Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 269 The truth about Tu Village

Chapter 269 The truth about Tu Village
"Have you found it?"

Tian Duoliang couldn't help asking, the old man talked about something, and he talked about it, sometimes it got to the border, and sometimes it got to Weiyang, so Qingyun had the patience to listen to him.

Qingyun glanced at Tian Duoliang, Tian Duoliang met Qingyun's gaze, touched his nose without saying a word, retracted his position, closed his mouth, and listened honestly.

The old man was very patient and shook his head, "Nothing was found, nothing was found. The officers and soldiers returned to the village and reprimanded us very severely, saying that we reported cases indiscriminately, lied about military affairs, teased the officials of the court, and did not report to the court. His law is in sight.

There are obviously no bandits here. Under the governance of Weiyang Futai, Qishan County is in good weather and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Where did the bandits come from?
The officers and soldiers said that the villagers in our village were lazy and did not go to work in the fields. They lied that the grain was robbed by bandits, and said that our village was a crooked trend that wanted to disturb the law and order in Qishan. "

Qingyun nodded, as expected.

Weiyang Mansion was threatened by villagers and had to send troops over.She was suspicious of the Weiyang Mansion, and she had confessed to the officers and soldiers behind her back, and took care of the villagers when she came.

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Hei Xiong and others remained silent, thinking to themselves, Weiyang's mansion is not a thing, and the people below follow suit, and it is not a thing, it is not surprising that they can treat you kindly.

"The officers and soldiers arrested the few villagers who went to Weiyang to report the case, called the whole village to the scene, and executed them in the village. Each person was punished with [-] boards, and the villagers were warned not to talk nonsense.

After playing fifty big boards, those villagers only had half their lives left. The high fever did not subside that night, and our village did not see a doctor, so we went to see a doctor for a few days.

When the officers and soldiers left our village, they asked for money as travel expenses and their hard work.Which ones still have silver in our village?Drag the last pig in the village away. "

"It's really not a thing!" Tian Duoliang scolded, and said: "Your village has been in trouble for eight lifetimes. Either the bandits robbed things, or the border generals asked for money, and even the officers and soldiers of the Futai had to drag pigs away... Your village My luck is too bad."

The old man sighed, "Yes! The luck of our village is too bad. The day after the officers and soldiers left, a group of bandits came to the village. They killed everyone they saw, even babies who were a few months old.

Chickens and dogs don't stay, blood bleeds.After they killed someone, they chopped off their heads and piled them up together and took them away.I was hiding in the cellar by the pond at the foot of the mountain. Two bandits came to dig lotus roots. Only after hearing their words did I know the truth about our village being killed. "

The old man burst into tears, beat his chest and cried bitterly.

"I heard those two people laughing, laughing at the people in our village as idiots, and it was the officers and soldiers in Weiyang who told them that they knew about the people in our village and ran to Weiyang to report to the officials.

Those who entered the village were not bandits at all, they were border guards and General Qian's men.

They pretended to be bandits to expropriate grain and gave it to General Qian. General Qian led troops to suppress bandits every year to show the world and the court. In fact, he came to collect grain.

He was famous and rich, but the people in our village, hundreds of people, died tragically under his knife, and they will not die with peace. "

This truth is beyond everyone's expectations.

There was no sound in the courtyard, so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, leaned back, put his left arm on the back of the chair, raised his eyebrows and hooked his lips, looking evil in his entirety.

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and Black Bear took a look at him, and at the same time quietly took two steps back, turning their gazes to other places.

Qishan is really a mess, the soldiers are not soldiers, and the bandits are not bandits, which makes the people here full of complaints, and the people are in dire straits

"Are you sure that those bandits in Tucun are the generals of the border?" Qing Yun pondered for a while, then looked at the old man coldly, "Old man, if you frame the court officials, you will be killed. If you can't do it, then there is another one."

Qingyun nodded his chin towards the wolf cub.

"I use the lives of the ancestors of the Liu family and the ghost baby to assure my lord that they were not bandits, but officers and soldiers pretending to be bandits. 560 lives were lost."

The old man got down from the chair, knelt on the ground again and knelt down towards Qingyun, pleading sadly: "My lord, please make decisions for the common people, for the lives of the 560 people in Liujia Village. The people in Liujia Village died unjustly!"

Qingyun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly found that the old man had something to say, but this time he did not avoid the old man's kneeling.

"According to what you say, all the bandits in the Eighteen Villages of Qishan are all pretending to be border generals?"

The tip of Qingyun's tongue reached the root of his teeth, if all the Eighteen Villages were faked by frontier generals...

Not being a soldier, but being a bandit...

This place in Qishan is really interesting, it arouses her desire to farm, and she is ready to move.

"This little man doesn't know. He only knows that the people who slaughtered the village were pretended to be officers and soldiers. The little man also doesn't know that there are eighteen villages in Qishan. However, the little man once heard that the hunters who went hunting in the mountain mentioned that since our village was slaughtered, , all the villages in Qishan must honestly pay food to the bandits, so that they can live in peace."

The bloody lesson is here, who dares not to pay the food.

"I have a question for you, why do you call me my lord?"

Qingyun didn't notice this detail before, until the old man knelt down and cried out for grievances, begging her to make decisions for the villagers, she found out that the old man had been calling them "Master" since he appeared.

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and Black Bear were stunned for a moment when they heard Qing Yun's words, but after thinking about it, they seemed to be!The old man kept calling them "Big Eights".

"Qishan is remote and close to the border. It is chaotic all the year round. People from outside rarely come here. The adults said that they are not from the Qishan area. The adults are strict in governing the army. The common people dare to guess that the adults are new to Qishan County. County Lord."

After the old man finished speaking, he put his head on the ground, and awe came from the bottom of his heart.

Those who are parents and officials should be like this adult, even if they don’t know the truth about the slaughter of the village, and when they see the pool full of human bones, they can still think about collecting bones for others, digging graves and burying them, so that they can become scholars in peace.

Qingyun raised her eyebrows and did not deny it, and it was useless to deny it. Her accent was indeed not from Qi Shan's side.

"You have discernment." Qingyun looked at the old man, "get up and answer! For the sake of you being a citizen of Qishan, I don't care about assassinating me.

Even if the villagers of Liujia Village are dead, they are still my people.It's fine if I don't know, since I already know about it, I will find justice for you.Provided that what you say is true! "

The old man stood up tremblingly, without Qingyun's order, the brothers were very winking, and stepped forward to help the old man to sit down.

"Who is the mansion of Weiyang?"

Qing Yun asked, her Qi Shan was also under the jurisdiction of Weiyang Futai, she had to know who the master of Futai was first, so as not to mistake the person in the future.

"At that time, the master of Futai was surnamed Li. More than ten years have passed. I don't know if Futai is still him?"

 Collection, recommendation, monthly pass, investment, all come here~~
  Dongdong can withstand all kinds of ravages
(End of this chapter)

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