Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 291 Ambush, Intercept

Chapter 291 Ambush, Intercept
"You two draw it too."

After the black bear was finished, Qingyun motioned to Tian Duoliang, the crazy wolf, to supplement the rest of the route. The range of mountains and forests the three of them walked happened to be within the range of Qingyunzhuan.

Qing Yun had also been to the creek that Hei Xiong mentioned, and she walked along the creek for a while, and then found a good place to ambush.

"Four or five miles forward from the road from the creek, there is a small depression in this place. The creek just runs from the depression. The place is flat, and there are mountains and forests on both sides of the depression. I guess the bandits are escorting back the food, and they may rest here."

Qingyun's eyes fell on the small col, his eyes flickering.

"You want to ambush here?" Upon hearing Qing Yun's words, Hei Xiong guessed what he meant and looked up at him.

"That's what you think," Qing Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled.

After finding traces of the bandits at the creek, Hei Xiong also walked forward for a while, and also found the small mountain depression mentioned by Qingyun.

"Over the small mountain col..." Hei Xiong squinted his eyes, "The place is flat, but the mountain forest is a little far away from the small mountain col. The brothers are ambushing in the mountain forest and attacking. I am worried that the route is too long, in case the bandits escape..."

"Don't lie in ambush in the mountains, but in the bushes in the small mountain depression." Qingyun said with confidence.

"What? Ambushing in the mountain depression? You're not kidding, the bushes are not up to your waist, how can you hide people?" Hei Xiong was so startled that his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets. Seeing that Qingyun was completely serious, his face twitched fiercely.

What can they do if they find such a headstrong boss?
Accept your fate!
The big deal is to change the sneak attack to a strong attack.

"The mountain people have their own tricks. Wolf cub, you and the wolves guard the two sides of the small mountain depression. If the bandits escape to your side, you don't need to keep alive. Kill them."

The wolf cub glanced at Qingyun, stopped howling the wolf, jumped into the forest beside the road, and disappeared without a trace without making a sound.The brothers who watched were envious.

It is really a good weapon for murder, sneak attack and assassination.

"Come here, three of you, I'll tell you..."

Crazy wolf black bear Tian Duoliang and the other three, from the state of lovelessness at the beginning, listened and nodded at the end, looking at Qingyun with shining eyes like searchlights.

The three of them were thinking in their hearts, this kid Qingyun is really ugly, he is really not a thing.At the same time, they are fortunate that they are in the same group as Qingyun, whoever offends him will definitely be slandered to death by this kid.

After the brothers ate the dry food, the group rushed to the small col.

"Now, then, do as I told you." Qing Yun dug out a few bamboo jars from the bag and threw them to Mad Wolf Black Bear Tian Duo Liang.

Qingyun doesn't care about the distribution of the brothers, let the three of them discuss it.All she had to do was tell the three of them.

Qingyun dug a piece of green human ointment himself, picked a leaf the size of a cattail fan, went to fetch water from the stream, put a small part of the ointment into the water, stirred it evenly with his hands, his fingers were stained with green water, Apply to face.

This thing is the pigment paste she asked Lanhua to make according to her requirements.

After smearing the face, neck and hands, the remaining human pigment paste was soaked in the water in the bathtub. The bathtub was stolen by the brothers in Gaojia Village. The brothers took off their outer robes, threw it into the bathtub and soaked it for a few minutes, then took it out and wrung it dry After the water, the clothes all turned green.


After nightfall, the mountains and forests faded from the heat of the day, and the cold moonlight wrapped the sky, which seemed to be a little colder than before.

In the forest, apart from the "rustling" sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, there is only the sound of insects and frogs, and there is no strange cry of night owl "Jie Jie", let alone the roar of wild animals.

Suddenly in the forest, the cat eagle's cry of "cuckoo cuckoo" was heard, and it disappeared after two calls.


The brothers who were ambushing in the small col heard the cry of the owl and knew that the bandits from Shibazhai came back with food.

Shrimp stuff.

They lay in ambush all night in the small col. Before the bandits from Shibazhai came, they thought they had made a mistake. They didn't expect to see the shadow of the bandits walking far away from the small col when it was almost noon.

A mighty group of people, almost 300 to [-] people, just like what the brother said, carried the flag of the cottage, and came over laughing.

The bandits from Shibazhai came, which showed that this route was correct.

Regardless of which dynasty or generation, they are extremely sensitive to green hats.

The brothers endured the green face and head, and continued to ambush. They didn't see the bandits coming back until nightfall, so they just closed their eyes and rested their minds. It didn't take long before they heard the good news.


"Brother Leopard, we are going to Xiaoshan Col soon, and there is still two quarters of the journey at most, rest there for the night tonight, and then go on the road tomorrow during the day, what do you think?"

It's not safe to rush with so much food on the road. If there is a problem with the food on the way, they will all die except Brother Bao.

Besides, the cottage is not in a hurry to use it.

"Okay, just do as you said, and be careful." Brother Bao thought for a while and nodded in agreement. Huangjiabao had no food to hand over, and the food in the cottage was very tight, so no surprises could be tolerated.

In the quiet mountain forest, the wheels of the car "creaked and creaked" all over the mountain forest. Under the light of the dark yellow torches, the carts were full of sacks.

Not long after, more than a dozen carts entered the small mountain depression, pushing the carts all the way, the bandits were all exhausted like dead dogs, lying on the ground panting.

Great opportunity for a sneak attack!

Qingyun made a gesture to go down, and the brothers all wore hats made of branches, hunched over their waists, and shuttled through the bushes.

When the bandits heard the "rustling" sound, they thought it was the wind.Qingyun and the others touched the bandits, covered their mouths, wiped their necks and killed many bandits before they realized it.

"Brother Leopard, someone is sneaking up on us!" The bandit didn't finish speaking when he heard the screams of his brothers.


"who are you?"

Brother Leopard, who had just laid down to rest, turned over and got up when he heard his brother's words, "Suddenly I saw a group of people with green hats made of branches on their heads and green faces. I was shocked. What was even more frightening was that the group of people were intercepting his people.

Qingyun and the others didn't pay any attention to him. If they had that skill, they might as well kill a few more bandits when they were tired, hungry and sleepy.

Brother Leopard picked up his Vajra Broadsword and blocked the sword in the hands of his killer.

"Which village do you belong to? We are from Guigu Village, and this forest belongs to our Guigu Village. Brother, have you crossed the border?"

"Of course you'll know when you get to Hades' place." Tian Duoliang rushed over to join Brother Bao.

"Hey, it's not certain who will die. Those who dare to come and rob our Guigu village are getting impatient."

Qingyun didn't do anything, Tian Duoliang, mad wolf and black bear disagreed, Qingyun could only sweep the formation, seeing that the brother was in danger, she went to help.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket voted by Shan Youmu Xi Mu You Zhi, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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