Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 290 Bandits are coming

Chapter 290 Bandits are coming

"Village Chief, I'm late."

After listening to what the third child said, the second brother He looked terrified. Seeing that the whole village was burned to nothing but a shelf, he felt lingering fear when he thought of it.

The village chief shook his head when he saw He Laoer, "Second boy, what's the matter with you, I sent you up the mountain for the sake of the village, those bandits came to our village to kill and massacre the village, you didn't get any news back, if it wasn't Master Qing and the others...our village will be gone."

"I've heard about the matter in the village from my third son. The other night, my brothers dragged me to drink," He Laoer gritted his teeth, hating those people to death.

"I have been in the village for a year or two, and I have always invited them to drink. They invited me to drink suddenly. I thought they regarded me as their own, but I didn't expect them to have other purposes. Which village are those bandits from?"

The bandits are from the Liao Ministry, except for the village chief, only Qing Yun and his group know about it. The villagers and He Shui who found the totem on the bandits' necks only know that the bandits have this on their necks.

The matter is so important, how dare the village chief let the villagers know.

"I don't know. No matter how much you interrogate you, you won't speak out. You won't say anything even if your hands and feet are interrupted. There's no other way. We'll kill them all. Our village is fine. I'm afraid that the Tianlang village will come to investigate... Everyone is dead, and there is no evidence for death. In the future You have to be extra careful in the stockade."

"I know," He Lao Er said, "Village Chief, I think those who say it are right. Tianlang Village wants people from our village to die. They do it on the first day of junior high school, and we do it on the fifteenth day."

He Shui lowered his head and approached the village head and whispered: "I heard that our county magistrate came from Qishan, and the village chief and the others are investigating the county magistrate's affairs, and want to give the county magistrate a blow.

The third child said that the group of people did not belong to us in Qishan, and I guessed that they might belong to the county magistrate.The third child saw that they had two tiger skins in their hands, and those who dared to go into the mountains to fight tigers could not be incapable.

The county magistrate has been in Qishan for several days, but the head of the village and the others haven't even heard the news, which shows that the county magistrate is very powerful.

We can't go there openly, we can secretly send someone to the county seat to complain to the magistrate.The young master mentioned by the third child reminded our village to file a complaint openly and secretly. The county magistrate must have the ability to protect our village. "

Three fires for the new official to take office!
He Laoer guessed that there was nothing in Qishan, and the county magistrate wanted to make a contribution, so he could only suppress the bandits.

The village head was dizzy by the news, and he had only one thought in his mind: Qishan is here again as the county magistrate.

"Let me think about it!"

"I sneaked back during the patrol, and I can't stay long. Village chief, think about it carefully, no matter whether the county magistrate is capable or not, you should send someone to inquire about the situation first, and then make a decision when you come back. Your decision, It is related to the lives of the whole village.”

He Laoer left, and the village head fell into deep thought.


Qingyun and the others didn't know that they left Dama Village and that He Laoer came back suddenly, and they didn't know that He Laoer persuaded the village chief to ask the county magistrate to make the decision.

Not long after entering the mountain, the brothers who were monitoring Gaojia Village in Gaoliang Bay came to look for them. When they saw Qingyun and his party, they were so excited that they almost jumped up.

"Master Qing, there is a situation in Gaojia Village. The people of Gaojia Village contacted the people from Shiba Village last night. We didn't dare to get too close for fear of being discovered by people from Shiba Village. I guess we will come to collect food in the next few days."

The brother wrung his hands wretchedly and looked at Qingyun, with a wolfish look in his eyes.

Not to mention that Qingyun was excited when he heard the news, Tian Duoliang, mad wolf, black bear and the three of them were also excited.

"Master Qing,"

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and Black Bear turned their heads to look at Qingyun.

"Go, go to Gaojia Village and give him a vote."

With a wave of Qing Yun's hand, the brothers screamed excitedly, "Ao Ao Ao", the brothers were worried that they would not be able to catch up with the robbery of the Eighteen Villages, so they marched a little faster than usual.

In case, when they rushed to Gaojia Village, the people from Shibazhai left with food, wouldn't it be a waste of time for them to come out.I wish I had an extra pair of legs to walk on.

When they came, the brothers were leisurely and leisurely, hunting and improving the food. When they went back, the brothers wished they didn't even eat the dry food, so as to delay their journey.

He only slept for an hour, and felt that he had slept too much, so he urged Qingyun to hurry.

When I came here, it took four days to go from Gaojia Village to Dama Village, and only one and a half days to go back. Among them, the wolf cubs contributed the most. They were accompanied by a pack of wolves, escorting them, and they no longer had to worry about being attacked by wild animals when they traveled at night.


"Master Qing"

"Master Qing"

The brothers who monitored Gaojia Village saw Qingyun and the others coming back, and greeted them one after another.

"Brothers, thank you for your hard work! What's the situation? Are the people from the village here?" Qingyun nodded in response to the brothers.

"The people from Shibazhai haven't come yet, but we found that the food in the village has been prepared, and there are [-] carts on the side of the grain drying field."

There are fewer carts than the county seat.

Also, Gaojia Village has fewer accounts than the county seat, and the population is less natural food.

"Where did they meet? Where did the bandits from the Eighteen Villages come from?"

It is daytime right now, just in time to explore the route and choose the most favorable combat terrain.

It was also the first time for Qingyun to participate in a large-scale battle in an organized and planned manner, and he was very excited, his blood boiled with excitement.Since she is the commander of the battle, she has to be careful, so that the brothers don't see her emotions.

"The people from Shibazhai came from the mountain over there, and they didn't have any scruples at all. They brought people with them in broad daylight and held up the flag of the cottage, just like the officials and masters of the imperial court going on tour. They are quite ostentatious."

When the brother saw the three bosses behind Qing Ye, they gestured to him and gave him winks. The brother had an idea and thought of the explanation from the boss of the black bear.

No matter what Qing Ye asks, the brothers have to give Qing Ye a fire.

"Crazy Wolf, Hei Xiong, Daliang, each of you lead a team to scout the nearby forests, choose the place to ambush and attack first, and finally stay away from Gaojia Village. Hei Xiong, I remember you have a brother named Owl, you can ask him , can you still find traces of the Eighteen Villages after two days?"

"Let me ask."

Hei Xiong and the others each led a team of ten people to scout out the terrain. The other brothers took the time to rest and drove for two days and two nights. They were excited, but they looked tired.

Qingyun also sprinted around, looking for favorable terrain. The terrain mentioned by others is worse than walking through it to be familiar with it.

Qingyun's speed was fast, she went around the mountains and forests with a radius of six or seven miles, and when she came back, she saw that the three teams of black bear, mad wolf and Tian Duoliang had all returned.

"Master Qing, the owl has found the traces of Shiba Village. About seven or eight miles away from Gaojia Village, there is a small stream. It was found that someone cooked there, and the traces were two days ago." Hei Xiong said.

Before Qingyun came back, they had already checked the terrain and route they had traveled, and they had confirmed that the creek that Heixiong and the others had found was the place where Shibazhai passed by.

The black bear broke a branch and drew a route and the forests on both sides of the route on the ground.

 Thank you Jasmine, Qiao Qiaomei, Tangli Yishusha, Blue Eagle Technology Business, for your votes, meme da

  Thank you for the reward of Aiya Book, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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