Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 211 Spit out bitter water 3 More Moonlight

Chapter 211 Spit out bitter water 3 More Moonlight
Qingyun wants to help with work, but no one will let her do it. This is the county magistrate, and it is already embarrassing for everyone not to confess, how can she let the county magistrate work?
There are two other people who don't work, Mr. Miao Song Wenqian, these two slaves are in the courtyard of the county government, watching the stars and the moon and watching everyone cook.

There is no other way, Qingyun looks here and there, and asks her to go to Song Wenqian to pass the time, that is impossible, except for the necessary homework, Qingyun does not want to find Song Wenqian.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of two strange young men walking towards them.

Qingyun blinked, guessing that the two men were the sons of owner Bo Ma, he walked over.

"Aren't you the sons of the horse owner Bo?" Qingyun smiled, and that smile seemed kind.

The two brothers, Ma Da and Ma, saw so many people in the street outside the county government office, their hearts beat up, Ma Da complained in his heart, and the father really did, he only asked the two brothers to come, but didn't mention who to look for?
When the two brothers didn't know who to look for, a teenager saw the two brothers and walked over. He looked very kind.

"Yes, I'm the second child. This is my elder brother. My father told us to come to the county government." Seeing that he was a frail young man, Ma Er breathed a sigh of relief.

"You guys come with me," Qingyun saw the worried expressions on the faces of the two brothers, knowing it well, and led them to find Mad Wolf and the others.

Passing by the gate of the county government office, the two brothers looked in curiously.

The owner of the horse, Bo, likes to stay in the county government office, and the two brothers have been here countless times.In my impression, the county government office is desolate and desolate, the walls have collapsed, the courtyard is overgrown with weeds, and snakes and rats are infested in summer.

Looking at it now, the wall is still half collapsed, and the weeds in the yard on the wall have been cleaned up. There are several people sitting in the courtyard of the county government, chatting about something, and I don't know which one is the county magistrate.

The brothers took a look, then looked away and followed the boy to the crowd.

Crazy Wolf and the others have already divided the meat, no more, no less 200 yuan, just enough to put a cart.Crazy Wolf looked at Tian Duoliang, Tian Duoliang looked at Crazy Wolf, and finally Tian Duoliang asked, "How?"

The people in Qishan County didn't welcome them, and Qingyun asked them to distribute pork from door to door, and the horse owner, Bo, went back...

"Wait!" Mad Wolf said, what could he do.

"Is it sorted?"

At this time Qingyun came over and glanced at the meat on the cart.

"Okay, just wait for the horse owner Bo to come." Crazy Wolf said, Qing Yun was accompanied by two strangers, as soon as they came, several people saw them, guessing that these two people might be sent by the horse owner Bo.

"This is the son of the horse owner Bo, Ma Da Ma Er. The two of them will take you there. One person is one street. The meat on the cart will be divided into two carts. Ask Ma Da Ma Er, they should know how to divide it. .”

Ma Da and Ma Erda grew up here with bare buttocks. They know every brick and tile in the city, and they even know how many cobwebs are hanging under the eaves.

Ma Da Ma Er smiled foolishly.

Qing Yun turned around and said to Ma Da Ma Er, "I would like to trouble you two to accompany them, they... are all Yamen's arrests."

Qingyun wanted to introduce the crazy wolf Tian Duoliang, but he didn't think of the name of the crazy wolf, so he could only change his words and say that the two of them are fast catchers, and they are good people. many.

"No trouble, no trouble."

The two brothers, Ma, Da and Ma said in unison that they felt uncomfortable facing a group of strangers, but they also hoped that such troubles would happen every day.

If there is meat to eat, who would find it bothersome!

"Tonight, think of a name for me. If you really can't think of one, I'll name one for you." Qingyun lowered his voice and approached Mad Wolf, smiling. Mad Wolf tensed up and shook his head.

Qing Yun said "you" including black bears.

"No, I'll definitely figure it out tonight."

Just kidding, I heard Tian Duoliang mentioned his younger brother's name, and he happened to look up at the sky, so he picked a blue sky, which has a meaning!
In case, what if he saw a bird flying in the sky and named them Xiaoniao?
Qingyun rolled his eyes at the two of them, explained what should be explained clearly, and went to see Aunt Li and the others stewing meat.

Crazy wolf Tian Duoliang and the two brothers smiled friendlyly at the two Ma Da Ma brothers.

A bodyguard who travels all over the world, a hooligan who wanders in the market, has a lot more eyes than the honest Ma Da Ma Er, and it is very easy to establish a relationship with others.

"Brother Ma, second brother Ma, hello, I'm going to trouble you two today. You haven't eaten yet, right? Aunt Li just steamed steamed buns, let's eat a few steamed buns to fill our stomachs, and the pork stew is almost done when we come back. "Crazy Wolf laughed. Like Qingyun, he gave people a sense of intimacy when he smiled.

"No need, we've eaten and we're not hungry." Ma, Da and Ma Er smiled awkwardly. The brothers didn't know these people, and they didn't know what to say. The two brothers were not quick-talking people either.

Tian Duoliang smiled, this is interesting, scratched his head, and said:

"We've been busy all afternoon, and we haven't touched a drop of water yet. I'm really hungry. Eating a few steamed buns won't waste time."

"Then eat, we'll wait for you." Ma Er glanced at the boss and said.

The brothers looked at the two catchers. They were not very old, in their twenties at most, and they were much more experienced in speaking and doing things than them.

Then, the two brothers saw the big knife worn by the catcher with their eyes. Feeling sorry for him, they turned their eyes again, and found that these men had knives on their bodies. Ma Er pursed his lips tightly and remained silent. up.

Dad said that the county magistrate is a good person, but who knows if he is a good person. Isn't there a saying: "Knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart, and another saying: "People's hearts are separated from the belly."Other people's hearts are hidden in the stomach, whether it is good or not, only you know whether it is black or not.

Anyway, two brothers, discount what the old man said.

"Brothers, wait a minute, I'll go get the steamed buns." Tian Duoliang is a person with a simple face and hidden treachery in his heart, he smiled foolishly, and ran to get a dozen steamed buns from Aunt Li, which was as fast as two horses. Too late to react.

Crazy Wolf found the eyes of the two brothers looking at their sabers, took a pat on the sabers, put away the smile on his face, and said calmly:
"The way we came here was not peaceful. There was a severe drought this year. It didn't rain for several months in several houses. The fields were cracked, the crops were dried up, and there were no crops. Thousands of refugees fled from famine and refugees. They sold their children and daughters. In exchange for food, people were beaten to death everywhere in order to grab stuttering. This is still good. People who are hungry and crazy eat dirt and stones, and they are alive. There are corpses all over the mountains and plains.

There are also bandits and bandits robbing on the road. I don’t know what’s going on. Those bandits and bandits are staring at our lord to rob. If we hadn’t had many people, many weapons, and desperately protecting our lord, our lord would have been killed by the bandits a long time ago.Don't look at the hundreds of people we still have, it sounds like a lot, not even one-third of the original number, the other brothers are all dead, fighting to death with bandits and bandits. "

Ma Da Ma Er didn't know what to say, as if saying anything was inappropriate, he simply remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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