Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 248 Out of town in the middle of the night

Chapter 248 Out of town in the middle of the night
Qingyun pondered for a while, and then said: "In the future, the information network will be called the intelligence network. The intelligence network will be divided into the inner circle and the outer circle. The inner circle is for important matters, and you should consider it carefully. The outer circle, some trivial matters, or the inner circle. People's affairs, someone quarrels, a child breaks his head, etc."

Crazy Wolf narrowed his eyes, pondered seriously for a few seconds, and said to Qing Yun with a smile:
"My lord, the Yamen wants to set up an intelligence network, and this task is entrusted to me. When I was in the Escort Bureau, the Escort Bureau had a special secret post, and outsiders never knew about it. Most of the people under my command are bodyguard masters. They have kung fu skills and go out to find information , without anyone noticing."

"Yes, Crazy Wolf is in charge of the intelligence network, Hei Xiong is in charge of guarding the city gate and security in the city, and Daliang is in charge of the yamen. Chun'an is in charge of the three of you. If there is anything to do, report it to Chun'an first. If Chun'an can't solve it, come later. notice me."

During the lunch time, Qingyun had already assigned the work of the four of them.

"The things you are responsible for, how to operate them, you think about it in private, I only look at the results, if the results are good, then you have done a good job!"

The four of them were very happy to have a definite position, and what Qing Yun distributed to them was what they were good at and skilled in doing.

Each of them was thinking in their hearts that this was their official status after they entered the county government, and if there were no accidents in the future, they would all do it.How to do well what Qingyun assigns to them must satisfy him.

Qingyun glanced at the satisfied expressions of the four people, she was also satisfied, each performed their duties, and the county government didn't need her to worry about it.

"Eat, eat, the food is getting cold, after eating, go back and think about it slowly."

Qingyun picked up the bowl, refilled the bowl with rice and ate it with chili.

The four of Tian Duoliang also ate with bowls, washed the bowls and took them away after eating.

Qingyun went to find old man Song and studied hard every day.

Crazy wolf and black bear continued to lead people to cut circles in the wasteland.

When Du Chun'an returned to the front office, the owner of the horse was already waiting for him to discuss the matter of building the fence. The two discussed for a whole afternoon and finally decided on the plan.

"...If Mr. Ma has no objection, let's proceed like this. You will bring them to the county office tomorrow morning."

"Don't worry, I will definitely find someone who is diligent and not lazy to work, and will not hold everyone back." The horse owner Bo said, leaning on a cane, he hiccupped and went home happily.

Can sleep soundly tonight!

"Horse owner Bo, how is it? Will the county government work tomorrow?"

Six or seven people came from the horse owner Bo's house, and they were all sitting in the yard. As soon as the horse owner Bo entered, they immediately surrounded him.

"Go into the house and tell me." The owner of the horse went into the house, and everyone followed him. Ma Er in the yard closed the door immediately, and when he closed the door, he poked his head to glance at both sides of the street, and then bolted the door.

The horse owner Bo sat in the middle of the lobby, waited for them all to take their seats, glanced at the impatient people, and said:

"It's done. The county government will work tomorrow. On the first day of going to the county government, Mr. Du will assign things to everyone. You don't have to go too early. Everyone gathers at the gate of the county government at Chenshi and starts work later. You must not be late .

Working for the county is no better than other people. People who go there must be hardworking people.After you go back, pick people and make sure that each household has one. "

"Okay, we know, we won't pick on those who steal and play tricks."

Everyone gave the horse owner Bo a guarantee.

The horse owner Bo Desktop said, "As long as you have the numbers, you have to work tomorrow, so do everything you need to do tonight! I won't be free for the next month, and the news has been delivered to that side. Hurry up tonight, Don't make a mistake."



Unable to sleep at night, Qingyun turned up on the roof and lay down again, with his legs crossed, swaying from side to side, thinking about what the horse owner Bo mentioned during the day.

Qingyun sat up suddenly, squinted his eyes, looked at the house below him and muttered, "What secret does the county government have?"

Looking around, apart from the fact that the house is rotten and about to collapse, nothing unusual can be seen.

Qingyun stroked his chin and pondered for a few seconds, then jumped off the roof, at a distance of more than three meters, it was difficult for her.

There was a yamen servant on duty in the yamen, who heard the movement and came over to take a look. After recognizing that the person under the moonlight was Qing Ye, he retracted his head and continued to be on duty.

Qingyun walked around the county government office slowly, starting from the gate of the county government office, and went around every corner of the county government office, but found nothing.

"Could it be... I made a mistake?" Qingyun raised his eyebrows, clicked his tongue, ignored it if he didn't find it, washed his hands and prepared to go to bed.

"Captain Bai, which sect has the best lightness kung fu?" Qing Yun asked the shadow under the eaves.

She thought about it, squatting on Qishan, martial arts cheats will not be delivered to the door, let alone fall from the sky.

She had to take the initiative to steal a copy from the Jianghu sect.Otherwise, she won't be able to learn light work until the year of the monkey.

"The Sutra Pavilion of Jianghu Sect has organs and elders of the sect guarding it. With your three-legged cat kung fu, if you want to steal secret books, you will definitely die."

Bai Yanheng said expressionlessly.

Qingyun sucked his teeth, took a deep look at Bai Yanheng, and finally gave up on this bad idea.

Tomorrow, let's practice the old man's family skills!In her previous life, she practiced for more than ten years, but there was no effect at all.

I don't know if she is too stupid, or there is something wrong with the exercises taught by the old man?

East Gate

After midnight, the two guards guarding the city gate fell asleep leaning against the corner of the wall. After guarding for more than half a month, there was nothing abnormal inside and outside the city. The guards slept peacefully, even mosquitoes were in their ears. Buzzing, buzzing, can't wake them up.

Under the night, there was a dark shadow, like a ghost, silently, wandering back and forth between the two policemen, and then returned to the city.

"have you slept?"

In the shadows of the night, someone asked in a low voice, as if afraid of waking up the guards guarding the city gate, they asked in the ear of the man who came back.

"Sleeping, sleeping deeply. I threw a few stones at them, but they didn't respond. Hurry up, let's go, and we have to get back to work."

After the man finished speaking, he picked up the sack on the ground and carried it on his shoulders, leading the way to the city gate. The people behind him paused, and then followed, also carrying a sack on their shoulders.

Behind him is a long line, everyone is carrying sacks out of the city, everyone is sullen, no one dares to make a movement, they walk in silence, ten meters away from the city gate, walk in a faster pace, a bit Not afraid of the sound.

At the edge of the mountain forest three miles away, there are dozens of carts. The sacks that have been carried out are piled on the carts, and then they go back to the city and continue to carry them until the dozens of carts are full.

The people carrying the sacks didn't realize that when they were carrying the second sack out of the city, the eyelids of the two policemen at the corner of the wall moved, and a gap was opened in the eyelids, which immediately closed again, and then He continued to snore again, sleeping soundly like a pig.

 Thank you for looking back at the past-gone, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
  I hope the epidemic will pass soon~~~

(End of this chapter)

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