Chapter 29 To Live
What does Qingyun want to do?
She wants to touch a corpse!

I always feel that doing so is disrespectful to the dead.The hand stretched out and retracted.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he still stretched out his sinful hand.It's all for the sake of living, forced to do such things out of desperation.

I don't think God will say anything.

Qingyun shook his hands and finally touched it.

"When you are away from home, being convenient with others is your own convenience. Brothers, you are all dead, and you will contribute your final value. You will not use these things, and they will only end up being moldy and rotten here. I am very kind to use them for you, It was a good thing.”

It was the first time to do such a thing, Qingyun was a little cowardly, closing his eyes and talking nonsense.

"Don't be attached to the human world, this world is chaotic and dirty, where can there be a clear and bright place. People are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts, you should hurry to reincarnate, be born to a wealthy family, be a good person in your next life, enjoy happiness, and drink delicious food Spicy! Anita Buddha!"

Endured the disgusting search, she really found a dozen taels of broken silver, Qingyun was overjoyed, and with silver, he had confidence, and he didn't even look at it all in his arms.

After finding the silver, Qingyun was no longer disgusting or cowardly. He touched it carefully and found nothing.

The ancients liked to hide silver in the middle of their clothes, but Qingyun deliberately looked for it, but there was none.There is also a place to hide silver, shoes.

Qingyun didn't think it was dirty, so he took off his shoes to look for it. He really found a few silver notes from the interlayer of the cloth shoes, and put them in the fortress's arms. When he remembered where the silver notes came from, he still felt a little disgusted, so he simply hid them in his shoes.

After touching the body, he took off his clothes.

"Crazy mad!"

Qingyun despised himself while pulling out his clothes.She can pull off dead people's clothes and touch dead people's money...

Look at what life has forced her into!

This day is too sad, and it is simply impossible to pass.

In addition to leaving a set of underwear for the two dead people, even the shoes were taken off by Qingyun, rolled into a bag, and then folded branches and bushes to cover the corpse, carrying the spoils, and quickly ran down the mountain.

The one who was hanged by the python, Qingyun didn't think about it, she was afraid to see a pile of meat foam...

Song Wen was unhappy about moving away, and looked back from time to time with a worried look on his face.It's been almost half an hour, and the person hasn't come back yet, so what should happen?
"Old man, I'm back."

In order to catch up with the old man, Qingyun ran too fast and was a little out of breath.

"What is missing, you have to go back and get it?" Song Wenqian glared at him dissatisfied. The forest at night was very dangerous, and knowing the danger had to go into danger, it was really uncomfortable.

Qingyun smiled, not caring about the old man's bad temper, shaking the bag in his hand, proudly said: "Look at what this is?"

Before he could guess, Qing Yun opened the bag, took out a pair of shoes and handed it to him, "Old man, you lost the shoes on your feet! Change this, this is still good."

Song Wenqian held the shoe for a while and was speechless, but the hand holding the shoe trembled slightly. Under the cover of the night, Qingyun didn't see it.

Where did the stinky boy drop something, he went back specifically to get his shoes.

The corners of Song Wenqian's eyes were a little wet. He didn't want the young man to see that his emotions were out of control, so he asked knowingly, "Where did it come from?"

Where else could it come from other than the dead.

"Pulling it from a dead person, if you are taboo, I will change it with you, and you will wear mine." Qingyun still smiled, and she was not at all taboo about pulling it from a dead person.

"What to change, toss and toss, do you want to toss me to death? What's taboo, there are few dead people on the road?"

 Routine ticket request

(End of this chapter)

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