chapter 204
"Master Bo, the yamen servant is leaving soon, why don't you leave?" Qing Yun's expression was a little casual, as if he was asking casually.

"When you're old, where do you go?"

The owner of the horse narrowed his eyes, you think he doesn't want to leave!Those people thought he was too old, and it would be a burden to accept him, so don't want him!
Qingyun still wanted to chat, but unfortunately there was no time, Crazy Wolf Black Bear and the others came to look for her after clearing the yard.

"My lord, the front and back yards have been cleaned up. There are seven or eight holes in the miscellaneous. Can't tell if they are mouse holes or snake holes?"

"Wait a minute. Ma Zhubo, that is the Du Zhubo I brought. You can always mention him more in the future. Chun'an, come here. This is Sun Zhubo. He has been in our county government for decades. , If you don’t understand, you can ask him, Sun Zhubo is a good person. Sun Zhubo, I will come to chat with you later.”

After Qingyun finished speaking, he turned his head and went out.

"Lord Ma, I'm next official, Chun'an, and I'll have Mrs. Sun in the future." Du Chun'an bowed and bowed his hands in salute.

"You and I are at the same level, so there is no such thing as Mr. Ma. If you don't mind, call me Brother Ma from now on." The owner of the horse, Bo, who dared to look at the county magistrate with cloudy eyes, said casually: " The county magistrate, seeing how young he is, and the son of a rich family, why did he come to this remote place to suffer?"

"Because of my young age, I believe what other people say, and when I was provoked by them, I insisted on bringing the Pangzhi people here, saying that I can make a career without relying on my family. By the time I got the news, it was already night." Du Chun'an smiled wryly.

"My lord is the youngest son in the family. I have several elder brothers who are young and promising. The family doesn't need him to win glory. He was raised by the old man to be a bully. When I was at home, I used to ride horses and parade through the streets every day, and went upstairs to fight crickets. How could I know how to manage the county government office?" ? Those young people are all adults’ friends, and we will have to help them in the future.”

The owner of the horse sighed secretly, it turned out that he was a dude, no wonder he had to listen to persuasion.Young and energetic, only after suffering, will he know that he will suffer a big loss if he doesn't listen to the old man's words.

"Master Ma, where is the map of our county seat? I want to see it."

On the way here, the adults said that near the county seat, everyone should set aside a piece of land for building a house.Boss Miao and his cottage can move nearby, but Crazy Wolf and Black Bear can't make arrangements for them!

"The second row of bookshelves is the sixth column on the third floor."


"Qingtian," Qingyun came out and saw a child in the yard, squatting on the ground, holding a small beckoning hand, the little boy ran over, raised his head and shouted, "Brother, what do you want from me?"

Qingyun raised his head to wipe off the sweat from her younger brother's head, pointed to the hole the size of a child's fist on the ground and said, "See that? It's a poisonous snake cave. Don't lean over it. A poisonous snake bites you and you die. You accompany Sister Lanhua to take all the holes." The entrances of the caves are all sprinkled with medicinal powder to repel insects. There are many children in the convoy, you watch them, and you are not allowed to approach these cave entrances."

"Brother, don't worry, I'll take care of them." Qing Tian received the errand, and hurriedly went to find Lan Hua.

"Has Daliang come back?" Qingyun glanced around, but didn't see Tian Duoliang's person.

"I haven't come back yet, but I'm coming back soon." Crazy Wolf calculated the time. He had run around the county town, and he knew how long it would take him to finish.

"Go and make arrangements. The carriages, horses and oxen should be driven to the backyard first. The space over there is large enough for everyone in the convoy to fit in. Also, you two should change your name to be serious. The name Crazy Wolf and Black Bear cannot be called from now on. From then on, there are no mad wolves and black bears in this world, they died long ago, died in the mine."

The last sentence, Qingyun hummed under her throat, except for the crazy wolf and black bear who was close to her, no one else heard anything.

Crazy wolf and black bear understand Qingyun's meaning, from now on, they will be reborn.

"Then it's a good idea to think about one, tall, powerful and domineering." Crazy Wolf laughed.

"I want to have a good meaning." Hei Xiong chuckled, thinking of a domineering name.

"The people below you two, if you want to change your name, let them think about it."

After Qingyun finished speaking, he went to find Aunt Li, and when it was noon, Aunt Li arranged for someone to set up a pot on the street, boil water to cook porridge, and steamed buns on top.

Qingyun was hungry, so he took a cucumber, washed his hands, subconsciously wiped his clothes twice, saw the brocade robe he was wearing, and was not willing to waste it, so he rubbed the cucumber with his hands, it was considered washed, and Eat while walking.

Song Wenqian set up a small horse under the wall opposite the county government office, waving cattail fans, and looked back and forth at the busy people in the motorcade.

"People in the team, how do you arrange it?" Qingyun asked as soon as he came.

When Boss Miao followed him, he promised to set aside a piece of land for them to use as a stockade.

"After dinner, I looked at the map, and I must find a good place with mountains and water for them." Qingyun "click" "click" gnawed on the cucumber, and finished it in a few bites.

"You saw this ghostly place, tsk tsk tsk, even if it's remote, it's so poor that there are no ghosts. The county government doesn't even have a fast yamen servant. Now, there is a boss in that house.

I heard from him that no county magistrate came to this place for three or four years. In the past, the county magistrates who came here died one by one, and the evil door came.The boss saw me and told me to take people away quickly, before it would be too late.I don't know what's the secret of this ghost place?
It was almost an hour since we entered the city. There was no one in the front and back streets. It was loud at noon, and there was no smoke from the smokestacks. Those who didn’t know thought Qishan County was a dead city.Damn it, I was cheated by the court. "

If her county magistrate really donated 10 taels of silver, she would lose all her money.

Qingyun smacked her lips, if she came alone, she would probably run away when she saw the county government office.

"This Qishan County is called a county. There are only two streets in total. It is about the same as a village. The population is probably not as large as the number of people in our motorcade..."

Qing Yun wiped her face, she is the most pitiful county magistrate in history, and the most miserably abused by the court.

Song Wenqian was quite sympathetic to him. It was one thing to sympathize with him, but another thing to be a county magistrate.

The old man noticed that, if he hadn't dragged this large group of people and shouldered his responsibility, this kid might have run away long ago.Fortunately, Boss Miao and the others followed and followed well.

"You have to think this way, this is a good opportunity for you to make contributions. Qishan has nothing, no one has no land, you have to start from scratch, and you have to do everything yourself, step by step, to build Qishan into a county like Guanshan County . Well done, great job.

When the other county magistrates came, they either died or died. Only you, Shangguan Qingyunxing, gnawed down this hard bone, and the court looked at you differently, even jumping two steps. "

"I have the word fool written on my face?" Qing Yun rolled his eyes, pointed to his face and asked Song Lao.

This county seat is not much bigger than the village, let her be built like Guanshan County?Why don't you say, let her build an imperial city, wouldn't it be more powerful and domineering.

 Thank you Min, listen to the monthly ticket that you owe to vote, okay?

  Thank you 20201216171953007 for the reward, alright

(End of this chapter)

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