Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 200: Should I Change Official Uniforms?

Chapter 200: Should I Change Official Uniforms?
"What did you say?"

The robber stared in shock, thinking he had misheard, turned his head to look at the young man in disbelief, met his cold, lifeless eyes, and backed away in horror.

"For robbery, you don't kill if you hand over your knife." Qingyun said.

"You, you, you are..." The robber blinked and looked at the young man, his eyes slipped to the knife held by the person next to him, he suddenly turned his head and ran, shouting as he ran, "Run, the bandit is here."

In the blink of an eye, there was no one running, and only yellow dust was left on the mountain road.

Qingyun: "..."

Crazy Wolf: "..."

Everyone in the team: "..."

"What kind of operation is this?" Qingyun blinked in confusion, then turned to look at Mad Wolf, pointed to the tip of his nose and said, "Who is the bandit?"

"I don't know." Crazy Wolf shook his head, with a serious face, he couldn't admit it even if he was killed!
Tian Duoliang glanced at Qingyun, and laughed loudly, "You are even more of a bandit than a bandit."

Everyone knew what was going on, but no one said it like Tian Duoliang.

Qingyun squinted at Tian Duoliang, and snorted coldly, "Where do you think you are going? Let's go!"

The convoy continued to move forward, and after half a day, they saw the gate of Qishan's county seat.

"Old man, is the convoy going to stop?" Qing Yun turned his head and asked Song Wenqian in the carriage, lifting the brocade robe on his body, "Should I change my official uniform?"

She has watched TV shows that when the boss takes office in a local area, the junior officials have to go five miles out of the city to meet them, and the senior officials have to go out of the city ten miles to meet them.Qingyun doesn't pay attention to those things, he doesn't need it for Wuli, and it's okay to greet him at the gate of the city.

"Master Du, tell your lords about the officialdom." Song Wenqian had never been an official, so how could he know about those things, so he called Du Chun'an to talk to Qingyun.

"My lord, the convoy can stop, step back for a mile, and then send someone to the county government office to inform you that you have arrived. The county magistrate Bo and the others will come to greet you with the police officer. You changed your official uniform and wait here."

Du Chun'an is indeed an old fritter who has been in the officialdom for more than ten years, so he automatically changed Qingyun's name without reminding him.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, glanced at Du Chun'an, and told the mad wolf beside him, "Crazy wolf, take a few brothers to the county government office, inform them that my lord has arrived, and ask them to come and pick him up."

"Yes, my lord."

Hearing Du Zhubo changed his address, Crazy Wolf rolled his eyes, followed suit, ordered five brothers, rode a tall horse, and headed straight for the county.

"My lord, be careful with your words." As soon as Qingyun finished speaking, Du Chun'an immediately advised him.

"Be careful what?"

Qingyun looked at him in a daze, not knowing what she said was wrong, should she speak carefully?Then they looked at Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong, who touched their noses and looked at Qingyun with the same expression.

They are all rough guys, how can they understand those things.

Song Wenqian was already used to Qingyun's disrespect to the Holy One. At the beginning, he even reminded him to be careful when he spoke.

Du Chun'an looked around subconsciously, and then approached Qingyun and muttered, "My lord, only the emperor can use it to pick you up, and all officials including the prince can't use it, they will be beheaded."

If any prince or courtier insists on using "pick up", he is either killing the king or rebelling against him.

"Really?" Qingyun smacked his lips and said carelessly: "It doesn't matter, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and thousands of mountains and rivers are separated, and the emperor's old man is not clairvoyant, so he can't hear it, and he doesn't care."

Qingyun waved his hand, not caring at all.

"My lord..." Du Chun'an was dumbfounded, not knowing how to persuade him, he turned to look at Mr. Song.

Along the way, he also noticed that the adults would not listen to anyone except what Mr. Song said.Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, and the others would be fine if they didn't persuade the adults. It would be a dream to want them to remind Qingyun to pay attention to his words and deeds.

"You did the right thing. You should be reminded. It's up to adults to listen or not." Song Wenqian nodded with satisfaction.

Du Chun'an understands, he has done his duty, and the rest is up to you.

"Brother Miao, Brother Tian, ​​Brother Heixiong, my lord's status is not the same as before. From now on, you can't just name your lord, and don't call your lord Qing Ye. From now on, you have to call him your lord."

Qing Yun raised his eyebrows and was about to say: No need, they are all brothers.

Song Wenqian glanced at him, and said lightly: "Courtesy cannot be discarded! My lord, your situation is not like fleeing from famine. We don't know what's going on in the county government for the first time. How many eyes are staring at you in the city? Get it right."

Qingyun sucked her teeth, she is the parent of this party, it should be others who look at her and act, why does she have to act based on other people's expressions?

Who is the county magistrate?

Glancing at the old man Song and Du Chun'an, his eyes turned to the three of them, "People call me my lord, but we are still the same after people. Why do I feel that I am too useless as a county magistrate!"

Mr. Miao, Datian, Duoliang and Heixiong were also people who knew how to measure themselves, and shouted at Qingyun with fists in their hands, "My lord."

Qingyun gritted his teeth, waved his hands, got into the carriage, took his official uniform, and went to the nearby bushes to change.

Du Chun'an lowered his eyes, pretending he didn't hear Qing Yun's words, he said to the three of them again: "Now that we have arrived outside the city gate, there is no need to hide the matter of the county magistrate, sir. You should inform the motorcade so that everyone is prepared to avoid panic."

Boss Miao understood, this is reminding him!
Tian Duoliang, Black Bear, Crazy Wolf, and the others are not good people in the first place. Naturally, they will not tell about what they did with Qingyun. If Qingyun is unlucky, they are also unlucky.

There are a lot of people in the cottage, and they are bullied in the mine, so naturally they work together and speak out as one.

Now that he is free and has his own small family, he casually said something unfavorable to Qingyun, and let outsiders listen to him...

"Don't worry, the people in Miaojiazhai have no other skills, but their bones are tough and their mouths tight. They know what to say and what not to say, and they won't say it even after they die."

"Thank you for your understanding, brothers. If I say something wrong, don't take it to heart, brothers. I'm here to accompany you. My lord is too straightforward. Let's be careful when we first come here!" Du Chunan clasped his fists and watched three people.

"No, no," Du Chun'an used to be the boss, and everyone would believe him if he didn't.

Hei Xiong, the boss of Miao, went to tell the team about Qingyun's identity, and warned everyone that what should not be said must be brought into the coffin in the rotten stomach.

After hearing Qingyun's true identity, everyone in the motorcade had brilliant expressions on their faces, first they were shocked, then they couldn't believe it, and finally they were overjoyed.

Qingyun changed into an official uniform, she was relatively weak, wearing the official uniform on her body, like a child stealing an adult's clothes, loose and loose.

Tian Duoliang looked at it, pointed at him and laughed.

Song Wenqian, Du Zhubo and others also laughed.

Even Bai Yanheng, that cold person, had a smile in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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