Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 287 This Is Not Right

Chapter 287 This Is Not Right
"They asked if you are from Tianlang Village?" The village head was shaken by three points, but after hearing the young man's words, he was shaken by seven points.

"That's right, they said that they spent money. Our Tianlang village can't cross the river and demolish bridges. It's illegal to eat black. It broke the rules of doing business. They also said that they need to ask the village chief for clarification."

Qing Yun's eyes flickered, and suddenly he remembered an important person, and said, "You can ask He Shui, he should have heard it."

It is not clear whether He Shui heard Qingyun, but the important thing is that He Shui sneaked to the entrance of the village.That guy has a lot of big prejudices and resentment towards the bandits, and after learning the whole story, he would have put him on the head of the Tianlang Village if it wasn't for the Tianlang Village.

Hearing He Shui's name, the village chief believed the young man's words, and his whole body became depressed. Why did the people in Tianlang village treat his village like this?

And the second child, nothing will happen, right?

"Village chief, if the people from the Liao tribe were really let in by the Heavenly Wolf Village, the route may be provided by the Heavenly Wolf Village. If your village..."

Qingyun wanted to say, "If you die, everything will be fine", but seeing the gloomy face of the village chief, Qingyun swallowed the bad words with a wink.

You don't have to say anything unlucky, but you must break through that layer of window paper.Qingyun will not leave room for people in Dama village to be tactful, and will mercilessly show the truth in front of them.

"...In the eyes of Tianlang Village, after tonight, Dama Village is a dead village. But now the people in your village are fine, and the people of the Liao tribe are all dead. You say, if Tianlang Village receives the news , what will I do to you Damasun?"

The face of the village chief changed, the people of Tianlang Village would definitely not let them go easily.

Qingyun thought farther, after the Liao Tribe received the news, they would definitely force Tianlang Village to demand justice, and in order to deal with business, the Tianlang Village would either capture people from Dama Village and hand them over to the Liao Tribe, or simply kill Dama Village The people of the Liao tribe paid their lives for the people of the Liao tribe.

"Master Qing, I have something urgent to go back to solve. Thank you very much for tonight's matter. Our village is not safe. You should leave as soon as possible. Your father-in-law will definitely report to our village in the future."

"You're welcome, it's a little effort..." Qing Yun wanted to be more polite. The village chief couldn't wait any longer, bowed down apologetically, and hurried back to the village.

"...You can go to the county magistrate to make the decision", Qingyun didn't have a chance to say it, the village chief had already left.

Qingyun gritted his teeth, walked towards the black bear mad wolf Tian Duoliang and the three of them, and asked, "Did you find anything?"

"No, the people of the Liao tribe are very cautious. Apart from the totems on their necks, there is nothing on their bodies to prove their identities. There is no customs clearance butterfly, no guides, and even the saber belongs to our Dayong dynasty." Hei Xiong frowned.

"Master Qing, this is not quite right," Crazy Wolf had been pondering for a while, "Let's not talk about the people from the Liao tribe colluding with the Tianlang village, let's talk about the border gate. Without Wendie, the people from the Liao tribe want to lurk Entering the Dayong Dynasty, hundreds of people cannot hide from the generals at the border..."

Needless to say, there is a big trick in the middle.

Crazy Wolf didn't dare to think about that at all, and when he thought about it, he became dazed, it was too scary.

"It goes without saying, how obvious it is, the border generals colluded with the people of the Liao tribe! Anyone who is not blind can see it!" Tian Duoliang said heartlessly.

Qingyun said indifferently: "The generals guarding the border and colluding with the people of the Liao tribe, even you can see it. The court was blind and allowed them to occupy the military power, and let them do nothing. Sooner or later, the Dayong Dynasty will be ruined by them."

"Master Qing, you don't plan to take care of it?" Hei Xiong wanted to yell again, he really didn't want to stay in Qishan to open up wasteland and farm, he was just a rough man, he only liked to fight and kill.

"What the hell!" Qingyun's head was full of black lines, and he couldn't help kicking the black bear, "What do I do, I'll just smash the county magistrate, and I have nothing. I haven't dealt with the eighteen villages in Qishan until modern times .

You have the guts to borrow from the sky, and you still want to go to the border barracks?Don't pull me if you want to die.You bastard cake, try to think of unrealistic things.Find out about the Shibazhai matter as soon as possible, within three months, if you can't find any clues, come and see me. "

Yay, bah, a bunch of bastards, coming up with bad ideas.

Crazy wolf Tian Tarahara also wanted to coax, seeing the black bear being kicked and scolded, the two of them shrank their heads obediently, with their tails between their legs and did not say a word.

His gaze caught sight of Tian Duoliang and the two crazy wolves, and Qingyun's cannon fire was aimed at them again.

"You two too. Crazy wolf, build up the intelligence network as soon as possible. I don't want it. I am a deaf and blind man in Qishan. Give you half a year, and I want Qishan to be completely in my hands. Even a mosquito can get out of Qishan." If I fly by, I will know immediately."

Well, all three of them were scolded.

"Tell the brothers to feel all the corpses of the Liao tribe. If these few don't exist, it doesn't mean that the others don't have them. All the corpses need to be stabbed in the chest, and a knife in the neck will do."

Does the ghost know if there are people who suspended animation or pretended to be dead?

This kind of plot is not uncommon in novels. To be on the safe side, it is safer to make up for it.

Crazy Wolf Heixiong Tian Duoliang and the others couldn't figure out Qingyun's intentions. They were all dead, why did they need to make up for it? If they hadn't been scolded before, the three of them would definitely have asked.

Now... Forget it, Qingyun is getting angry, so they don't go to the guns, but use it as a bucket of anger.

"By the way, some people's heart grows on the left side, and both chests are repaired." Qingyun suddenly remembered this matter, and explained again.

The brothers got the order, and quickly carried it out. They carried out very thoroughly. Not only did the left and right chests be repaired, but also the neck was cut.Master Qing scolded the three bosses, they had witnessed it with their own eyes, and no one dared to provoke Master Qing's anger.

For the few corpses here, Tian Duoliang, the black bear, mad wolf, and the others did it by themselves. There were two corpses for one person.

Crazy Wolf found that the second corpse was not completely dead when the knife was repaired on the left chest. When the knife was stabbed, the dead corpse suddenly opened its eyes and struggled violently. live.

"Is there still life left?"

The three of them were shocked. Crazy Wolf had checked all of these people, and even he was able to hide it from him. This shows how good the acting skills of this person who pretended to be dead are!
At the same time, I am grateful for Qingyun's wise decision. If he hadn't asked for a make-up, some fish would have slipped through the net.

The topics they discussed just now were all taboo words that should not be spread outside. They did not avoid the corpses. If someone escaped, it would be a disaster for Qi Shan.

Regardless of the frontier, the Eighteen Villages of Guangqi Mountain cannot accommodate them.

"Master Qing, how do you know there is still life left?" Tian Duohao asked curiously, how did that boy Qingyun grow his head.

"I don't know, I should do this intuitively." Qingyun said pretendingly.

(End of this chapter)

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