Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 210: Eat Meat, Others Drink Soup 2 Ask for a Monthly Pass

Chapter 210: Eat Meat, Others Drink Soup 2 Ask for a Monthly Pass
The owner of the horse, Bo, was startled at first, and then his hands and feet trembled with excitement. The old man couldn't speak fluently, "Is what your lord said true?"

"Of course it's true, truer than pearls." Qingyun rolled his eyes at Ma Zhubo, and said to Tian Duoliang Crazy Wolf:
"You two cut two hundred pieces of meat, each four catties, and sent them door to door with the horse owner Bo's son. Hurry up and wait for you to come back to eat meat. Cut twenty catties of meat and let the horse owner Bo take it home Go add some food."

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll take care of it for you."

The two ran to do some errands, and soon Hei Ba brought over a piece of pork that weighed about twenty catties, and Qing Yun took it and handed it to Ma Bo.

"No need, no more courage, I didn't do anything..."

The owner of the horse refused to take it, which meant that he would not be rewarded for no merit, and he was guilty of holding it.

"Just because you are my master, my own person, what else do I have to do to eat a piece of meat? You send it back to him." Qingyun handed the meat back to Heiba, and Heiba ​​took it smugly.

"My lord, I will take care of it safely and send it home to the owner of the horse." Quan Ba ​​was so excited, this was the task arranged by the lord for him.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, what he said, could it be dangerous to give a piece of pork?

"I believe in you." Qingyun patted Heiba ​​on the shoulder, and then went back to watch Aunt Li and the others go butcher pigs.

"Master Bo, let's go, I'll see you off." Heiba ​​took a lamp back and made a gesture of invitation.

The county magistrate left, and when it came to this point, the owner of the horse had no choice but to accept it. The old man was also happy, because he was one of his own in the hearts of the adults.


"Father, why haven't you come back yet?" Martha walked around in the yard, looking at the closed gate.

Usually, one day and one night, when the father arrives home, it is already dark today, and if he hasn't come back, something must have happened.

When it was dark, a strong bloody smell suddenly appeared on the street. I don't know what happened?

Ma Er was also worried. He was more stable than the boss, so he thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the county government to find out."

"Don't go, I don't know what's going on outside, wait a little longer, if Dad doesn't come back, I'll go with you." Martha didn't want her old mother to be unbearable if her second child had another accident after her father's accident.

The yard door rang suddenly, startling the two brothers, and Ma Er asked calmly, "Who is it?"

"Your old man." The owner of the horse choked, apart from his old man who didn't come home, who else came back?

"Father, you are back." Ma Da said as he ran to open the door, and was startled when he saw that there was another person outside besides his father.

The owner of the horse, Bo, saw his worthless appearance and knocked him.

"Owner Bo, you're home, so I'll go back." Heiba ​​stuffed the pork to Bo's son, and ran away with the lamp.

"Father, what's going on?" Ma Er closed the door and shook the piece of meat in his hand, which weighed about twenty catties.After shaking, I remembered that it was dark and his father couldn't see it.

The horse owner Bo was smiling and humming, which showed that he was really happy.

"Boss, turn on the lamp." The room was pitch black, and the horse owner Bo couldn't get used to it, so he ordered the boss to find a lamp and light it.

"Father, none of them ordered." Ma said carelessly.

"I told you to light it, light it, don't worry, with your father here, nothing will happen." The horse owner was very stubborn.

Martha fell silent, if Dad was really that powerful, their family wouldn't be like this now.

The room was suddenly lit up, Ma Er came out with a lamp and put it on the table, the whole family looked at Ma Er and said nothing.

Ma Er smiled, picked up the meat hanging on the door and asked, "Father, where did you get this meat?"

The smile on Ma Zhubo's face deepened a bit, and his cloudy eyes swept from the two sons to the grandson and granddaughter one by one.

"In the afternoon, the county magistrate led people into the woods and beat a few wild boars. The bloody smell you smell is that the adults dragged the wild boars back and shared twenty catties of pork with me. Wife, the family hasn't eaten yet, right? vegetable."

Everyone in the house was stunned.

"They went to hunt wild boars? I thought..." Ma Da exclaimed. They thought the county magistrate had killed someone.

"What do you think?" Ma Bo gave the eldest son an angry look, "I told you a long time ago that your lord is a good man, but you just don't believe it. By the way, you brothers are going to the county government now..."

"What are you going to the county government office for? I won't go." Upon hearing that she was going to the county government office, Martha panicked.

"The adults are kind-hearted. After killing wild boars, they still think about the people. Each household will be given four catties. Let the two of you brothers accompany the arresting government servants to distribute pork from door to door." The horse owner Bo suddenly took off his cloth shoes and whipped his eldest son, cursing as he smoked. : "If I don't finish my sentence, you interrupt, I will beat you to death."

"Four catties per household? Our county government said that there are about [-] households, and there are thousands of catties of pork. How many wild boars did they kill?" The horse owner Bo's daughter-in-law did the math, but she couldn't figure it out, and she was startled. said.

How much did you hit?

The county magistrate was so powerful that he beat the herd of wild boars.

"It doesn't matter how many heads he beats, let's eat the meat. Now believe that the county magistrate is a good man!" The horse owner was nonchalant, urging his daughter-in-law to cook, "Old woman, let's fry some pork, I will eat it tonight." Have some wine."

The old lady came into the kitchen in a daze carrying twenty catties of pork.

The two brothers, Ma Da and Ma, looked at each other and went to the county government office.

"Second brother, the county magistrate is different this time!"

In the darkness of night, Martha's words came faintly.


The wild boar caught by Crazy Wolf and Black Bear was killed on the spot, and all the blood of the pig was spilled on the ground. The zhang knife was used as a boning knife.

These meats are given to the people in the city.

The pigs that Qingtian killed were not long after they died, and there was still pig blood. Aunt Li and the others took a large basin and placed them under the pig's head. Then, two grown men carried the pig's head. Go in and pull it out, and the pig's blood rushes into the big basin with a "puff" and "puff".

The blood of two wild boars can fill a large basin.

Aunt Li sprinkled salt into the pig's blood, and soon the pig's blood turned red, and there were three large pots of pig's blood in total.

"Maybe there is no rice." Looking at the pots of pig's blood, Qingyun looked regretful, and she thought of the wonderful taste of rice with pig's blood.

"I'll make rice for you when we grow rice. When Aunt Li heard Qing Yun's words, she smiled and said, she can make rice with pig's blood.

"That's a good idea, Aunt Li, I'll make a note of it." Qing Yun said.

More than a dozen large pots have been set up in the backyard of the county government. A dozen women guard the pots to boil water. The water in the pots is tumbling. A dozen men with buckets come in and bring out the boiling water. pot.

The division of labor is clear.

The people in the convoy were busy in full swing, like hardworking bees, busy running around.Cut the pig hairs, clean the pig intestines on the other side, chop the pork and put it in a bucket, and take it to the backyard to stew.

More than a dozen pigs were cleaned up in half an hour, and the strength of the number of people is strong, and the benefits of the number of people are reflected here.

(End of this chapter)

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