Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 201 This is my county office?

Chapter 201 This is my county office?

"Qingyun, don't wear it, you can tell it's not your official uniform at a glance." Tian Duoliang wiped his laughing eyes and said, met Du Chun'an's gaze, regained his senses, and shouted again, "My lord."

This cannot be blamed on him, since he knew Qingyun, he has been calling Qingyun Qingyun, and he will not change his words for a while.

Qingyun raised her eyebrows, and looked coldly at the people she was making fun of. Everyone shuddered, remembering that the master's joke was not so good, and they all shut their mouths tightly.

Qingyun returned to the carriage, took off his official uniform and put it back into a brocade robe. Looking at the official uniform, his eyes hurt. He got out of the car and said to Du Chun'an, "Ask in the convoy who is good at sewing. Change it for me."

"My lord, my wife is good at sewing."

Guan Qingyun's official prestige is related to the fate of adults. Du Chun'an is worried about the needlework of those aunts in the motorcade.

"Okay, then leave it to your wife. It doesn't matter if it's broken, I still have another set." Qingyun handed him the official uniform he took off.

Du Chun'an took it to his wife and came back.

The wolf who went to the county government came back, and Qingyun's eyes lit up. She also had vanity, and she might just put on official airs once in her life.

"How about the county government office?" Qingyun asked impatiently.

Crazy Wolf glanced at Qingyun, that look was intriguing, Qingyun touched his chin, what does that look mean?

Du Chun Yasuda Duo Liangmiao's boss Hei Xiong also looked at him eagerly, waiting for him to say something.

Bai Yanheng glanced at Qingyun. If he knew the situation in Qishan County, would he be so optimistic?

"Aren't they stunned when they heard that the adults are coming?" Tian Duoliang couldn't help laughing when he thought of that scene.

Crazy Wolf looked around at a few people, opened his mouth dryly, but couldn't speak out, then looked at the few people in confusion, wiped his face and said, "Your Excellency, you'll know if you can't see it yourself."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, smacked his lips, pondered for a while and said, "What do you mean? They are more arrogant than me? Is this a blow to me?"

Qingyun is a heartless person, and she can tell that the people in the county government don't want to see her.

Qingyun snorted, very good, she hasn't put on airs yet, others did it first.

"The strong dragon can't overwhelm the local snake, forget it, you'd better bear with it." Tian Duoliang patted Qingyun's shoulder sympathetically.

Everyone could tell that they were dismounted before entering the city, and Qishan County was not friendly to them.No, it is not friendly to the county magistrate Qingyun.

"My lord, Qishan County is close to the border, maybe there is something hidden in the county government?" Du Chun'an pondered for a while and said.

Crazy Wolf turned his head and looked at Du Chun'an, but still remained silent, Qingyun was probably being tricked by someone, and I heard that the richer the family, the more chaotic the internal strife.

"Let's go, enter the city." Qing Yun didn't bother to think about it anymore, he quit the carriage, got on the horse, pointed the whip at the city gate, and said to the mad wolf, "lead the way."

She wants to see who doesn't have eyesight, dares to climb on top of her head and domineering, it's boring.

Without further ado, Crazy Wolf led Qingyun away, and Bai Yanheng and the others chased after him.

"Let's catch up quickly, Brother Miao, and inform the convoy to enter the city." Seeing Qingyun running up, Du Chun'an jumped into the carriage, urging Tian Duoliang to hurry up.

When he arrived at the gate of the city, Qing Yun glanced to see if there was a single figure in the empty gate, not to mention officers and soldiers, not even a commoner.

Suppressing the weirdness in his heart, he rode his horse and followed the mad wolf all the way forward.

The sound of "da da da" horseshoes resounded non-stop in the street.

There was no one at the city gate, Qingyun could still understand, but there were not many people on the street, it didn't look like a county town at all, which was weird.

The shops on both sides of the street were closed. From the broken windows, you could see the darkness inside. I wonder if there is anyone inside?


Crazy Wolf suddenly stopped in front of a house, turned over and got off his horse.

Qingyun reined in the saddle and said "wow", the galloping horse came down slowly.

The horse ran past the gate of the county government office for five or six meters. Qingyun saw the plaque hanging above the gate. The old and faded paint seemed to have been fished out after soaking in water for more than ten years. The word in front was gone, only the word "Ya" was left , Guess this is the county government.

Qingyun got off his horse, looked at the county government office and then at the opposite side of the county government office, pointed at the half-collapsed house in front, his eyes were bulging like gongs, and asked in shock: "This is my county government office?"

There are no two big stone lions squatting in front of the gate of the county government office. The earthen walls on both sides have collapsed more than half, and even a child can climb into the walls less than one meter high. Weeds grow sparsely, and there are mouse holes under the corners.

The red paint on the gate of the county government office has fallen off, revealing the wooden blocks that were infested with insects and full of insect eyes. Half of the door has disappeared, and the other half is only half hanging there, "creaking", crumbling. .

The door on the gate is flat and hangs crookedly, and the wind blows through it making a "bang bang" sound.

Standing on the street, you can see the weeds in the yard of the county government from the door. There are several rooms in the yard, and most of the tiles on the roof are gone. I don’t know if it was blown away by the wind or rain?

I don't know if there are any houses in the back, but those houses block it and I can't see it.Looking at the first few floors, it is estimated that the rear is similar to this.

Shabby, tattered, and desolate!
The shabby Cheng Xi is almost the same as the rotten mountain temple in the back mountain of their village. No wonder Qingyun would ask this question.

If a few yellow leaves float down, it will become a bleak drama.

"This is the county government office? You can't make a mistake, right? Can people live in this place? A ruined temple is better than this!" Qingyun swallowed, she didn't want the county government office to be as big and exquisite as the Guanshan county government office, at least It must be able to live in people without leaking wind and rain.

Crazy Wolf wiped his face, and he knew that Qingyun would be taken aback, and when he found the county government office, he was also taken aback.

"This is the county government office. I have searched all over with my brothers, but there is nothing left. Qishan County is not big, there are only two streets, the front one is here, and the other is here."

Qingyun's head was full of black lines, "Where's the yamen servant? Where's the arrest? Where did he go?"

The two of them stood at the door for a long time, and no one from the county government came out to ask questions. Qing Yun felt very bad!
Qingyun walked to the corner of the wall, stared at the mouse hole or the snake hole for a while, then suddenly kicked down the wall to vent his aggrieved heart.


The fence less than one meter away from the gate collapsed with a loud noise, hitting the weeds in the yard.

Crazy Wolf glanced at Qingyun, and could understand his mood, and he felt uncomfortable if anyone was cheated.

"I don't know, there is no one in the county government office." When he found the county government office, looking at the dilapidated situation, it was impossible that there were still people in the county government office, so he went back to the motorcade to inform Qingyun.

Qingyun thought that those people in the county government wanted to show her off, so they deliberately didn't come to pick her up.She didn't expect her to be wrong, there was no one in the county government office, and there was a ghost to greet her?

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, touched the root of his teeth with the tip of his tongue, and stepped into the county office. When he crossed the threshold, he looked up at the flat forehead of the house number and entered the county office.

Well, there is still a piece of land, which is better than nothing.On the ground, there are still a few houses at least, and the houses are dilapidated and uninhabitable, which is better than nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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