Chapter 271
Qingyun rubbed his chin to consider, hesitated for a while, and reluctantly said: "For the sake of your old man, I will reluctantly accept the ghost baby. It is indeed inappropriate for the ghost baby to follow the wolves. Humans, I still have to follow others." Stay for one piece. Only this time, not the next time."

Crazy Wolf rolled his eyes. There are only ghost babies left in Liujia Village. The old man thinks there will be no one next time.

The old man jumped down and kowtowed excitedly.

"Hey, just this time, thank you, my lord, for your great kindness, the people of our Liu family village, old and young, will never forget it, and even if we become ghosts in the underworld, we will worship you here day and night. "

This doesn't sound right!
Qingyun blinked, forget it, it's always a good word!Touching her nose, I'm embarrassed, she didn't do anything, it's not good to make the whole village so grateful!This idea also swirled in my mind, no matter what, it is someone else's business to thank others.

Qingyun didn't hear it, but Tian Duoliang, Mad Wolf, Heixiong and the three of them understood it, and felt their necks were chilly, they would never let Qingyun go, Qingyun is also pitiful!
Still supporting her in the underworld every day?What are you doing for her?Die early?
Looking at Qingyun's bewildered expression, the three of Tian Duoliang, Mad Wolf and Hei Xiong felt that it was better not to tell him.

Qingyun was very satisfied, she was of great use to the wolf cub.

The old man was also satisfied, he found a person for Guiwa who would provide meals for a long time without spending money, he was the magistrate of the county, Guiwa followed him, the future was bright!It's considered outstanding, and it's worthy of the young and old in Liujia Village!
After the wolf cub was entrusted to someone, the light in the old man's eyes dimmed suddenly, and all his energy seemed to be taken away. He looked at the wolf cub, and said expectantly, "My lord, the ghost will follow you from now on. The name is inappropriate, can adults give the ghost baby a name?"

It is indeed inappropriate!
"Me?" Qingyun pointed at himself, then stroked his chin and glanced at the old man, "You are the most senior elder in Liujia Village, wouldn't it be better for you to give the ghost baby a name?"

I've never seen someone call someone else's name.

The names are usually chosen by the elders in the family, or they are highly respected, or they are chosen by fortune tellers.She is an outsider and has nothing to do with these things.

Qingyun doesn't understand, she is the county magistrate now, and in the eyes of the common people, she is an unattainable nobleman. He gave the ghost baby a name, which means that the ghost baby has been honored.

Qingyun didn't understand the old man's mind, but Tian Duoliang, Mad Wolf and Hei Xiong understood, they felt that the old man could really climb on poles.

"This little man is illiterate, so he can't come up with a good name. Please, sir, give me one." The old man looked at Qingyun anxiously, feeling sorry for him, relying on the softness of his heart, he wanted to be honored by him when he was dying. .

Qingyun rolled his eyes at the wolf cub, and then looked at the old man's entrustment before he died. Choosing a name is not a big deal. After thinking about it, he said: "Your village name is Liu, so let's call it Liu Kui! The word Kui is the name of a great hero." , I hope Liu Kui can be a hero like him in the future, what do you think?"

How could Qingyun get a name, looking at the ferocious eyes of the wolf cub reminded her of Li Kui's appearance in Water Margin, so she simply borrowed it and used it.

Hearing that the name was a hero, the old man was very satisfied and nodded repeatedly.

"Very good, the ghost baby will be called Liu Kui from now on. Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord!"

Qingyun nodded reservedly. Whoever asks her to name her in the future, she will use the names of heroes in Water Margin.

The sky was bright, and before you knew it, the night passed.

Qingyun got up and stretched his waist, glanced at the brothers who were not asleep inside and outside the room, and sighed at the brothers who stayed up all night, especially the injured brother.

It is a big deal that there is no doctor in the yamen. If you are injured, you can only suffer.She had to find a way to lure a doctor to Qishan from outside.

"Crazy Wolf, can you see if these two can wipe it for the brothers?"

Qingyun took out two medicine jars from his arms and threw them to Mad Wolf.These two medicine jars were given to her by the orchid, I don't know if they can be used?Their wounds are different from the usual ones. Those who were scratched and bitten by wolves didn't have tetanus. I don't know if they will get rabies?

Wolves are also a type of canine.

Crazy Wolf pulled off the cover and sniffed it, and said, "It can stop the bleeding, but I don't know about the others."

"It's good to stop the bleeding. It's already dawn. Let the brothers go to the pond, wash the wound and apply medicine to prevent infection. The wound is dirt and wolf hair."

Qingyun wanted to say 'bacteria', but after thinking about it, he ignored the word and said, "If you don't wash it off, it's useless to apply medicine. I heard the doctor say that before."

"Don't worry, I will tell my brothers." Crazy Wolf nodded, and asked the brothers who were not injured to help the injured brother to go to the pond to wash their wounds.

The old man glanced at Qingyun, leaned on the chair with a smile, looked at the redness in the sky, and slowly closed his eyes.

The wolf cub seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly crawled up to the old man, weeping "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo people.

Qingyun turned his head and looked at the wolf cub silently.

Tian Duoliang looked at Qingyun, nodded his chin towards the wolf cub, Qingyun shook his head, and the group went to the pond.

"You don't care?" Tian Duo asked curiously.

Qing Yun glanced at Tian Duo Liang, sighed, "Da Liang, he just died, and you can't let him cry, you are too cruel!"

Qingyun shook his head and left!

Hei Xiong glanced at Tian Duoliang, shook his head and left.

"You and I……"

Tian Duoliang was dumbfounded, did he mean that?He wanted Qingyun to coax the wolf cub, why did he become so cruel?

By the time we got to the pond, it was already daylight, and the brothers had already gone into the water to scoop up human bones, some of which had already been placed on the ground.

Qingyun looked at the broken human bones, one by one, how could they be transported up the mountain?I can't hug it!
I looked around, borrowed a knife from my brothers, and greeted the black bear who had just fished up the human bones, "Black bear, come with me to cut thatch."

The black bear put down the human bone and asked, "Why do you mow the grass?"

"Weave a few straw mats for them, so it's convenient for the brothers to carry them up." Qing Yun glanced at the human bones on the ground, and Hei Xiong understood, rubbing his head and smiling innocently.

The two of them cut more than a dozen bundles and came back.

On the way to escape from famine, Qingyun learned a little from old man Li, not complicated things, not even weaving straw mats.

But she knows how to weave straw ropes, and then use straw ropes to weave up and down, like cross-stitching, and she can also weave a rough net, if the weave is denser, it will be no problem to hold human bones.

"Qingyun knows how to weave straw mats?" Hei Xiong glanced at the grass on the ground and asked Qingyun. He is an old man, and he can't do this kind of sloppy work.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "No, I know how to weave straw ropes. It's so simple that anyone can learn it. Watch me come later."

 Sorry for being late.

  It’s the Chinese New Year’s holiday, and I’m going to work in the workshop every day, so it’s even better????
(End of this chapter)

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