Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 32 Heroes save beauty, shouldn't they be worshipped?

Chapter 32 Heroes save beauty, shouldn't they be worshipped?
"I'm not uncomfortable. You may not be able to find it back!"

Song Wenqian glared at him, the stinky boy couldn't see his goodness, and cursed him every time.If he is really bad, he is cursed by the stinky boy.

"If you don't have it, then you won't have it! It's not a big deal. The car must have a way to the front of the mountain. It's useless to think so much. What if it comes to the door by itself one day!" Qingyun is very optimistic.

With the official seal, she doesn't worry, she refuses to accept it, and fights until you accept it.

Song Wenqian looked at him with indescribable eyes, and he was worried to death. This one is very good. He thought it was beautiful, and he brought it to the door himself.

Does it have long legs?

Song Wenqian regretted a little, he made a hasty decision, is there really a future for following this person?
To be honest, he was very skeptical.

"Where's my cloth bag?" Qingyun looked around, but didn't see her cloth bag and asked the old man.

"This!" Song Wenqian pulled it out from under his buttocks, opened the cloth bag, took a robe and threw it to him, and then put it under his buttocks again.

The corners of Qingyun's eyes twitched. Fortunately, she wasn't wearing them. She took her clothes and left. She searched the ruined temple and walked under the corner of the wall.

The refugees saw where he was coming from, and automatically shrank into a ball, squeezing out space for him to walk.

Qingyun paused and looked at their behavior helplessly, not knowing what to say, but found that the refugee at her feet was shaking even more, so she had to continue walking.

After she passed, the refugees were visibly relieved.

Qingyun raised her eyebrows, is she that scary?Heroes save beauty, shouldn't they be worshipped?

"Brother, you are not bad." Qingyun walked up to the man who borrowed the clothes just now, handed the clothes over, "I'll pay you."

The man thought he had done something wrong that the evil star would come to him, and his face turned pale with fright.But not wanting to pay for his clothes, he was stunned, waved his hand and refused, "No... no need..."

Qingyun stuttered when he saw him, and threw his clothes on him and left.

Qing Yun also sighed while sitting next to the old man, one after another, it was hard for Song Wenqian not to hear it.

"Whatever the young man sighs, the blessings are all sighed away by you."

Qingyun touched her nose, she was in love!
It's not bad to be afraid of, at least they all know that she is not easy to mess with and will not approach her, which saves a lot of trouble.

Looking at the moon star shining above his head, Qingyun, who was in a panic, leaned back, leaned against the wall, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

You won't be hungry when you sleep!

"Benefactor, thank you for saving our family."

As soon as Qingyun closed her eyes, she heard a "bang" in front of her. When she opened her eyes, the old man's family of three knelt in front of her. Without waiting for her to refuse, they all kowtowed to thank him.

The sound of "bang bang bang" made Qingyun's teeth sour, and they all had a headache for them. Knock so hard, won't their heads be broken?

"Get up, it's a trivial matter, you don't have to do this." Qingyun got busy and supported the old man, preventing them from kowtowing.

It's easy to do, and it doesn't need such a big move.Seeing the old man kowtow to her, Qingyun felt very uncomfortable!
The old man refused to get up, but was pulled up by Qingyun effortlessly.

The girl and her mother saw that the head of the house was up, so they had to stand up too.

"Brother, what are you doing? It's just a little effort. You're a jerk." Song Wenqian came over to relieve the siege, but Qingyun didn't see it as someone who could solve this kind of lockup.

When the old man heard the words, he became even more restrained, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

 ???? type for tickets, for collections, for investment????
(End of this chapter)

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