Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 223: 1 treat equally 5 more ask for monthly ticket

Chapter 223 No Discrimination 5
The owner of the horse heaved a sigh of relief, it's good to say it, so that the old man won't worry about this matter all the time, and feel ashamed when he sees the county magistrate.

It is impossible to ask everyone to return the tiles. It has been used for several years.

"I didn't come at that time, so I took it if I took it. I don't care about the past. You tell them, don't come to the county government to get tiles in the future. The county government now has arresters. , I can’t handle it either! Should I follow the court’s laws and beat them up, or should I use the knife when a new official takes office? Owner Bo, what do you think?”

Qingyun blinked and looked at him helplessly.

The county government used to be ownerless, and it was fine to take it. In the future, the county government will be her private. She doesn't want those who are used to taking the tiles of the county government for granted. If they don't give them, they will give her face. Look.

There is a saying... ah, Shengmi En fights Michou.She doesn't care whether the word is used in this way, she just thinks so.

"Don't worry, my lord. You are here. Everyone will not come to the county office to get tiles again. I came to get tiles before because there is no one in the county office. It's a pity that it's deserted." For some reason, the horse owner Bo suddenly felt a chill and raised his head. Look at the sky, the sun is very strong, I just stood there for a while, and I'm sweating.

"Then I'm relieved!" Qingyun grinned and went down the ladder, and another person climbed up to take Qingyun's job.

"looking for me?"

Qingyun's hands were black and hemp, he grabbed the tiles, and patted hard, but it was useless, it was not dust, it was still black and hemp.

"My lord, I heard that you are looking for a mason to build the fence..." Ma Zhubo said this, his old face became hot, thinking about the family's financial difficulties, he shamelessly asked: "My two sons are at home with free money. Can you come and work here, sir?"

These words took away the courage of the horse owner Bo for half his life. He had never begged anyone in such a low voice before.

Qingyun was startled, then raised a big smile, patted Du Chunan's chest and said: "Of course, the son of Ma Zhubo is also a citizen of my Qishan County. As long as he is a citizen of my Qishan County, he can work and get money." , it’s a matter of course, the money earned with my own hands is clean, so what’s the embarrassment.”

The chicken soup was not hot enough, but Ma Zhubo, who had never had chicken soup before, was so moved that he almost grabbed Qingyun's hand and shouted, good man!Good Mr. County!

It is a blessing to the people of Qishan County that Qishan County can have her as the county magistrate, and it is the smoke from the ancestral graves of the people in Qishan County.

Du Chun'an's head is full of black lines, although he is not wearing a white robe today, but a gray robe, the gray robe is still not resistant to dirt, and there are a few black slap marks on his chest, which are left by Qing Yun's slap on him.

Qingyun glanced at Du Chun'an's black face, then glanced at the black claws on his robe, silently withdrew his hand, worrying about something, it couldn't exist.

"Chun'an, where did Daliang go? I haven't seen him all morning. Where did the brat go to be lazy?"

Du Chun'an cast his eyes on the magistrate of the county, a senior official, and endured it.

He moved a few steps to the side, and said angrily, "I asked him to ask Boss Miao if there is any extra people to do the work? Boss Miao and the others have to build a house, a lot of work, laying foundations, cutting down trees, If carpenters are required to cut boards, they don't have enough people themselves, so how can anyone come to do the work?

It's good for your lord to miss the old love, but if you can't see the situation clearly, they are too busy, so if your lord sends someone to ask, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him?Will Boss Miao stop them from building a house and come to help the adults, or not?

Stop it, there are hundreds of people in a village, old and young, who have driven for so long, are tired, sleepy and hungry, and all want a home as soon as possible.Don't stop, the adults are so kind to them, it seems that they are like white-eyed wolves. "

"He took gunpowder, so angry?"

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, glanced at Du Chun'an, and patted Captain Bai's chest. She came down, and Captain Bai naturally followed her down.

Bai Yanheng, the white brocade robe he wears every day, or the silver brocade robe, except for the different piping on the sleeves and neckline, the robes are all embroidered with bamboo.

If this body is photographed by Qingyun, hehe...

Of course Du Chun'an was furious, this robe was stitched by his wife who stayed up all night, and he wore it for the first time today.

Du Chun'an felt much better after giving the county magistrate a meal, and felt a little regretful that he didn't suppress his temper.

He's a smooth guy.In the past, he used to live under the hands of the grandpa in Guanshan County, and he was cautious in everything, probably because he usually watched Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and the others fight too much with Qingyun, which led him to ruin!
Du Chun'an can only throw the blame on others.Now it's Mr. Bo who is smooth and perfect again.

"Crazy..." Qing Yun opened his mouth to call Crazy Wolf, glanced at the owner of the horse beside him from the corner of his eye, and immediately changed his words, "Qin Butou, send someone to tell Boss Miao that they don't need their help, let him build the house with peace of mind. "

"Okay!" Crazy Wolf ordered a brother to go.

The owner of the horse was dumbfounded, he looked at the county magistrate, and then at the owner of Du, the old man was holding his heart, looking like he was going to die.

Just now when he saw Master Du's sarcasm and sarcasm, he thought Master Du was bad, but nothing happened, not even scolding.

Is it because the county magistrate is too nice to accommodate people, or is it that the county magistrates outside are like this, or does he go out less, so he has little knowledge?When Tian Duoliang came back at this time, Qing Yun saw him shouting, "Da Liang, what did Boss Miao say? Are you free?"

"When I went there, Mr. Miao and the others had just laid the foundation. I heard from them that the foundation had to be dug two or three meters deep to build a firm house. The foundations of a village were dug one by one, and now they are only half a meter deep. The ground is hard and there are stones and stones. It's not easy to fight, but they have to fight for a few days.

Boss Miao is a very busy person, so I didn't have a few words to chat. People always come to him and ask him for ideas, so I don't have the nerve to stay any longer.

The whole village was bustling with activity, the sweat on their faces never broke, and everyone was smiling happily.Old people and children, do what they can, pick up stones, pick up branches, how can they have time to come to the county government to work.I came back without asking Boss Miao. "

Tian Duoliang also knew Qingyun's temperament, so he did this.

"It's fine if I don't have time. I didn't think about it properly." Qingyun raised his eyebrows, squinted at Ma Zhubo, and asked casually: "Ma Zhubo, if I post a recruitment notice at the gate of the county government office, will people from the city come? ?”

That's right, her consciousness hasn't been converted yet, and the veterans in Qishan County forgot.Boss Miao and the others are her people, and the people in the county are also her people. She wants a bowl of water to be flat and treat everyone equally.

Qingyun felt that he needed to emphasize, "I treat the people of Qishan equally. Ask them if they come? They don't work for nothing, they are paid, and if we don't come, we will do it ourselves."

(End of this chapter)

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