Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 286 See Through Identity

Chapter 286 See Through Identity
Important information?

Qingyun paused, could it be that the village chief found out that these bandits were not from Tianlang Village?
Qingyun glanced at the brother, then at Tian Duoliang, the three crazy wolves and black bears, then looked at the village head, and asked with a smile, "What important information?"

"These people are not bandits from Tianlang Village. When He Shui cleaned up the corpses, he found that they had totems on their necks. The bandits in Tianlang Village must not have totems on their necks. Only the tribes on the grassland outside the Guan have such totems, such as Jurchen tribe, Tufan tribe, Hungarian tribe, Xinlan tribe, Liao tribe, etc.”

Qingyun and the others were startled, and then shocked.

If these bandits are not from the Dayong Dynasty.So here comes the question, how did they enter the Dayong Dynasty quietly, without letting the border guards find out?
Qing Yun frowned, "You said they are not from Dayong Dynasty?"

Qingyun is not a native, so he doesn't have a deep understanding, but Mad Wolf Heixiong Tian Duoliang and the others have a deep understanding. The border wars every year are fighting with the tribes of the grassland.

The treasury of the Dayong Dynasty was empty, and the court had no money, so it had to collect taxes from the people. All kinds of taxes increased year by year, and the people suffered terribly and complained.

Especially after General Ye's death, General Qian was replaced to guard the border, and the name of the court's tax collection had no bottom line at all.

"Not from our Dayong Dynasty." The village head was very sure, but his face was even more ugly.

Hundreds of people from the Liao tribe sneaked into the Dayong Dynasty and went deep into Qishan Mountain, but the border generals did not find it.

You can't think deeply about this question, and you will be afraid when you think about it.

After the village chief revealed the identity of the bandits, the few bandits who were still on their last legs were all as pale as ghosts in fright, and trembled uncontrollably.

There is only one thought in my heart: it's over, the identity they have worked so hard to hide has been discovered!
Qingyun glanced at the bandits, and said ruffiantly: "Isn't it, drag one over to have a look, everything is clear."

Crazy wolf black bear Tian Duoliang heard the words, rolled his eyes, and acted like the real thing, as if he was not the one who threatened to interrogate the bandits just now.

Hei Xiong kept silent, dragged a bandit over, threw it to Qingyun's feet, pressed the bandit's shoulder, and tore off the bandit's collar. Sure enough, there was a totem on the left side of his neck.

"There really is a totem, what the hell is this painting?" Tian Duoliang lowered his head and studied it carefully for a while, but he didn't recognize what kind of totem it was.

"It's the totem of the Liao tribe. I saw it when I was young," said the village chief.

Qingyun and the others turned their heads to look at him. Why does he know the totem of the Liao tribe as a countryman who doesn't go out?
The village chief understood the meaning in the eyes of the young men and the others, and he endured it before he said, "What are you thinking about? When I was young, I went to Fengcheng to find work. It happened that General Ye caught some lurking spies from the Liao tribe and hacked them up. At the beginning, General Ye deliberately told the people of Fengcheng how to separate the tribes outside the pass and work carefully."

"Oh, I see!"

The four of Qingyun nodded without sincerity, Tian Duoliang kicked the bandit, and said with a smile: "Hey, you are from the Liao tribe? Why are you pretending to be a bandit from Tianlang Village?"

The bandit didn't make a sound, curled up his head and curled up in a ball, deceiving himself and others, as if no one could see him like this.

The bandits over there knew that their identities had been discovered, and what awaited them was a more tragic end. They all bit their tongues and committed suicide while they were young and turned their gazes to their companions.

"Master Qing, these guys are dead."

The guard brothers noticed the sudden bleeding from their mouths, and they knew something was abnormal, and remembered what the black bear boss had said before, so they didn't dare to ignore it.

As soon as he stretched out his hand and pushed it, the person fell backwards, looking as if he was dead. When he probed his nose, he was out of breath. When he pried his mouth open, he realized that the bandit had committed suicide by biting his tongue, so he immediately reported to Qingyun.

"How could he die? Aren't the tendons in the arms and legs broken?"

Crazy Wolf went over to check, first probed his nose, and felt the pulses on his neck and wrists after he lost his breath. Only after the pulse stopped beating did he confirm that these people were dead.

Qingyun and the others kept watching the behavior of the mad wolf, and the mad wolf shook his head, "Dead."

"Really dead?!" Qing Yun's brows lightly frowned, "They killed themselves, proving that the village chief was right. Terrible! This..."

Qingyun was a step too late to react, and before he could stop it, the last bandit bit his tongue and committed suicide.

Well, all the people of this group of Liao tribe died.Qingyun blinked, looked at the village chief quite innocently, and spread his hands a little rascally.

"Village chief, what are you going to do?"

Ever since he discovered that this group of people were not bandits from Tianlang Village, but from the Liao tribe, the village chief's frown has not relaxed.

What can he do?
He is a powerless commoner, no one makes decisions for him, and he can't kill Tianlang Village to seek justice, so he can only bear it.

The three black bears, crazy wolf Tian Duoliang, were already groping the corpse, very carefully, not even a hair was spared.

Qingyun caught a glimpse of it by accident, and his cheeks twitched, but he said: "Search the soles of the shoes to see if there is any interlayer."

There are such plots in TV novels, important information or bank notes are hidden in the interlayer of the sole.

Qingyun looked back and saw that the village chief's one more thing is worse than one less thing, big things are turned into small things, and small things are turned into nothing, so he doesn't want to pursue it.

How can that be?

Qingyun rolled his eyes and said casually: "Village chief, your village is under the jurisdiction of Tianlang Village. I heard that every village has people patrolling day and night. Have you ever thought that there are hundreds of people in the Liao tribe? How did you pass through the defenses of the Heavenly Wolf Village and find Dama Village in the mountains of Chuan?"

The village chief was startled suddenly, and the thin triangle's eyes flashed brightly. It is not easy for a person to become a village chief.

After carefully pondering the boy's words, the village head became more and more frightened.What role did Tianlangzhai play in it?
That's right, the Liao tribe is not just a few or a dozen people, there are one or two hundred people in their group, and the people from Tianlangzhai patrol day and night, it is impossible not to find them.

He Lao Er was in Tianlang Village, and he was responsible for patrolling and guarding the outside. There were so many people, it was impossible for him not to find out, unless the head of Tianlang Village acquiesced and concealed He Lao Er.

Without the acquiescence of Tianlang Village, there is no route provided by Tianlang Village, Qishan is so big, high in the mountains and densely forested, young people in the village can easily get lost when entering the mountain, but people from the Liao tribe who came for the first time can find their village accurately.

"My people found some clues. They said that they spent a lot of money with the Shanzhai before they were allowed to come to your village. Seeing the people we killed them, they asked if they were from the Tianlang Village."

Seeing that the village head began to suspect Tianlang Village, Qingyun provoked again at the right time.What she said was right, it wasn't something out of nothing, deliberately planting dirt and wronging the Tianlang village, it was indeed the people from the Tianlang village who let the people from the Liao tribe come in.

 Thank you Mu Mingyou for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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