Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 33 Can You Beat Them

Chapter 33 Can You Beat Them

The young man and this gentleman are not ordinary people at first glance.

The old man was very restrained, hunched over, not daring to speak close, for fear of bumping into the nobles.

After the old man's family thanked him, he didn't leave, his eyes were always on Qingyun.

Qingyun noticed and looked over, the old man shrank his head, avoiding her gaze.Qingyun couldn't figure out what they meant, and looked at the old man: What do you mean, this is?

Song Wenqian motioned Qingyun to sleep with him. Seeing the embarrassment of the old man, he patted the seat next to him, "Brother, come to me! I still have a place here."

However, the old man glanced at Qingyun and saw that she had no objection, so he brought his wife and daughter over, and carefully sat next to Song Wenqian, an arm's length away from Song Wenqian.

Qingyun understood and asked for asylum.

Qing Yun closed her eyes and was about to go to sleep, but her gaze flickered on her from time to time, which was annoying.

Qingyun suddenly opened his eyes, and caught the girl who was peeking at her. The words of the rebuke came to his mouth and choked back.

As soon as the little girl suffered grievances, she would be more generous. Anyway, there would be no less meat.Close your eyes and get ready to sleep.

After a while, there was a rustling sound around him, like the sound of a mouse crawling on a straw pole, not too big but annoying.

Qingyun opened her eyes and saw the girl standing in front of her, looking like she wanted to call her but didn't dare to call her.

"Is something wrong?"

Qingyun tried her best to make herself smile as naturally as possible. Her violent temper was about to be worn down by the girl... she was about to explode!

The girl didn't realize that Qingyun was awake, she was startled when she heard her voice suddenly, raised her head to meet Qingyun's dark eyes, and then lowered her head again.

Song Wenqian clicked his tongue, the stinky boy is going to have a good luck!

The girl's parents were startled when they found that the girl was running in front of the son, and rushed over to pull her back, whispering to her, "Be obedient, don't make trouble!"

The girl refused to go back, broke free from her parents' hands, ran to Qingyun again, looked at her timid parents, and summoned up her courage to say, "Master, can I beat them?"

After the girl finished speaking, she pointed at the few refugees on the ground, her expression was a bit fierce, but she felt uneasy and didn't dare to look at Qingyun.

"Whatever!" Why ask her about this kind of thing, is she okay with the refugees?

The girl seemed to have received some kind of encouragement. She picked up the wooden stick at Qingyun's feet and walked towards the refugees. She picked up the wooden stick and beat her, so fierce...


The sudden screams startled the refugees again, thinking that something had happened, and turned to look at the source of the sound.

Seeing a girl beating someone, the refugees were not so scared anymore.Not the evil star!

Qingyun opened his mouth wide in shock, then clicked his tongue and looked away!I thought it was bean sprouts, but I didn't expect it to be a hot pepper.

Song Wenqian was also taken aback by the girl's performance, turned his head to look at Qingyun, and then looked at the girl again.

Are the little girls so powerful now?

The girl's parents were also startled. They wanted to pull the dead girl back, but when they saw Qingyun was looking happy, the old man hesitated for a while, but still didn't dare to pull.

Nearby refugees, after seeing that the people who were beaten were refugees, some who had been bullied by refugees walked out slowly and watched them get beaten with cold eyes.

Seeing that the refugees who are showing off their power on weekdays have no resistance under the stick, the fear of refugees is slowly disappearing.

Qingyun glanced at the silent refugees and smiled.

Some of the refugees have suffered!
Close your eyes and go to sleep, leave them alone, and don't kill people.

(End of this chapter)

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