Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 250 There is a situation

Chapter 250 There is a situation

The third master stared at Ma Er fiercely, and if Ma Er couldn't say anything that satisfied him, he would kill him.

Ma Er's heart trembled, remembering his father's instructions when he came out, he lowered his waist and said obsequiously:
"A small seventh-rank sesame official, the head of the family will naturally not pay attention to it. Even if the magistrate comes, he will not be obedient when he sees our head. Squeezing a county magistrate to death is not the same as killing a county magistrate." As simple as an ant."

The third master liked to hear these words, and stopped staring at Ma Er fiercely.Regardless of whether they have the ability in Guiguzhai or not, being flattered and flattered by others makes them feel comfortable and happy.

Ma Er glanced at the face of the third master, and changed the topic, "However, this land is not limited to our Guigu Village. Every three years at this time, the Eighteen Villages will compete for rankings. Now our village has reached an important point." Don't waste your energy on unimportant things."

This is very reasonable, everything is for their sake.

The third master was silent, looked Ma Er up and down, and after thinking about it, he said: "Your boy is right, you really can't waste your energy on unimportant things. Boy, you are not bad, do you want to come to the village? Then follow me to hang out, and keep your delicious food and spicy food."

After hearing his words, Ma Er's heart sank to the bottom.I don't know what he said, but if San Dangjia was happy, he invited him to join the village on a whim.

The third master personally invited the invitation, even if it was a joke, Ma Er could not refuse.

Rejection means ignorance of flattery.

If you don't know how to praise, you will be in bad luck, and you may even die!

"I am very grateful for the fact that the third family can appreciate it. However, the boy still has an old man at home. In a few years, the boy will come to the village to join the third family. I hope the third family will not be disgusted by that time."

After thinking about it, Ma Er answered cautiously.

He didn't refuse the invitation of the third master, but postponed it for a few years, not only retaining the dignity of the third master, but also leaving himself a way out.

Who can tell what will happen in a few years?What if, at that time, the third master forgot what he said?What if there is no Guigu Village at that time?

"No problem, you can come to me directly and report my name." The third master was very satisfied with his sense of humor, laughed, and patted Ma Er on the shoulder, "You are not bad, I am optimistic about you."

This time, Ma Er was not shot backwards.

Ma Er smiled ingratiatingly, "Thank you for the appreciation of the third master! The boy is so heartbroken that he will die!"

"I know you are a sweet talker. That's fine, that's fine, let's go!" The third master didn't make things difficult for them, and waved Ma Er and the others to leave.

After Ma Er bent down to thank him, he led the man back the same way.

Out of the sight of the third master, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and left here quickly with a feeling of survival after a catastrophe.

They were scared to death, and they thought it would not be so easy to leave. They were prepared mentally that some people would be injured.

Seeing Ma Er dealing with the third master, the third master almost saw through the lies several times, which made them tremble in fear. At the same time, they admired Ma Er's calmness in facing the third master.

The third family watched them leave, and when they could no longer see Ma Er and the others, they ordered people to put out the torches, so that the night could better hide their traces.The people from Guiguzhai led dozens of carts full of grain and left the valley.

Ma Er and the others didn't know that after they pushed the grain cart away from the city gate, the two guards leaning against the corner of the wall opened their eyes and listened carefully to the movement in the city. The people who carried the food all went home.

The two guards of the city gate huddled together and muttered.

"The people who just went out are the people in the city, right?"

"Besides them, who else could be there? They stayed up late at night and secretly carried their things out of the city, fearing that we would find out. They carried out bags one by one. There were so many people, the whole county probably came to carry them."

"It's possible. Someone came back to carry the second bag. I don't know what they carried?"

God knows!
There are so many sacks that a warehouse cannot fit them.

"Do you want to report this to Lord Qing? I don't think they are harming us?"

The person who spoke was knocked down by another one.

"You are short-sighted! The boss told us to guard the city gate, no matter how big or small it is, we have to report it. Otherwise, what city gate do you want to see?
It is a strange thing in itself for these people to carry things out secretly, and we must report it to Master Qing. How Master Qing and the others think about this time is not our concern.

Xiao Wu, you are still young and don't understand the dangers of the world.Today, my brother taught you to be a good boy. If we can't handle this well, we have to make meritorious deeds.I'll follow up to have a look, you go back and report to the boss, don't let the people in the city find out. "

The two split up, Xiao Wu immediately went to the county government office, and the other chased after the person who left.


"Boss, wake up, there is a situation."

Xiao Wu went back to the county government office and found the open space where the black bear was sleeping by the moonlight. Seeing that he was sleeping like a dead pig, snoring and yelling a few times, but there was no movement at all, he stretched out his hand and pushed a few times.

Hei Xiong opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that the person who pushed him was Xiao Wu who was guarding the city gate. He was surprised, rubbed his face, turned over and sat up.

"Aren't you guarding the city gate? What are you doing back? Something happened to the city gate?"

Not only the black bears were sleeping in the open space, but also the brothers, Xiao Wu took a look and found that they were all asleep like pigs.

Xiao Wu whispered in Hei Xiong's ear, told what they found, and then looked at Hei Xiong.

Black Bear was silent for a while, then asked Xiao Wu, "Did the owl follow?"

"Follow up." Xiao Wu nodded.

"Okay, you go back and guard the city gate first." After Hei Xiong finished speaking, he kicked the man next to him who was sleeping like a dead pig.

The man opened his eyes in bewilderment, but no one could see clearly, he shouted angrily, "Why are you kicking me?"

"Why did I kick you?"

The black bear grimaced, and kicked him again, he is the boss, he has to get up and work, and your younger brother sleeps more comfortably than the boss, so if you don't kick you, you will kick anyone.

"Sleeping like a pig, you don't even know you've been betrayed. You and Xiao Wu go to see the city gate. When the owl comes back, let him come to me."

Seeing that it was the eldest black bear who kicked him, the man was scared, got up silently and followed Xiao Wu away.

Hei Xiong thought about it for a while, thinking that this matter was considered a big deal, and Qingyun had to know about it, so he rushed to the door of Qingyun's room and knocked on the door.

Qingyun was sleepy and stared, and was stunned when he heard the knock on the door, thinking he heard it wrong.Since she woke up and escaped until now, she hadn't heard the knock on the door, and was about to ignore it when the door knocked again.

Qingyun was not knocked up, but Bai Shaojie, who was sleeping on the roof, was woken up by the black bear, floated down from above, and said impatiently: "I don't sleep in the middle of the night, why knock on the door? I can't talk about things tomorrow, adults also need to rest!"

(End of this chapter)

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