Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 186 The Best Scapegoat 3 Asking for a Monthly Pass

Chapter 186 The Best Scapegoat 3 Asking for a Monthly Pass
"Chun'an, if you leave the yamen so early today, is there something wrong in the yamen?" Father Du said.

"It's something. The county government..." Du Chun'an told the whole story, including Qing Yun's guesses.

"...He was right. Once they left, I was the only one who survived the county government. The court blamed me, and I was the best scapegoat. It doesn't matter if I die, I'm afraid it will hurt the whole family. Dad, it's up to now , we have no way out, we can only follow him."

Father Du was silent for a while. He patted the table and said, "Then go!"

The father and son talked secretly for half an hour before they came out.

After the meal, Father Du, the head of the family, announced the matter on the table.

"Do you have to go?"

Du's mother is struggling very much. She has lived here for decades, and she has lived with her neighbors for decades.

Glancing at the man, then at the son, if the head of the family can make this decision, their family must be threatened with their lives and must go.

To go or not to go, for Du Chun'an's wife, there is no reluctance. She stays at home all year round, and her neighbors don't move around.

"If you stay any longer, those four good grandchildren of yours will die. Stay if you want." Father Du said.

Mother Du remained silent.

"After dinner, you and your daughter-in-law tidy up, take away what you can take away, and keep what you can't take away. In case you come back one day. Let no one know about our departure. Don't drop by."

Du's father understood his wife's temperament very well, so he gave special instructions.


As soon as Haishi passed, the shops on both sides of the street were almost closed. Except for the laughter from the fireworks field, the street was empty, and there were no cars or pedestrians.People who have been busy all day go to bed after washing.

After midnight, the lanterns hanging on the porch in front of the fireworks building were also extinguished.

The county government office, which had been quiet all day, suddenly turned on the lights, and everyone who had slept until now woke up, and the county government office became lively, but no one made any noise.

After they washed up, they ate a hot and meaty supper. After checking that there was no problem with the convoy, they opened the back door of the county government office and filed out in an orderly manner.

After leaving the county office, the convoy headed west of the city, so it was out of the city gate, leading to the next county magistrate.

Qingyun's carriage was in the middle of the convoy. In the carriage sat Song Wenqian and Qingtian, and Qingyun Tian Duoliang sat on the shaft.

After going out the back door, Qingyun jumped down and stood by the side of the road, Tian Duoliang followed suit.

"Brother, what are you doing down there?" Qing Tian was excited and curious when he was riding in a carriage for the first time. He lay down at the door of the carriage, raised the curtain to look out, and asked when he saw Qing Yun jumping out of the carriage.

"Brother, you have something to do. Don't sit at the door of the carriage. It's easy to fall off. You have to watch from the window. Old man, you follow the convoy, and I will catch up immediately." The latter words were said to Song Wenqian.

"Be careful." Song Wenqian's voice came from the carriage.

"Shaojie, bring a few people to protect the carriage." Qingyun called Bai Shaojie who was waiting next to him.

"Yes, master." Bai Shaojie called Bai Erbai San and two people, he drove, and Bai Erbai San rode a horse and walked with the carriage.

While counting the number of people in the convoy, Qingyun glanced at the front door from the corner of his eye.

"Are you waiting for Mr. Du?" Tian Duoliang also looked at the front door and snorted, "I guess he won't take it with him. He will drag his family with him and follow us around. Anyone with a brain will not come."

Qingyun raised his foot and kicked him, "According to what you said, you are also brainless."

Tian Duoliang was still fine after being kicked, "Can I be the same as him? I'm a loner, and I've been wandering around. It's the same as if I didn't follow you."

"A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory! Don't worry, he will come." Qing Yun was confident.

Tian Duoliang didn't believe it.

"Would you like to make a bet with me, I will give you 50 taels of silver if I lose, and 40 taels of silver if you lose."

In the afternoon when the silver rewards were issued, many people gathered together to play money. Tian Duoliang was lucky and won 40 taels, plus his original 50 taels of capital, a total of [-] taels.

Qingyun's proposed gambling money is interesting, she left Tian Duoliang's capital of ten taels, it's even better if she wins, earning 50 taels, and what she loses is the money he won, not his capital, so there's nothing to feel bad about.

"I'll bet with you." Tian Duoliang thought about it for a while, and agreed without losing money if he lost.As soon as the words fell, there was the sound of wheels sliding from the corner, and soon I saw a bullock cart approaching, and the person sitting on the shaft of the cart was Du Zhubo, and there were two old people sitting on the cart, it should be Du Zhu Thin parents.

There is a carriage behind Du Zhubo, and the carriage is a servant.

"Bring me the money." Qingyun stretched out his hand and asked Tian Duoliang, coldly and ruthlessly.

"Are you short of this money?" Tian Duoliang gasped in pain, touched the hand of the silver, but refused to take it out from his bosom, "What's the relationship between us?"

"What's the matter? My brother will settle the account, bring it." Qingyun looked at him coldly, took the four silver ingots, turned around and put them in his arms.

"Master Qing"

When the bullock cart arrived in front of the convoy, Master Du jumped down and walked to Qingyun. Father Du also got off the cart and walked this way, looking at Tian Duoliang Qingyun, wondering which one killed the county magistrate.

"Come on, let's go!" Qingyun nodded towards Father Du and rushed to the front of the convoy.

Father Du saw the boy nodding to him, and guessed that the boy was the one who killed the county magistrate.The young man is gentle and gentle, it is really hard to see that he is a cruel person.

"It's really him?" On the bullock cart, Du's father asked his son in a low voice. He was not at the execution ground that day when he was working outside, so he didn't know who killed the county magistrate.When I came back at night, I realized that my son had passed through the gate of hell.

"It's him." Du Chun'an said, secretly waving his hand to signal Du's father not to say anything, even though he didn't say bad things about Qingyun, it's not good for people to hear.

Father Du looked at the boy who was looking forward, and stopped talking.

After the siege, the east and west gates were guarded by Qingyun and his men.Before the convoy set off, the people from the east of the city had withdrawn and followed the convoy.The people in the west of the city were still guarding the gate, and the people on the tower saw the torches of the convoy from afar, and opened the gate to facilitate the convoy to leave the city.

The entire convoy left the city, and the guards in the west of the city followed suit and left with the convoy.After Zishi passed, the gate of Guanshan was not guarded. If bandits broke into the city at this time, the consequences would be overwhelming.

Qingyun looked at the unguarded city gate, and asked Du Chun'an in silence: "Master Du, among the county government's arrests, which one is more reliable?"

"Catcher Sun, Zhang, catch them." Du Chun'an didn't know why Qingyun asked this suddenly. According to his character, he definitely didn't want to find trouble with Sun, Zhang, and them.

"Where do they live?"

Du Chun'an said the addresses of the two, and Qing Yun turned around and explained to Captain Bai, "Send someone to notify the two of them. The east and west gates are unguarded. Come back immediately when the notification arrives."

Bai Yanheng found Bai Yi and ordered him to come down.

Hearing Qing Yun's words, Du Chun'an and his son were really relieved.Sun and Zhang quickly guarded the city gate, and the people in the city were safe.

Father Du's view of Qingyun immediately changed.This young man is vicious and ruthless, but he is not bad. He has people in his heart, and if he follows him, his family will feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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