Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 205 There are bandits 2 more asking for a monthly pass

Chapter 205 There are bandits 2 more asking for a monthly pass
Jumping two levels in a row?That's not courting death!
What is her identity? If others don't count, how can she not count in her heart?Qishan is remote and close to the border. Others don't want to come, but she plans to stay in this nest for the rest of her life.

It is impossible to make meritorious deeds, and it is impossible to do it in a lifetime.

Brats are not smart when they should be smart, and smart like ghosts when they shouldn't be.

Song Wenqian was actually right. Most people don’t want to come to such a remote county and it’s close to the border. It took three years to come back safely.

The county magistrates who took office were either poisoned to death or assassinated, and few of them ended well.If you do a good job, you will indeed have great achievements, but it is difficult for ordinary people to make achievements.

"Others can't, you can! You have someone." Song Wenqian pointed out something, and glanced at the convoy.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and remained silent. The old fox wanted to fool her, but there was no way.

"Everything in Qishan County is waiting for prosperity. You have people, and you are the biggest official in Qishan. Everyone must listen to you. You can do whatever you want, no one can control it."

No one cares that this makes Qingyun's heart flutter.

Song Wenqian flickered all his mouth, but the brat didn't let go, so angry that Song Wenqian chased him away in disgust, "Go, go, go, you're going to be numb!"

Qingyun got up, shook his sleeves and left, it's rare!

Tian Duoliang came back and saw Qingyun coming.

"What's the situation?" Qingyun asked.

Tian Duoliang motioned Qingyun to stay away from the convoy, and then said: "This county is weird. I went around with Uncle Li, and there was no one on the street, not even a child crying. In the entire county, not even a dog I didn't see it. Do you think it's strange?
In a county town, there was no sound at all. I walked in a panic and knocked on the doors of several houses, but no one opened the door.Obviously I heard the sound of breathing in the house, but you insisted not to harass the people all the way, so I didn't break in and came back. "

"It's right. Forget it, they won't come out, they will come out tomorrow. There will be a long time to come, we are not in a hurry! Go, go in."

When the two entered the county government office, Qing Yun's eyes wandered around the roofs, before stepping in.

"You plan to live here?"

Tian Duoliang looked up, the roof tiles were gone, only the beams supported the shelf.The scenery above the head is good, blue sky, white clouds and sunshine.

"Let's deal with it for a few days now." Qingyun moved closer to Sun Zhubo, and said with a smile: "I found something interesting. Our county is like a dead city, and there are no people. I feel flustered. There are so many houses. , is it uninhabited?

No one lives just right, saving me from building a house.I brought hundreds of people here, and I was worried that there was no place to house them. Let them choose a house to live in. What do you think of this idea? "

"No," the horse owner Bo stopped him in horror, his face turned pale with fright at his arrogant and domineering words.No wonder Du Zhubo said that he is a playboy, he only cares about his happiness, and doesn't care about other people's life or death.

"Why? Isn't the house just for people to live in? What's the use of being empty there." Qingyun looked like he was about to go out, so frightened Sun Zhubo hurriedly called him to stop.

"My lord, there are people living in the house."

"Someone lives there?" Qingyun frowned, and turned to look at him, "There are people living there, why are they hiding in the house and not coming out, making me think there is no one there. Do they have a problem with me as the county magistrate, so they don't come out?"

Qingyun narrowed his eyes, his face turned cold.

The owner of the horse struggled for a while, but chose to tell the truth. If the adults refused to leave, they would know sooner or later.

"No, my lord, the people in the city are scared. It's not that they have a problem with you. The people think that the bandits are coming, so every family will hide in their houses and keep quiet."

"Bandits? There are still bandits in Qishan?"

Qingyun was startled. After coming out of Guanshan, they had never encountered any bandits all the way. She thought that it was the generals at the border who led the troops to suppress the bandits, which made it all the way here smoothly.

But in reality, that doesn't seem to be the case.

"It didn't happen before. In the past ten years, the border was not peaceful. There were frequent wars every three days, and many people died. Not every soldier was brave and fearless. He sacrificed his life for righteousness. Those who were greedy for life and fear of death fled from the battlefield.

The imperial court punished deserters very severely. Once caught, they would be cut into death by a thousand swords.There are arrest warrants in every prefecture, county and township. The deserters dare not escape home. The mountains and forests near the border are their best hiding places.

They became bandits, burned, killed, looted, and did all kinds of evil. The nearby villages were all their targets.Up to now, eighteen villages have been established, and the lives of each village leader are unknown. "

"So, Qishan County is also the target of their robbery?"

The horse owner Bo didn't say a word, and Qing Yun took it as his acquiescence.

"The border is so close, and those bandits are under their noses. It's impossible for those generals not to know? No one went to the border to rescue soldiers, and asked them to come and destroy them?"

Qing Yun squinted his eyes slightly, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Why not? A village sent people to the border gate to ask for help, but the general at the border gate sent troops. When they got into the bandit's den, there was not a single bandit. The general thought that the villagers were teasing them, so he withdrew his troops and went back in a huff.

As soon as the border general left, the bandits rounded up the village that night, slaughtering all the people in the village, leaving no chickens or dogs, not even the newborn babies. "

Ma Zhubo still has lingering fears when he thinks of the bloody village.

Bandits are a group of inhuman animals.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, did the death of magistrate Qishan have anything to do with that bandit?
"Since the matter is justifiable, I am not a small-bellied person, I can hold a boat on my stomach, and my lord has forgiven them a lot. Sun Zhubo, you are from Qishan, you have to tell them that I am not a bandit .”

Qing Yunyu said earnestly: "I am here to help them. When the bandits come later, I will kill the bandits myself to protect the people of Qishan County."

The owner of the horse was stunned, and said: "Your Excellency, it is a blessing for our people to think about the people wholeheartedly. Don't worry, Your Excellency, the lower officials will explain it clearly to them."

Qingyun patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, and then asked curiously: "Where is the eighteen villages? Is the eighteen villages one village, or are there eighteen villages?"

"I don't know. Some people say it's on the Guikulin Forest, some say it's on the Blade's Edge Mountain, and some even say it's in the mountains in Changtai County. It’s not true what you say.”

Qingyun nodded, "That's right. If it was really that easy to be found, the officers and soldiers would have taken him to his lair long ago. By the way, my county magistrate is here. Will the former arresting yamen servants come back?"

"I won't come back! They have already married, so how can they do such a thing. The imperial court still owes them their salary, and it hasn't been paid yet."

Who would work for nothing, even for the court.

(End of this chapter)

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