Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 30 Handsome people, doing cool things

Chapter 30 Handsome people, doing cool things

That's true!
Qingyun thought so.

Song Wenqian took off his shoes and took a deep look, threw them into the grass in front of him, put on the pair of cloth shoes, and found that they were just right and his feet were much more comfortable.

"Let's go, it's been a long delay. It's been a day and a night, and I don't know if there is anyone in the broken temple? Is the thing still there?"

Song Wenqian was worried that the official uniforms would be picked up and thousands of refugees would flee. Where would they find them?
The road to the broken temple is not the main road to Longqing Mansion, and few people usually come here.If it weren't for the bandits blocking the road, robbing and killing people, some of them would not be able to find this ruined temple, running around regardless of direction.

Qingyun did not express her opinion, she did not know the situation and was not qualified to speak.

Going down is faster than going up.

Far away, I heard a woman's shrill screams and weeping from the ruined temple. The two looked at each other and quickened their pace.

broken temple

Several refugees dragged a girl out, and the girl's parents knelt on the side, kowtowing and begging a few people to let their daughter go.

The other people in the broken temple didn't seem to see the human tragedy that was about to happen here, and their expressions were numb, as if they were accustomed to this situation, and no one offered a helping hand.

"Father, save me!" The girl burst into tears, calling for help from her parents.

"What's your name? It's your blessing that the uncle asks you to serve. If you call it again, believe it or not, your tongue will be cut off."

The man was ferocious, raised his hand and slapped her, so frightened that the girl screamed desperately, struggled desperately, and kicked another first-class citizen.

"Damn, you don't eat or drink for a toast, and I slept with you here."

The refugee said "Bah", grabbed the girl's hair, and slapped her a few times, making her dizzy.

The refugee grinned, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth, and pounced in a wretched manner, tearing at the girl's clothes.

The girl closed her eyes and shed tears of despair.

"Beasts, beasts!"

The girl's parents were mad, and rushed over to fight them desperately. They were kicked to the ground by their fellow refugees. Seeing their fellows rush up in front of so many people, they all gave off lewd and obscene laughs.

When Qingyun Song Wen moved here, he saw this unsightly scene.

Qingyun's eyes became colder, and he clicked, "I am such a handsome person who does handsome things! Old man, wait outside for a while."

Song Wenqian only heard him muttering, but he didn't hear what he said clearly, Qingyun had already walked in with a wooden stick, raised the stick and swung it towards the few refugees.

Qingyun's hands were ruthless, swiping at their heads.

"bang bang bang"

Like smashing a watermelon.


The incident was too sudden, and the refugees in the ruined temple were startled when they heard a few screams.

Turning his head and looking over, the few refugees who were still showing off their might and making a fortune just now rolled on the ground with their heads in their arms. The shrill screams scared the refugees into a ball, and no one dared to look over there. .

They are afraid of getting into trouble.

The refugee on the girl was about to go straight to the topic, when someone interrupted her good deeds, she was in a rage, and when she looked back, she saw the screams of her brothers, and a young man next to him was playing with a wooden stick to look at him, knowing that something was wrong.

The wooden stick was alive in Qing Yun's hands, turned around, and pulled it without warning.


The homeless screamed and watched the stick drawn towards his head. He ducked, but was hit with a stick on his chest.The stick seemed to weigh thousands of pounds, and it was drawn on his chest. Half of the ribs on his chest were broken, and the pain caused his entire face to be twisted and hideous.

 There is an outbreak in winter and winter today, what about the babies?

(End of this chapter)

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