" Du Zhubo, who had been silent all this time, finally raised his head to look at him.

Qingyun smiled, threw the fried peanuts in his hand into the air one by one, and then ate them with his mouth open.

These fried peanuts were fried by Aunt Li for Qingtian as snacks, the child was so obedient, she didn't eat alone, so she came here to share some with her, and it was extra sweet when eaten in her mouth.

"For such a big incident to happen in Guanshan, the imperial court will definitely hold him accountable. In order to keep his black hat, the next county magistrate must push a scapegoat. You are just right!

In the past two days, I have seen you arrange things in an orderly manner, and I am very satisfied with the results of the handling of things.I need a housekeeper, do you want to come?Our team is full of big bosses, it's okay to fight and kill people, but it's not okay to manage people and affairs. "

"I'll stay, let me die alone, and follow you. Our family is a traitor, and the whole family must die." Master Du looked at Qingyun and said slowly.

Qingyun squinted at him and smiled lightly.

"I didn't know you were still so naive. In the past two days, you have been in and out of the county government. In the eyes of caring people, you are mine.

To tell you the truth, the list of wealthy businessmen you provided, I have scratched their skins.You are dead, your family is their best vent bucket.Be different from me, I can protect your family and spend the rest of your life with peace of mind.Of course, the premise is that I am alive. "

Lord Du looked down on Qingyun, a man who was about to become a wanted criminal, how could he have the confidence to say such a thing.

"Think about it, let's go tonight, after thinking about it, come to the county government to meet up, and now we still have time to pack up when we go back."

All that needs to be said has been said, and Qingyun will not keep anyone.

Qingyun just poached a corner on a temporary basis. Who knows what the situation is like in the county government where she took office.

Besides, Master Du's ability to handle affairs is very good. If the county government has no place to accommodate her, she can be an aide or an official!Except for old man Song, there was really no one around her who could do anything.

Fighting is not human.

As soon as Qingyun returned to Houya, Song Wenqian sent someone to look for her. Qingyun guessed that the old man Song was looking for her because of Mr. Du's affairs.

"I heard that you want to take Master Du away?" Song Wenqian poured him a bowl of water, "Why do you suddenly think of taking him away?"

Song Wenqian didn't quite agree, Du Zhu Bo Neng was in the hands of the county magistrate, he was like a fish in water, he was very scheming.

Qingyun is smart, he is smart, he is smart in the open, and he can't play with the old fritters in the officialdom.There is also the matter of the mine, no one can guarantee that Mr. Du is the owner behind the mine?

"After copying the county government, I can be regarded as a person with a family business. In the future, I will be too busy with official duties, so I can't manage the mundane affairs by myself! I don't know how to manage those. Or should you manage it for me? If you leave it to me, I won't take him away." Qingyun said seriously.

Just copying a county government office, she became rich overnight.No wonder the old saying goes: murder and set fire to the gold belt.

"As soon as I'm old, I want to teach you to read and take care of common affairs for you. You want to exhaust me to death, old man." Song Wenqian said angrily.

"This is the reality! I don't understand, if you don't want to worry about it, you must find someone to manage it for me! If all my housekeepers and servants hadn't died, I wouldn't have made up his mind. Mr. Du has been in the civil service for so many years. Mundane affairs are not yet easy.

You told me last time that the place I went to was in Shanjiali, and it was hard to tell if there was a master in the county government.If not, it's better for Mr. Du to go up to him than to be blinded by my eyes. "

This reason is quite convincing.There are too few people around Qingyun, and there is no staff.

"If you think it's right, stick to it, and don't care what others think." Song Wenqian just understood the situation and didn't want to vent any of Qingyun's decisions.

Now, he is already the soul of this team, whether to leave or stay, whether to die or live, are all under his control.

"Old man, you are really my confidant." Qingyun patted Song Wenqian on the shoulder, smiling.

The whole team received the news that they were going to leave at night, and they all went back to the house to rest after eating, except for the team members on patrol.


"Master Du Bo, it's time to go to the office."

"Master Du Bo."

When Du Chunan came out from the county magistrate, the neighbors saw him greet one by one, Du Chunan smiled and nodded one by one, thinking about what he said just now.

"I'm back! Why is it so early today?"

Just as Du Chun'an entered the house, the embroidering wife in the room saw the man coming back from the window, put down her needlework, and greeted him.

Looking at his wife's soft smile, he washed away his fatigue.

"Well, there's nothing to do in the yamen, come back early." After the couple returned to the house, Du Chun'an took off his official uniform and changed into a daily uniform.

"What about the children?"

"Father took her out for a stroll and will be back soon. Mother went to the market to buy vegetables."

People outside are spreading rumors that the group of people living in the county government office are great heroes who rescued the people of a city and tens of thousands of refugees.

Only she knew how frightened Xianggong lived in the county government every day.When I come back every day, I sit down and fall asleep.

That day, her husband was almost killed by those people.Let's talk about resentment, that group of people did save a city of people.

If you don't complain, everyone in the family complains. One of them almost lost their son, and the other almost lost their husband. How could they not complain?
If you want to say that those people are not good, then you let your husband go, and even invited a doctor to see him.Helping them do things these few days, the rewards they get are more than what their whole family earns in a year.

So far, they don't know how to complain?Or don't complain?

Hearing the noise of the children in the yard, Du Chun'an woke up, took a basin of water to wash his face, and then went to find Father Du, and the two went to the study for a secret conversation.

 Handsome is out????
(End of this chapter)

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