Chapter 270

Qingyun rubbed her chin, she, the county magistrate of Qishan, was really troubled.

I almost starved to death as soon as I wore it, and then I was almost eaten as meat, and after I escaped from the dead, I had to flee from famine. There was no food and water, and I finally found water, and I was almost drowned by fish...

It took a lot of effort to kill the fish, but was caught by the bandits again, sent to the mine for mining, escaped from the mine with a narrow escape...

Qingyun touched his face, Tang Seng did not suffer as much as her to learn scriptures.I thought that when I arrived at Qishan, I could be the emperor of the land, but the result was not satisfactory.

There are more monsters and ghosts in Qishan!
Bandit eighteen villages, Weiyang Lifutai, Bianguan Fengcheng general Qian, none of them seemed to be something she could fight against right now.

Qingyun's eyes flashed with evil light, things are getting more and more interesting~~ What should I do, she is getting more and more excited.

"Whether the person surnamed Li is still here or not, he and the person surnamed Qian are not good friends. I will make a note of this matter, and I will seek justice for the people in your village when I have the chance."

After Qingyun finished speaking, he glanced at the wolf cub from the corner of his eye and asked the old man, "Wolf cub, what are your plans? If you leave, this village can't live in people, so the wolf cub can't still follow the pack of wolves, right? It doesn't matter when he was young. Wait until he comes back again." When he grows up, it’s not good to follow the wolves, so he has to return to the crowd, and he is not allowed to marry a wife and have children? I am worried that he will stay with the wolves for a long time and think that he is a wolf, and he will marry a wolf wife in the future.”

What Qingyun said was calm, the old man, Tian Duoliang, mad wolf, black bear, and the rest of the brothers, when they heard what he said, they all stared at him in horror, then looked at the wolf cub lying on the ground, and then at the wolf cub lying on the ground. Look out for the wolves.

This is too scary!

Heavenly lady, old man, maybe what this kid Qingyun said is not unreasonable.

In their Liujia Village, the only incense, the old man who will marry a wolf as his wife in the future trembles all over when he thinks of that scene, and with a 'plop', he kneels in front of Qingyun again, and kowtows heavily.

"My lord, Xiaomin knows that you are kind-hearted. You collected and buried the bones of people in our village. Xiaomin is very grateful. I shouldn't trouble you with this matter. There is no one in our Liujia Village. Except for you, Xiaomin can't find you." Reliable person. My lord, I beg you to take in the ghost baby, this child is poor, he has nowhere to go, you can find him a nest, as long as he doesn’t starve to death.”

"No," Qingyun refused, she was not in a panic because she had a cub at home, she didn't care about it, and she raised the cub for others, it was a wolf cub, a wolf cub who held a grudge.

"Old man, look at the eyes of your wolf cub, you want to eat me. It's fine to repay you, I don't want to raise an enemy for myself, and one day stab me in the back." Qingyun rolled his eyes at the wolf cub, and waved his hand to disagree.

Tian Duoliang clicked his tongue, Qingyun is really thick-skinned, the old man didn't say he wanted to repay his kindness!He said it himself.

The old man turned his head to look at the wolf cub, and really saw him staring at the adult with hatred in his eyes.The old man is so angry, this dead bear boy, the object of hatred is wrong, he broke his heart because of him, how dare he look at his benefactor like this
The old man rushed over and slapped Guiwa's head fiercely. The wolf cub turned his head to look at the old man, gritted his teeth, and continued to stare fiercely at Qingyun.

The old man pinched the ghost baby's ears and muttered a lot. If Qingyun wanted to hear it, there would be no problem at all, but she had a sense of public morality and didn't do such a shameful thing.

The old man muttered for a while, pointed at Qingyun and muttered again, the wolf cub was still very fierce at the beginning, after hearing the old man's words in a daze, the look in Qingyun's eyes changed from fierce to doubt, gradually calmed down, and finally curious Looking at Qingyun.

Qingyun was amazed, suddenly a little curious about what the old man told the wolf cub, and the hostility towards her disappeared.

The wolf cub stared at Qingyun for a while, and Qingyun also looked at him blankly, the wolf cub bared his teeth at her, and when the old man finished mumbling, the wolf cub nodded and howled softly, "Aooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow".

Qingyun didn't understand, it didn't matter if she didn't understand, the wolf king and the wolf pack understood.

The wolf king glanced at the wolf cub, then at Qingyun, stood up, shook his slick wolf fur, walked up to Qingyun majestically, and stared straight at Qingyun .

Qing Yun raised her eyebrows, lowered her eyelids to look at the wolf king, she nodded her head proudly in the wolf dynasty, returned to the pack of wolves, "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " with wolf pack, and then disappeared into the night with wolves.

Qingyun's face twitched fiercely, and she somehow understood the look in the wolf king's eyes: Human beings, my wolf cub is entrusted to you, it is your honor to treat my wolf cub well!The king will watch you.For the sake of raising my wolf cubs, I don't care about killing my wolf clan.

I'll go to yours!
The wolves have become fine!
Qingyun bared his teeth sourly, who cares!Wolf cubs who care about who will be taken away, a group of white-eyed wolves, her men are merciful to spare their lives, and dare to take Joe with her?

No one knew what was going on in Qingyun's mind. Seeing the pack of wolves leave, Tian Duoliang and his group secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The wolves were afraid when they saw him.

After finishing the wolf cub, the old man threw himself in front of Qingyun, and when Qingyun heard the "plop", he panicked on his knees.

The brothers have eyes. When they saw Qingyun raising their eyebrows, they immediately carried the old man back to the chair.


It made him feel embarrassed to cry~~~
The old man wiped his eyes, "My lord, I have already made it clear to the wolf cubs that you are our village's benefactors, great benefactors, from now on the ghost baby will follow you to pay back the favor for our people, and you can do whatever you want.

Adults, don't underestimate the ghost baby, this kid can do nothing else, he can command wolves.Let's not talk about Qishan, the mountains are high and the forests are dense, and there are many ferocious beasts. It is very dangerous for us to walk in the forests. To this child, the mountains and forests are his own home. He can't go anywhere, and he can always help the adults. "

Qingyun didn't want to pick up this hot potato, after hearing what the old man said, his eyes lit up, and he turned to look at the wolf cub, it was still useful.

The wolf cub is also looking at Qingyun, from now on he can't be with father wolf, he has to follow this man.

Grandpa Liu said that this man is a formidable person, even more formidable than father wolf. The wolf cub also agrees with this. He also saw that father wolf was beaten last night.

This person promised to avenge the villagers, and asked him to follow this person to supervise, and if this person forgot, let him remind him.

Grandpa Liu also said that when he is hungry in the future, he will ask this person for food. He has a lot of food...

If Qingyun knew that the old man told the wolf cub like this, and he yelled at her before he died, he probably wouldn't be in such a good mood.

Therefore, the world will not lose pie, cheap is not so easy to take advantage of, you think you have earned it, who knows that people will still think they have earned it.

 Thank you Fang Yan, 1453409998, moral integrity is very important, the life of a night banquet, the traveler's trip, the leader always tearing up chickens, dead and dead → Ai, let's call it a pompom, the monthly ticket cast by Yu Chiyue, what a sweetheart.

(End of this chapter)

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