Chapter 268

Just like what she had guessed, being raised by wolves will not change their wolf nature.

"My lord, please don't worry, I will make it clear to the ghost boy that the adults are the benefactors of our whole village and will never cause trouble to you." Seeing the hatred in the ghost baby's eyes, the old man promised immediately.

"You get up and talk first!"

Qingyun squinted at the old man, waved his hand, and squinted at Tian Duoliang next to him.Tian Duoliang seemed to be aware of Qingyun's gaze, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qingyun's expression with his head, and understood.

He ran into the room and moved a chair, moved it behind Qing Yun, wiped the chair with his hand, and said respectfully: "Master Qing, please sit down."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and looked at him with satisfaction, this kid finally did something meaningful.

Hei Xiong thought about it, and went back to the house to find a chair, and let the brothers carry the old man to sit on it.

Qingyun said that he must not kneel.

Qing Yun smiled, feeling that Hei Xiong's behavior was in line with her wishes, and gave him an appreciative look, Hei Xiong was happy in his heart, and rubbed his hands with embarrassment on his face.

Crazy Wolf looked at Tian Duoliang from the left, and Hei Xiong from the right, and scolded them for being cunning in his heart, never forgetting to seize the opportunity to show himself in front of Qingyun.

Intuit is not a thing!

The old man was in a daze. Seeing their stubborn attitude, he wondered if these people were good people?
Anyway, this old man won't live long, and Qingyun doesn't want to hurt him, so he sits on the chair, intending to listen to his storytelling.

Qingyun touched his chin and thought, probably the old man has been holding back for many years, and he also wants to talk to someone.

"Don't worry about it, I carried you to the chair because I was afraid that your body would not be able to bear it. They are rough people, and their actions are rough, but they have good intentions." Qingyun said.

Qingyun was concerned about something else. Ma Zhubo had mentioned it, and it summed it up in a few words. A village in Qishan was slaughtered by bandits because the villagers rebelled against the bandits. Ma Zhubo didn't know the details.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me about the bandits entering the village? I've heard people mention that today's Qishan, large and small villages, are all protected by eighteen villages. Why are there still bandits slaughtering villages?"

"The Eighteen Villages are guarded?" The old man sneered and mocked disdainfully, "Listen to the accent of your lord, you are not from Qishan!"

"No, I'm new here." Qingyun stroked his chin and said, "Is it obvious?"

The old man nodded.

"No wonder my lord doesn't know. More than ten years ago, General Meng guarded the border. Although the customs of the border were strong, we can live and work in peace and contentment in the counties near the border. After paying the imperial court's taxes, the remaining food, not to mention dun dun Eat enough, one full meal a day is enough for us common people."

Qingyun nodded.

Ordinary people do not have high demands. To sum it up in four words, having enough food and clothing is the happiest thing in their lives.

"General Meng is strict in running the army. When there is no battle, he leads the soldiers to suppress bandits. Area by area is wiped out. There are very few bandits in the mountains and forests on the border. Anyone who hears the name of General Meng, bandits I was so frightened that I ran away and didn’t dare to come again. The court officials in the counties near the border, who saw General Meng, would not dare a mouse to see a cat, honestly, no one would dare to cause trouble.”

The old man seemed to recall the peace of Qishan in the past, and the smile on his face was dreamy and yearning.

"What happened later?" Qingyun asked, thinking: Qishan has become what it is now, bandits and robbers are rampant, and the government doesn't do anything, and the General Meng is probably gone.

"Later, the weather at the border changed. General Meng went back to the capital. I don't know what happened. The court suddenly killed General Meng and his family. The court also killed several generals at the border. , I heard people say that those generals who were killed were all close friends of General Meng.

After the death of General Meng, the people at our border gates were very frightened when they received the news, thinking that General Meng died unjustly.General Meng is a good man, but we ordinary people are soft-spoken, and the court will not believe what we say. "

Qingyun didn't say a word, thinking to himself, General Meng must have blocked the way of some people, pulling up the banner of the imperial court as an excuse, when you want someone to die, it doesn't matter if you are a good person or not.

Good people don't live long!

Isn't there a saying: The scourge will last for a thousand years!This is not unreasonable. Although those who have done all kinds of bad things can still get retribution in the end, they just live longer than good people. They are only exposed when they are old. They have stood at the top of power and deserved blessings I have enjoyed it all, and I have no regrets in death.

Qingtian didn't intend to be a good person, so she shouldn't ask too much from her, being a person would be good.

"It's a pity!" Qingyun said, she is not a good person, but she likes those good people very much.

"Not long after, the imperial court sent a general surnamed Qian. After this General Qian came, for the first three years at the border, the rules left by General Meng were still followed. After three years, General Qian stood firm and cleared the border. With the exception of those who opposed him, the sky at the border has changed again.

General Qian was insatiable greed, doubled the tax revenue, and taxed us once every time we fought a war.I don't know when, there were bandits and robbers in Qishan again, who went down the mountain to burn, kill and loot, and the people suffered unspeakably.

General Qian led his officers and soldiers to suppress bandits every year, and asked us people to pay us money every year. The bandits in Qishan have never been wiped out, and there are more bandits every year.

A slightly larger village can barely make up the number. Our village has a small population, and it really can't stand General Qian's taxes.

Qishan County is not under the jurisdiction of Fengcheng, but Qishan County is under the jurisdiction of Weiyang Futai. The villagers of our village bypassed the border and went to Weiyang Futai to ask for help.

When we arrived at Futai in Weiyang, we were worried that the masters of Futai would not pay attention to it. The villagers beat the drums in front of the people. The masters of Futai listened to the information brought by our villagers, comforted them, and sent officers and soldiers to follow the villagers back. ..."

The old man stopped when he said this, and he could see that this group of people was dominated by this young man.

"The Weiyang government office is dedicated to its duties. You are also the people of Weiyang. You should send officers and soldiers over here."

Qingyun said so, but he didn't take it seriously.

General Qian leads troops to suppress bandits every year. There are bandits in Qishan, and the Weiyang government must know about them.Knowing that there are bandits in Qishan, but pretending to be deaf and dumb, and ignoring them, this clearly shows his attitude.

The villagers in this village beat the drums in front of the people, which was equivalent to threatening him, so it was no wonder he was happy.

To put on a show for his image, he had to send officers and soldiers over to put on a show.

Whether he came to suppress the bandits is another matter. Anyway, he sent troops to serve the people.However, this villager is not doing so well.

The old man glanced at the young man and thought to himself, this rich man is still too young to think like this without experience.

"After the officers and soldiers came to the village, they first asked our villagers to kill pigs and chickens, and then went to the mountains to search them. The next day, they asked the village to kill pigs to entertain them, and then went to the mountains to search again..."

 Thanks to the No. 5 beauty, thanks to Fang Yan, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you for the reward of ten 緈鍢菋噵, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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