Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 202 Why No One Comes Out

Chapter 202 Why No One Comes Out
After the clatter of horseshoes, the people hiding in the house didn't hear the shouting and killing, and the knocking on the door from house to house. They felt strange and opened the window to peek out.

There was not even a shadow of a ghost on the street.

"How is it? I didn't hear any sound today, whose house did the bandits knock on?" An elderly voice sounded from the room.

"Father, there's no one outside, the bandits should be gone." The man peeping through the window said uncertainly, "Mother, you guys, stay indoors and don't come out. Look again, I heard a horse passing by."

"I don't know what's going on today. The horse's hooves sounded three times. Why did they go down the mountain before it's time to make offerings?" The man muttered a few times.

"Going down the mountain at this time, I don't know whose daughter is unlucky, and they took them up the mountain again. It seems that there are not many daughters who have reached the age, and the girls who have reached the age are not good-looking, they look down on them!"

The man shook his head with a puzzled look on his face, and then sighed, when will such a day be the end.

Almost everyone in the household thought so.

"Mom, what should I do? The horse's hooves sounded three times today, are they here to arrest me?"

There is a girl of the right age at home, hiding in the basement, shivering in a corner, the little girl is suppressing her crying, tears streaming down her face and asking the mother who is holding her.

"Mother, I don't want to be fancy by them, and I don't want to be taken up the mountain by them. I'm afraid!"

"Shh, don't cry, mother won't let them take you, mother is trying her best to protect you. Don't cry, don't let people hear you. Mother is here, don't be afraid."

In the same words, several companies say the same.

The people hiding in the house waited for a long time without seeing the shadow of the bandit. The men opened the house, stretched their heads out quietly, looked left and right at the deserted street, and walked out of the house slowly.

"Did you hear that? The hooves sounded three times today."

"I heard that they went down the mountain before it was time to make offerings. I don't know whose family suffered."

No one answered.

"I saw it. The first time there were four horses, the second time there were also four horses, and the third time there were only two horses. I don't know where they went?"

"Hide quickly, the bandits are coming again, there are many, many bandits."

People near the gate of the city yelled suddenly, and the people chatting on the street rushed into the house with a bang, and every household closed the door with a bang.

Immediately, the street was empty again. There was no one, no sound at all, like a dead city.

Soon, the people hiding in the house heard a large clatter of horseshoes and the sound of "gurgling" rolling wheels, passed by the door, and went forward.

The people in the house were pale and trembling, so many bandits entered the city, what are they going to do?

After entering the county government office, Qingyun glanced at the yard, and went to the back. From now on, this is where she will stay for the rest of her life. She has to take a good look at her own land. Apart from a few half-destroyed houses, there is everything behind.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, and had no hope for the county government office, so he turned and walked back.

Of the three rooms in the front yard, except for the one in the middle, the doors on the left and right sides are all closed. There is a big lock on the door. The iron chain and the keyhole are rusty, which shows that it has not grown in a few years.

Qingyun pushed lightly, but the door didn't open. When he pushed harder, the whole door panel was shaking, the rust on the iron chain fell down, and the door panel seemed to fall down, so he stopped pushing and walked out.

Crazy Wolf followed Qingyun step by step, shook his head while watching, this county government office is too dilapidated, not as good as Boss Miao's cottage.

"My lord, the imperial court arranged for you to come here, did you make a mistake or offend the big man and let you come here to fend for yourself?"

Qingyun saw that his family was in a good situation, and he could tell from the guards he brought with him that he was valued at home, but he came here in the end, either because he offended someone or caused trouble by a villain.

"Who knows!" She has no memory of the original owner, and in such a remote and desolate place, she was thinking, probably it was donated by this official.

Qingyun walked to the door, suddenly looked back at the house behind him, turned around and walked to the room with the middle door open.

"who are you?"

Just as the two of them stepped into the door, there was a vicissitudes sound from the innermost part of the room, which startled the two of them.

The tiles in front of the roof of this house are gone, the sun is shining straight into the house, the front half is bright and the back half is covered in shadows.

The first half of the room was empty except for a few empty shelves, while the second half had three rows of bookshelves filled with files.

There was an old desk in front of the three rows of bookshelves. The desk had a broken leg and was propped up with wooden sticks.

A book was spread out on the desk, and a man was sitting behind the desk, looking at the two of them.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The man asked again.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Qing Yun walked over and saw the man behind the desk clearly.

The man was older than Song Wenqian, estimated to be in his fifties, with a gray beard, and wearing an old black cloth with patches that had been washed very clean.

The man didn't answer Qingyun's words. With cloudy eyes, he looked the two of them up and down, and said cautiously: "I haven't seen you before, you are not from here. You came down from the mountain? There are a lot of young people added to the mountain this year!" "

On the mountain?

Qing Tian frowned, why does she always feel that this person treats the two of them as bandits?Illusion?
"The rice hasn't been confiscated yet, so you're here to collect the offerings? Today is ten days earlier than usual!"

Qingyun, Madwolf and the two were confused, what confession?What mountain?What the hell are you talking about?
Just as Crazy Wolf was about to ask questions, there was a loud noise outside the door, and everyone in the motorcade had arrived.

The two went out of the house and went to the door.

The old man in the room also heard the noise outside, he was stunned, his face flickered, and he walked out of the room slowly, muttering, "I haven't heard such a lively sound for a long time."

"My lord, is this the county government office?" Tian Duoliang looked left and right, with a look of shock on his face, and wiped the threshold with his hands, stained with dust.

"This place is too bad, can people live here? Crazy wolf, you can't find the wrong place and use the ruined temple as the county government?"

Qingyun was not the only one who thought so when he saw the county government for the first time.

Song Wenqian in the carriage opened the curtain and was about to come out. Hearing Tian Duoliang's words, he looked at the county government office and frowned. The county government office seemed to be a place that had been abandoned for a long time.

"This is the county government office, what's all the fuss about." Qingyun rolled his eyes at Tian Duoliang, and turned his head to look at the streets on the left and right.

"Don't you find it strange? There is no famine here, and there are no refugees entering the city. There are crops growing in the fields, so there must be people in the city. So many of us have entered the city, why no one comes out to see?"

(End of this chapter)

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