Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 222 Where are the tiles? 4 More monthly tickets

Chapter 222 Where are the tiles? 4 More monthly tickets
"My lord, a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall. The owner of the horse is right. Your safety is inextricably linked to the people of Qishan County. It is not a joke."

People who have read the book are different, and words of persuasion are different.

Qingyun waved his hand disapprovingly, "I know it well."

She is not glass, she is not as delicate as jade, untouchable and untouchable.

Of course, she appreciates the kindness of the two bosses. If she doesn't find something to do here, old man Song has to study hard.

Damn it, I read four hours a day, which is too little for old man Song. I used to only read for half an hour, at most an hour.After coming to Qishan, she often used "You are a county magistrate, you don't know as much as the two bosses, and you will laugh people out if you spread the word" to oppress her.

Qingyun gritted her teeth and endured it. She could study for up to four hours a day. If it was any longer, she would lose her face. Don't think that she respects her teacher and won't lose her face. That is impossible.

Song Wenqian probably also knew that this was Qingyun's bottom line, and Qingyun never interfered with other things.

There are several ghosts!

Du Chun'an looked at Qing Yun's posture, and knew that the owner of the horse could not stop shouting, and he couldn't persuade him. Mr. Song, who was effective in speaking, didn't even show his face. He persuaded the horse owner Bo to go away.

Out of sight is pure!

My lord, you can't look at it according to common sense!
"Mr. Du, you don't care..." Mr. Ma is still struggling to die. Such a good county magistrate, if he misses it, he will never be there again. He must save it at all costs.

The future of Qishan County depends on him.

"Horse owner Bo, don't underestimate your lord, you are very powerful!" The city will attack when it says attack, and the county magistrate will kill as soon as it says, without any mercy.

Du Chun'an clicked so far, and dragged the people to the court to sort out the documents.

The owner of the horse was dragged away by Du Chun'an in a dazed way, why is the adult and the policeman who came this time different from the previous ones, because he hasn't been out of Qishan County for a long time, so he has little experience?
Halfway through sorting out the archives, Ma Zhubo suddenly remembered his purpose of looking for the county magistrate, "Oh, it's about work..."

"Don't worry, it won't be too late to talk after the adults come down." Du Chun'an said.


As soon as Du Chun'an and the others left, Crazy Wolf and Black Bear acted as demons, winking at Qingyun, and Crazy Wolf imitated the horse owner and shouted: "My lord~~~ Come down quickly~~~"

Qingyun grinned at the two, crushed the tile in his hand, and threw it towards them.

"If you have something to talk about, what are you doing wretched over there?"

The gravel thrown in the past came crashing down like a sky full of stars. Just as the mad wolf and the black bear were about to dodge, the tile beams under their feet shook "creakingly". , Grinning in pain.

Qingyun was satisfied, clapped his hands, and urged the two to work, "Hurry up, gentlemen, it takes a lot of time to do things."

The two dared not speak out.

The villain is rampant!
"It's strange, why are there so few tiles? The strong wind has eyes, can it blow away the front and not the back?"

When Crazy Wolf stood up and stretched his waist, he found that the roof of each house was missing the tiles in the first half of the house, and not a single tile was missing in the back half of the house.

What are you talking about... who are you asking?
Didn't everyone come together?

"It's gone!"

Qingyun stood up and glanced at the roof of the county government office. It was exactly what Mad Wolf said. If he didn't mention it, who would pay special attention to the tiles.

His gaze inadvertently scanned the roof next door, and found that there was a row of tiles on the other side's roof, with different old and new tiles...

Qingyun rubbed his chin to ponder, his eyes flicked to the roof next door, and then back to the tiles here, suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, turned around to look at the other house, there was half a row of new and old tiles on the roof of that house, and he clicked his tongue .

She knew where the county government roof tiles had gone.

Ma Zhubo waited for half an hour, but did not see Qingyun coming back, so he couldn't wait any longer, so he came to look for Qingyun again.Du Chun'an was worried and followed.

Seeing the two of them coming, Qingyun raised his eyebrows, smiled wickedly, and said to Crazy Wolf, "How do I know where the tiles are going? The horse owner Bo stays in the county government every day. Ask the horse owner Bo if he has seen it." arrive?"

Crazy Wolf glanced at Qingyun, thinking that Qingyun was narrow-minded and hated what Ma Zhubo did just now, and wanted to make things difficult for Ma Zhubo, he opened his mouth and asked: "Ma Zhubo, where are the tiles on the roof of the county government office? There should be fragments, but none of the fragments below."

Owner Bo: "..."

The owner of the horse, Bo, was embarrassed and ashamed. The old man did not expect that he would encounter such a big problem as soon as he came out.

The sentence that the wind blows away can't be said anymore. The young man knows that there are no debris on the ground, so he can't continue to tell this lie.

Could it be that the old man confessed that the tiles from the county government were taken away by the people in the city, almost every household took them, and his own family took them too.

Qishan County is poor. There is not even a tile seller. In the past, everyone made up their minds to go out and buy them back. This year, a few tiles will be replenished, and a few tiles will be replenished next year.
I don't know which wicked thing said: "There is a county government! Anyway, the county government is empty, there is no county magistrate, and there are no county magistrates. In the future, there may be no county magistrates. It is better to let the county government benefit everyone. It is also regarded as the court It has done a good job for our people.”

Someone made a start, and then everyone stopped going outside to buy tiles, and everyone had a tacit understanding in private.If the tiles in your house are rotten, you can go to the county government to get a few pieces back and exchange them. If the tiles in his house are rotten, you can also go to the county government to get some pieces.

For the house in the front row, the first half of the roof was taken away. When taking the second half of the roof tiles, someone suggested that it would not be possible to take it like this, and it would be easy to be seen by others. of.

Qishan County is small, and there are two hundred households. If they are replaced like this every year, they will have to use up the first half of the roof tiles.

If Qingyun and the others don't come, in two or three years, all the tiles on the second half of the roof will be taken away.

The owner of the horse feels that the Qin policeman is fast, and he is full of food. You say you are a young man, you have to pay attention to the whereabouts of the tiles, no wonder you can’t get a wife.

Lack of manliness!
"A few years ago, our county was not very peaceful. The hailstorm was like a stone, smashing a lot of tiles, and there was a big bag on the head, and then the heavy snow fell for two months, crushing the house.

The roads to go out were all blocked, making it impossible to go out. Several houses had no roof tiles, and people died of freezing due to wind and snow leakage.There was no way, everyone took the tiles from the county government. "

This matter can't be hidden, it can't be hidden for a while, and there will always be that gossip woman in the city, and sooner or later someone will tell it.

When they took the tile, the magistrate did not come.Besides, the magistrate is a good man, and he doesn't care about small things.

Crazy Wolf rolled his eyes at Qingyun, sucked his teeth, this kid is really bad, probably guessed it, and deliberately tricked him into using him as a spear.

 All the manuscripts have been sent up, let’s collect and recommend investment~~~


(End of this chapter)

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