Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 227 The Attitude of Each Family

Chapter 227 The Attitude of Each Family
The old grandson began to waver when he heard Seventeen Wen for a day, and when he heard that the horse owner Bo's two sons were also going, the precaution in his heart collapsed.

"Seventeen cents a day, Mr. Ma, did you hear me right?" Boss Sun cried out in shock when he heard the wages. He wanted to pretend to be calm but couldn't.

"My lord told me personally in front of me, but I still misunderstood. We don't have many household accounts in our county, and every household has no profitable business. It's not time to harvest rice these days.

I asked my eldest brother and second child to go door-to-door and let me know when I was idle at home. I could earn a little bit to supplement the family.Believe it or not, it's up to them. My boss has done what I should do.

In the future, when you see other people making money, don't be jealous. If you speak sour words, I will smoke whoever says it.

Your Excellency is really a good person, afraid of delaying everyone's rice harvesting, he specifically emphasized that there is no rush, it will be the same after everyone harvests the rice before going to work.

Your lord is so kind, he lives in a dilapidated county government office like a ruined temple, and he is wholeheartedly thinking about everyone.Oh, my heart, I feel guilty! "The owner of the horse said, beating his heart.

"Do you know that I'm really afraid... I'm afraid that my lord won't be able to stay and run away. Those county magistrates in the past, who are as stupid as him, brought hundreds of clansmen here.

To put it bluntly, thanks to my lord who brought my clansmen here, I feel at ease here. The horse owner narrowed his eyes and beat his heart, "My lord, I really intend to stay in our Qishan County, not to mention anything else, just for the sake of the family he brought, he will not run away completely."

Probably God also knows that our people in Qishan are suffering, so he sent a kind-hearted adult here.You think about it, not for yourself, but also for your grandchildren.You really don't want to go, I'll ask someone else. "

The old grandson didn't say a word, his heart was shaken.Horse owner Bo was half right.Whether this county magistrate is a good one or not is unclear for the time being, but since he entered the city until now, he has indeed not oppressed his people, and even distributed meat to them.

The important thing is that the horse owner Bo's two sons also go to work. If possible, all the people in the county will go to work for the county grandfather. They will go as a family and will not be conspicuous.

If you can't get wages, everyone can't get it. If you have something to do, everyone has something to do.It seemed strange that their family didn't go.

"Father," Boss Sun shouted anxiously, staring at him eagerly, wishing to promise Ma Zhubo for his old man.

If you don't agree to such a good thing, you have a problem with your brain.What's more, Ma Da Ma Er also went to work, so there was nothing to worry about.If the horse owner Bo asked other families, they would have nothing to do with them.

The old grandson glared at the boss, too impatient, and after thinking for a while, he said to the owner of the horse: "Old horse, you have said so, I believe you once, and I did it to the magistrate."

Boss Sun laughed like a fool.Seventeen cash a day, working for a month, not hundreds of cash...

Oh my god, it's a fortune.

"That's it. It's settled. In two days, the boss will come over and ask you to go with me." The horse owner Bo was also happy when the matter was completed, and he stood up slowly with his hands behind his back, planning to go back to the county office.

"Wait for two days for what to do, and go to work tomorrow."

The old grandson became anxious instead. If he didn’t work for two days, he would lose 34 Wen. His family of five labored for more than 100 Wen a day. They could buy more than ten catties of white flour, and the whole family had to eat for three days...

The more the old grandson counted, the more heartbroken he was. How much money he lost, he wished he could go to work in the county government now.

Ma Zhubo heard his words and saw that he was eager to go to work now, he was angry and funny.

"I'm getting old, but my temper is still so irritable. There are no stones in the county government, so why build it? The adults have repeatedly emphasized that working for him should not delay the harvest of rice.

You go to the rice field to see if the rice can be harvested. If it can be harvested, the county government has not started work in the past two days, so hurry up and collect it so as not to delay the work of the county government later. "

The horse owner Bo pointed him out and left.

What the horse owner Bo said made sense, he couldn't work without stones.After thinking about it, Old Sun took Boss Sun to the rice field.


Ma Da Ma Er went door to door to inform that the county government was going to build a wall, and the adults recruited the people in the county to work, and they paid seventeen cents a day for one day.

The people in the city listened to the book that day, and no one believed it. In front of Ma Da Ma Er, they all laughed.

"Ma Da Ma Er, the rice is about to be harvested, and we are the only pillars of our family. If we go to work for the county magistrate, no one will harvest our rice.

Fortunately, after working hard for more than half a year, the whole family is counting on these few acres of rice.If something happened to Daozi, our family would have no way out! "

Most of the people said this to Ma Da Ma Er.

Does it mean that if you don't work for the magistrate, you will force them to death!

"Uncle, Auntie, we just came here to tell everyone that the county magistrate said that everyone is not forced to work, the work is voluntary, and those who don't want to go don't have to go.

The county magistrate also said that his work is not important, the most important thing is the rice in the field, uncle and aunt, relax your mind and harvest the rice at home. "

After Ma Er finished speaking, he pushed Ma Da away.It's good to make excuses, they will regret it in the future.

Ma Da wanted to persuade him again, but was dragged away by Ma Er.The more you persuade, the more people will suspect that you have bad intentions.

As soon as the person left, he closed the courtyard door, and made a loud "bah" towards the courtyard door, what the hell!

More people don't think so, with a wage of seventeen cents a day, they treat them like fools.

Someone said: "I just said that the county magistrate is not a good one. If you don't believe me, blindfolded by the pork, you insist on saying that the county magistrate is a good one.

As for your brain, it was sold and returned the money.Did you see that those who are officials have more minds than bamboo mats, coaxing you to go to work, one by one is still happy and wants to go.Seventeen pennies a day, as long as you have no brains to believe.Have you seen how many county magistrates do not search? "


There was also a small group of people who, after hearing Ma Da Ma Er's words, were quiet, and then asked, "Ma Da Ma Er, are you going?"

Ma Da Ma Er immediately laughed, "Go, you are a fool if you don't go. It's not like you don't know about my father. You are afraid that people will gossip, so you specifically asked your lord, and your lord agreed."

"So that's the case, then we will go to our house too. When will we go? Do you want to go to your house and call you?"

"I will go to work the day after tomorrow. If you are worried, come to our house and walk together. Don't worry, gather at the gate of the county government."

Waiting for Ma Da Ma Eryi to leave, he closed the courtyard door and spoke.

"Father, do you think what Ma Da Ma Er said is true?"

"It should be true, your Uncle Ma is working in the county government office, there is a real problem, you won't let his two sons go.

You, Mr. Ma, are a good person. If you don’t want to promote us people, your lord is also a good person.The day after tomorrow, you go to the horses to gather everyone and go with them. "

 Thanks to 20190806193359978, Bella, Huang Xingsu, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you Haitian Shengyan Soy Sauce, love the book, for the reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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