Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 226 I Won't Hurt You

Chapter 226 I Won't Hurt You
"Isn't that right? Since the county magistrate is here, not only our family has a happy event," Mrs. Ma patted the table and said with a smile, "It's a lucky star, not only our family's lucky star, but also our Qishan County's lucky star."

"Mother is right, it is Fu Xing. With him around, our family's life will only get better and better." The second daughter-in-law said.

The father-in-law is working in the county government office. If the magistrate of the county has something good to do, the father-in-law is the first thing that comes to mind. The father-in-law naturally tends to the family members, and then outsiders.

"From now on, you stay outside and talk more about the county magistrate. If anyone chews the county magistrate's tongue and tears their mouths, if something happens, mother will take care of you." After thinking about it, Mrs. Ma , Said domineeringly.

The two daughters-in-law responded well.


Today, everyone can see that the horse owner Bo is very happy.

Where do you guys see it?

The horse owner Bo didn't take his crutches today, the horse owner Bo hummed a tune, and the horse owner Bo smiled on his mean face that had never smiled for many years.

"Old Sun, are you home?" Ma Bo knocked on the door and shouted from outside the yard.

The old grandson was chiseling stone mills in the yard. The stone mill at home had been broken for a while, and when he was free these days, he chiselled slowly. There are endless things to do, such as plowing the land to plant wheat and rapeseed.

There was a sound of "ding ding dong dong", but I didn't hear the knock on the door. I stopped to rest for a while, as if I heard someone shouting. After listening for a while, I turned my head and said to the son who was chopping wood by others:
"Boss, go and see if your uncle Ma is coming outside?"

"Uncle Ma came to our house?" Boss Sun asked, stopped his hands just in time to hear the shout of the owner of the horse, hung a sweat towel around his neck, wiped the sweat from his face, and went to open the door.

"Master, you are here, come in quickly. Why are you free to come here today?" Boss Sun was a little surprised to see that the owner of the horse was really Bo at the door.

Who in the county town doesn't know that the owner of the horse, Bo, likes to stay in the county government office for a whole day, and won't go home until dark.Today, it's really strange to come to the door at noon!

"It's a good thing. Is your father at home?" Boss, the owner of the horse, asked Boss Sun as he entered the yard.

"At home, the stone at home is worn out. A few days ago, I went to the mountain to find stones and came back. I'm digging at home!"

"The rice hasn't been confiscated yet. I have time to dig in these two days, but I don't have the time to dig that thing when harvesting rice."

Bo, the owner of the horse, said that not everyone owns the stone mill, and only two households in the entire county own it if they need some property.The other family is Lao Hong's family. They grow some glutinous rice at home. If they want to eat some precious glutinous rice cakes, they grind some glutinous rice to make them.

Lao Sun's family grows beans and beats tofu to buy, and the stone mill is indispensable.There are not many beans, so I look for tofu four or five times a month. In the county town, it is a really rare thing, and the business is very good.

"At home!" After entering the yard, he saw the old grandson sitting on the steps of the main room drinking water, and the owner of the horse walked over and sat there.

"Why are you here?"

The old grandson glanced at the owner of the horse, who rarely came to the house on weekdays, and asked Ma Da Ma Er and the others to come and talk about it, and rarely asked him to go there in person.

Old Sun's heart was heavy, could it be that the county magistrate asked him to come?After thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing precious in their house that is worth remembering.

"Good thing," the horse owner Bo got up to look at the stone mill, and then he chiseled out a vague rough shape. Judging from the size, it was an upper mill. He chiseled here and there, obviously just started chiseling.

"Good thing? What good thing?"

Although the old grandson asked, he didn't have any expectations, and it was not his turn to fall into the world.

The horse owner, Bo, walked back after watching the stone mill.

"The magistrate of the county wants to rebuild the county government. Before building the county government, build the wall first. The adults said that the wall is all built of stones. I think that in our county, your family has the best craftsmanship. I will ask you if you want to earn this money. ?”

The horse owner, Bo, and Sun were talking, but Sun didn't leave, and was drinking from a ladle, listening by the way.

Hearing about earning money, Boss Sun glanced at his father and drank water slowly.

The old grandson put down the big bowl, tore off a dusty purse from the belt of his trousers, picked up the bong placed on the steps, opened the pouch, took out shredded tobacco from it, and stuffed it slowly into the mouth of the bong.

Money, who doesn't want to earn?Definitely want to earn.

how to earn?Earn who?There is a saying.

The magistrate's money is definitely not easy to earn.Whether the work is good or not, and whether you are tired or not is another matter.If the work is not paid, they can bear it, because they are afraid that something will happen to someone who has not finished the work, and ordinary people like them have nowhere to complain.

"Every family in our county has a hard time. Our four sons are not separated. We live in such a dilapidated yard. There is not even a place to turn around in the house. There is not much land in our family. Compared with our neighbors, life is worse. a lot of.

It’s just the decades of friendship between our two families. If there is a good thing, my brother thinks about our family. If he can help us, my grandson is very grateful.It stands to reason that if you speak up, our family will take over this job, and life will definitely be much easier.But this money, our family can not earn. "

The old grandson took a look at the poor yard, not even a decent chair, and suppressed the idea of ​​making money.Their family is a little poor, but the whole family is there anyway!

The old grandson refused to earn the money, and the eldest grandson got angry in a hurry. He looked at his father several times, worried that the owner of the horse was not there, and there were some things that were not good to say in front of outsiders.

His father is also a face-saving person. If he makes a scene in front of outsiders, his father will not let go even if he starves to death.

Their family has a large population and little land and fields. Half of the family's expenses depend on buying tofu.Last year, the bean harvest was not good. In previous years, I could make tofu five times a month. This year, I can only make tofu three times a month, which is almost half the time.

The population has not changed, and the population will increase this year. The income and expenditure have decreased, and life is even more difficult.If we don't find some work to earn money, the whole family, young and old, won't be able to survive this winter just relying on that little rice.

Boss Sun suppressed his impatience and thought in his heart that if his father disagreed, he would quietly go to Ma Zhubo and take over the job.

No matter how important face is, life is not.

"I know what you are worried about, you," the owner of the horse smiled and patted the arm of his little friend, it should be said that he was an old friend, "You still love to think about it like you did when you were a child. If this job is not easy to do, I will come to find you You? I won't hurt you.

My lord is a good man, he is different from the previous county magistrate.In the past few days, you can see what you have done!
Take me for example, if I hunted the wild boar, I would sell it for money if I couldn’t finish it.Give some meat to brothers and sisters in the family who have a good relationship, and do not distribute meat from house to house.

And that wall.It's not that there are no adults, the county government arrests hundreds of people, and there are many stones on the mountain. It takes a few days to build a wall.Why do you still want us to do it?

To put it bluntly, the adults have us people in their hearts and think about us.What kind of life we ​​live, adults have eyes to see, don't ask, just look at the houses we live in, look at the gates of our county town, and look at the county government, there is nothing you don't understand.

The adults just want to help us.To tell you the truth, the two of my family also went to work in the county government, seventeen cash a day, regardless of food, and they were paid for a day. "

 I still have the cheek to ask for collections, recommendations, and monthly tickets~~

  The author is poisonous! ! !
  The author also has a cool article "Strategy of a Good Match" for strong women, you can go shopping

(End of this chapter)

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