Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 249 The food is here

Chapter 249 The food is here
Dozens of scooters rolled forward on the mountain road, and the wheels made a "squeak" sound.The people pushing the carts were silent.

"I'm a little sorry, Mr. County."

Someone suddenly muttered something, the voice was not loud, and the people behind and behind couldn't hear it, but the person pushing the cart with him heard it.

"Then what can we do? The county magistrate is a good man, but he is too young, and the people he brought are his clansmen. He doesn't even have a decent officer and soldier, so why can't he tolerate those people. If you don't tell him, it's to protect him. "

"What nonsense?" An older member of the team reprimanded the two of them softly, "What did you say when you came out? You can't talk about things in the city? Forgot what we were doing? Repeatedly, it can't be done. Don't go, do you think you are tired of living?"

When I set off, I repeatedly emphasized that I don't want everyone to die, and don't mention the matter of the county magistrate.As soon as I went up the mountain road, I immediately forgot about it.

Those two dared not speak up, and they dared not talk back after being trained, fearing that they would be driven back, so they put more effort into their hands and pushed the cart away.

"Keep your mouth shut. Remember, you are deaf, blind, or dumb. When you get to the place, be smart. Don't listen to what you shouldn't listen to. Don't look at what you shouldn't see. It doesn't matter if you die. Don't implicate everyone and die."

After driving for an hour, everyone saw a few torches lit by the old forest in the valley ahead from a distance, and they couldn't see how many people came from there in the night.

On the front side of the cart, someone backed up and told the team of each cart, "It's coming soon, everyone remember to lower your head, don't look around, and don't talk. You know who they are. Think about the people in Lijia Village. as a result of."

Everyone nodded and answered 'yes' in a low voice.

Thinking of Lijia Village, overnight, the whole village, men, women and children were killed, blood flowed into rivers, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

"Third Master, we have brought food."

A man walked out of the night and came to the torch. When he saw the person holding the torch, he nodded and bowed.

If Qingyun and the others were here, they would definitely recognize that this person is Ma Bo's second son, Ma Er.

As soon as Ma Er and the others arrived, dozens of torches were suddenly lit on the open space in front of the valley, and they surrounded them. All the people around them were holding big knives.

Ma Er glanced at the people surrounding them, there must be three or four hundred people.

The person who came to deliver food for the first time, seeing this posture, his legs trembled with fright, and the person next to him helped him to keep him from falling.

"It's you, I remember that you are... the son of Master Bo, is your father dead?" A man with a swollen face walked out from between the torches, glanced at Ma Er, and punched Ma Er several times haha His shoulder was pounded until he stepped back a few steps, half of his shoulder was numb.

How can anyone ask if the father is dead?

Ma Er, who lowered his head, clenched his fists, fierceness and hostility flashed in his eyes, and when he raised his head, his face was full of obsequious dog legs.

"Thanks to you, my little father is quite healthy, and he can help our village look after Qishan for a few years. In the past, Brother Leopard came to pick up the work. Who doesn't know that in the village, apart from the big master, there are also three masters who take care of everything. Taking over such a trivial matter, why did you come here in person?"

The third family felt comfortable being flattered by Ma Er, and squinted at Ma Er, "You are a good boy. Leopard can't come because I have something to do. I'm bored in the stockade. Come and have a look. This time it's earlier than usual!"

"It was a few days earlier. The old people in the village have seen it and they are all familiar. The impact is not very big. There is a severe drought in the south. The old man said that the weather is not normal these days. He is worried that it will rain and the rice will not be harvested, which will affect the harvest of the village. .”

Ma Er carefully looked at the face of the third master, and said every word after careful consideration.

"Third Master, look?" Ma Er opened the sack and grabbed a small handful of rice. The rice exposed to the sun exuded a smell of sunshine.

Ma Er carefully handed it to the third master, and gently stroked and pulled it a few times, so that the third master could observe carefully. Every grain of the rice they sent was very full.


The third master took a look, opened a sack himself, grabbed a handful of rice to check, every grain of rice was indeed full, these people did not fool them, and dropped the handful of rice with satisfaction.

"Little San, take someone to the cart to have a look." The third master turned around, looked at one of the younger brothers, and immediately dozens of people went to the cart with torches to check.

Every team guarding the cart has a leader who is responsible for entertaining those people.

After inspecting all the scooters, the person from the third family returned and replied: "The three masters are all in good condition, and they didn't fool us."

"We can rest assured that the people in your village are doing things. Yesterday, Dama Village over there mixed old grain with new grain and handed it over to fool us, thinking we couldn't see it. Didn't you ask Leopard? Leopard took people there Dama Village has gone to seek justice."

Ma Er's heart trembled, and the people in Dama Village... smiled obsequiously, and lowered their heads even more.

Seeing his frightened pale face, the third master laughed, "Don't worry, as long as you don't have second thoughts about our village, our eldest master is not a heartless person, so you will be safe.

Unlike some people, after a long time, they forget who they are and who brought them a stable life, and they think they are smart.That is to say, the head of the family is benevolent, and the people in other villages are not as easy to talk to as the head of the family. "

"The kindness of the head of the family will always be remembered, and we dare not forget the origin. The people in our village are loyal to the three heads of the big family, and the world can learn from it. Without the kindness of the three heads of the big family, we would not be where we are today."

"Hey, I just like people who are grateful." The third master squinted at Ma Er, and said suddenly, "I remember... you used to deliver food during the day, why did you change it to night this time?"

Finally asked out!

Ma Er raised his heart in the middle of the night, and finally fell to a safe place, glanced at the smiling third master, and dealt with it cautiously.

"In the past, there was no county magistrate in Qishan, and no one was in charge. It didn't matter if we sent food during the day. People who went out in our village heard the news that the imperial court wanted to send the county magistrate to Qishan. We don't know when it will come, and the imperial court has not sent anyone. The county government sent a message. No one knows whether this happened or not.

Everyone in the village knows that the head of the family is very kind to us, thinking that more things are worse than less things, and the delivery of food during the day is too eye-catching, so it is changed to deliver at night. At most, everyone does not sleep at night, try not to cause trouble for the village.

What if the county magistrate happened to come to Qishan during the day to deliver food, and saw that he wanted to interrogate the reason..."

This makes sense, but it doesn't sound like the third master.

"What's wrong with the county magistrate? What's the big deal? It's not like we haven't killed the county magistrate in Guigu Village, so we're afraid of him?"

(End of this chapter)

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