Chapter 31

"The hero spares his life, the hero spares his life..."

The refugees cried bitterly, ignoring the pain in their chests, lying on the ground trembling and desperately begging for mercy.

Hearing the screams of the brothers, gradually exhausted, the refugees shivered with fear.

A group of people who bully the soft and fear the hard, bully the good and fear the evil.

Don't look at him being weak and begging for mercy now, once he has a chance to turn over, the means of revenge will be even more brutal and bloody.

Qingyun did not soften her hand, facing the refugees who cried and begged for mercy, her heart was extremely cold.

If such a person survives, it will only make more people unhappy.

He picked up the wooden stick and pulled it towards his head. With a scream of "ah", the refugee fell down.

Qingyun has never been a pure good person, and sometimes, her methods are very bloody.For example, now that she doesn't kill people, it doesn't mean that she has no means of punishment.

Sometimes, life is better than death is the greatest punishment.

Qingyun smashed all the leg bones of several famous people, and smashed his right arm, so as to avoid future troubles, even Hua Tuo could not be cured in this world, unless he was completely cut off and installed two-legged mechanical feet.Leaving their left hand intact alone allows them to survive.

The continuous screams in the broken temple made the refugees tremble collectively, thinking that she was more terrifying than those refugees, and she was a devil.

Looking at the girl who was naked, Qingyun subconsciously had to undress to cover the girl, and only when she touched the belt did she remember that there was something hidden inside her, so it was inconvenient to take it off.

Fortunately, everyone in the broken temple was taboo here, and subconsciously turned away, lowered their heads, and did not dare to look this way, which saved her troubles.

"Old man," Qingyun called back, her cloth bag was left at the door, the two had been together for two days, and they had gotten along well, and the old man understood what she meant.

At this time, a piece of clothing was handed over from the side. I don't know if it was because of fear or for other reasons, but the hand kept shaking.

Qingyun turned his head to look over, and found that it was a young man similar to her.Seeing her turn her head to look at him, she was startled, and the clothes in her hands almost fell.

Qingyun took it and thanked him with a smile, "Thanks, brother!"

The man was not angry when he saw Qingyun taking the clothes away, he was relieved.Slowly, he walked back to his position and squatted, his eyes kept looking at Qingyun.

Qingyun put clothes on the girl to cover up her figure.

Qingyun lowered his voice and said softly: "Girl, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's alright, the bad guys have been beaten and injured by me, and they can't do evil anymore. You have nothing to do."

The girl who had been desperately waiting to die, after hearing Qingyun's words, the tears flowed more and more, and at the end, she burst into tears.

In the face of this situation, Qingyun is also powerless, she has never coaxed girls!I can only persuade her not to cry.

The girl's parents finally came to their senses, and her mother rushed over to hug the girl and cried together.And the girl's father, surrounded by the crying mother and two, persuaded one not to cry and the other not to cry.

There is nothing to do with her here, Qingyun turned back to find the old man.

Song Wenqian carried a cloth bag and wandered around the ruined temple. The refugees recognized that he came with the evil star, and no one dared to provoke him.

Song Wenqian had looked for all the places he saw Qingyun had been to, but there was none.Thinking about it carefully, he guarded him for a few days, and he didn't seem to see him with other luggage. It is estimated that the official uniform was on his bodyguard.

I haven't seen those few guards until now, so bad luck!The official uniform could not be found.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Qingyun came back and saw him sighing, thinking that there was something wrong with his body.

(End of this chapter)

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